Here is some things to help you get going on building your own homepage, I am going to try and add some more to this so check back.

Basic HTML Codes ...this is a list of the most common basic HTML codes you'll use and explinations of what they are and what they do.

HTML Color Codes ...this is the basic (boring) color chart for HTML color codes.

Color Picker ...this is another way to get that code for your HTML color, but its a neat way of finding exactly what you want.

The Palace ...If your having trouble figuring out how to use Pirch, then THIS is the place to go to!

ICQ Power User Help Page ...Need some help with ICQ, go here.

Unofficial GeoCities Email FAQs ...The name says it all.

The "HOME PAGE" Home Page ...Get the most out of HTML and GeoCities home page editors!

Heartland HeadQuarters ...Your one-stop homestead shop for resources in Heartland

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