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Welcome to our Paradise on Earth
(PA as in Pennsylvania!)


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Paradise was made just for you!

We wanted a place where Family, Friends, and Prospective Friends
could learn more about us.

Who are we?

Bob and Tena ... also known as Nim and Luv by those we know and love.

What will you find in Paradise?


Take a peek inside Paradise Journal to read all about us ... even see us!

Family Album

Visit the Paradise Album to see some of our family photos.


See what's cookin' in ChatStew where you can find out about some of the people we have met during our chat experiences. You don't want to miss this one!


Browse through Italian recipes in Mama Rosie's Italian Kitchen - Rosie is Nim's mom. We eat some great Italian food! We'll add more recipes from time to time!

Operation Just Cause

Come to our Adopted MIA Page and find out about "Operation Just Cause" and what you can do to help bring our soldiers home.

Rosetta Mouse

Visit the newest member of our family at Rosetta's Place. She wants to show you her new home!


Find an extensive list of great links to Graphics for Web Pages, Fantasy Football, Sweepstakes and Contests, Health Organizations, Home and Domestics, Halls of Fame, Pennsylvania and much more at Paradise Links.


We Adopted a POW-MIA

Cyberpie Award

Outstanding Achievement Award

Widow's Web Award

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****Special Thanks****

There are not enough words to express our gratitude to "Close" for all the help, support, and patience she has given to us while creating this site. Every once in a while someone comes along who touches your life and reinforces your belief that good people still exist in this world. Thank you, Close, for being one of those people! We love you very much :)

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