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 The Games

Play by Email Campaigns

Something Stinks!
I Think It's Kale.

Ongoing since October 1996, you can read the whole story.

With four years behind us, there's a wealth of information you can read.

The characters are diverse and well developed. The PCs and NPCs both have thier own sections. Also check out the detailed character sheets and expereince totals.

The maps section shows everywhere the group has been over thier three month journey. You can follow them chronologically through the game calander. Also, check out the diagram of the Sand Skimmers they use to get around the Dead Sea.

For a quick rundown on the game and her characters, hop over to Kale's Crusaders homepage.

Past Adventures

The Scourge of Saberhaven (July 1999 - August 2000)

Scourge PCs
Scourge NPCs

Saberhaven City work in progress

The Darkening
(March 1995 - August 1995)

The Game: Darkening Part 2
(October 1995 - September 1996)

Lurker Listserv! The lurker listserv has been created fo those who want to follow the campaign and discuss it with the other lurkers. Just send an email to: and put nothing in the subject field. In the body of the email put only the following:
subscribe kale-lurker

If you'd like to be considered as an alternate for the Kale game, e-mail me and I'll send you the character submission form.

A chat room was set up for players, lurkers and the DM. Sessions are scheduled from time to time. E-mail me to request a session.