Let's Write some HTML!

So, now you know a little about HTML...are you ready to write some?  Good!  Remember what we already discussed about how to create an HTML document? Excellent! Let's start with the basic HTML tags that you need to create a web page. 


Tags Where Used
The open HTML tag has to be the first tag on the page.
The close HTML tag has to be the last tag on the page.
These tags appear below the open HTML tag usually. 
You place whatever text you would like as a title between these two tags.
The open body tag generally comes right after the close title tag. 
You place whatever text, formatting, or images you want in your web page
within these tags.  The close body tag is generally placed
just before the close HTML tag.
<BR> The BR or "break" tag is used to place a "hard return" to split text
over two lines at a particular location... without starting a new paragraph.
<P> The paragraph tag begins a new paragraph at the specified location.
<HR> The horizontal rule tag inserts a separator line to visually divide your page.


Effect Tag Code Being Used
BOLD <B> <B>Bold</B>
Italic <I> <I>Italic</I>
Typewriter <TT> <TT>Typewriter</TT>
Underline <U> <U>Underline</U>


Example Code:


<TITLE> My first html page </TITLE>

<B>This is my first HTML page!</B>

<P> I can write in <I>Italic</I> or <B>Bold</B>



<B><I>Or I can use both! </I></B><BR>


<TT>...and that's all</TT>


It will look similar to this (this is an inline frame, if you cannot see it , your browser doesn't support them):



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