nw: | *January '89 |
Jenny G's Travels. | January '89 |
Wednesday, 4th. January, '89. As many businesses are closed down over Christmas, this is the main time we can both be away from work so this trip has been planned to cement business relationships with our South African supplier. With all the end of year work out of the way, books balanced, figures complete, lists of what has to be done when, by whom, and how, I'm looking forward to this trip ! Since making plans months ago, this trip will cater for everyone. Business-wise, geography and education during school holidays, horse racing and gambling casinos as well as diving ! I've been to gym regularly to reach a fitness level to make the most of the 'trade-off' - some time spent diving, in Mauritius. So working with company travel agent Vicki, we've drawn up an itinery as follows: Singapore - Mauritius - Durbin - Johannesburg - Sun City - Johannesburg - Harare - Victoria Falls - Harare - Perth - home. The pets have been taken to the cattery, the birds will be tendered, fed and watered, mail delivery has been held, someone is coming in during those January scorchers to water the garden, hanging baskets and potplants, all of those things to be dealt with when locking the house up for a few weeks finally organised. While in Durbin, our friends Audrey and Norman will give us an 'African Safari' treat, taking in Sabi Sands and Londolozi before heading back to Durbin. First stop - Singapore. How far is it ? - 3775 miles (6076 km) - 7hrs. Saturday, 28th. January, '89. |