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 The Games

Wizard Spells
Level 5

Spectre's Wave Form (Enchantment)

Range: 5 feet/level

Components: V, S

Duration: 1 rnd/level

Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special

Creator: Christopher Ahrens (

This spell alters any subsequently cast damaging area effect spell (i.e., Fireball, Ice Storm, Mage Blast, etc. Not Magic Missile, Acid Arrow, etc.) of 4th level or lower. The result is a wave-like shape of the spell that casts out from the mage instantly, in the direction he is facing and his line of sight is the wall's center. The wave's width is identical to the altered spell's greatest measurement. It's range originates from the caster and extends to the range of the spell (5'/ level). Damage is unaffected and if any portion of the wave strike an immovable object that is not destroyed my the magic, that portion is lost.

Example: Joe the mage, Wave Forms a Lighting Bolt. The Lighting Bolt's greatest measurement is 80', so that is the width of the wave, with it extending 40' to either side of Joe. Since he is a 11th level mage it will continue 55' directly ahead. If he were to cast it from the center of a room 50' across and 50' long, the last 15' of the wave would not exist. It would travel 25' to the far wall and upon hitting the 5'wide doorway it would continue into the next room for another 30' but now only 5' wide.

Now if the walls were weak enough for his lightning bolt to destroy it, thewave would continue unhindered.

Valdimar's Charm Trap (Enchantment)

Range: 0

Components: V, S, M

Duration: Permenant

Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 writing Saving Throw: Neg.

Creator: Christopher Ahrens (

This spell imbues any magical or non-magical writing with subtle glyphs and runes of binding. Once the creature has thoroughly read (not just skimmed) the material, they must make a save vs. Spells modified by Wisdom or become under the effects of Charm Person spell. The Trap is not expended after use and can be re-read several times to maintain the Charm. The Charm lasts as a Charm Person spell, based up on Intelligence of the victim.

The material component of this is an ink prepared with the fluid from the hypnotic Markoth.

This spell was devised to ensure the servitude of the dark wizard's apprentices and give them a surprise should they read his tomes. As well, it was used as a vengeful gift to rival mages, peers, and wizard guilds that forced his co-operation at times of war.