City of Forever
You've just entered Lan Mesinsure, the latest outpost of
Atlantis. You're very welcome to explore the place, and read up on anything of
Updates (December 16, 2000) It's official! The folks at JJEagle Computers have been kind enough to help us purchase our own domain! The new site, Lunar Falls, will be located at There's nothing there yet, of course, but the move is going to happen, and we'll still be here to give you good info on mythical stuff. (December 4, 2000) We still haven't updated in a while. Icicella went on vacation, and I've been occupied. But also, we intend to overhaul, and move, Lan Mesinsure in the New Year. So keep your fingers crossed. |
"Life is short, eat dessert first." -Unknown |
Tales of Lan Mesinsure Legends of Xeplin Gargoyles Protectors Lan Mesinsure Gallery Art Gallery |
Races History Sorcery Portals |
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Go see other pages by the same authors:
The All New Kombat Temple
The Castle at Tyr's Hand
Diablo - Rogues of Nehpalim
Lan Mesinsure and related characters, plot-lines, and graphics are copyright Jesse Leclerc. All material on this page has been produced by him, unless otherwise stated. All characters appearing on this page are purely fictional.
Most material has been inspired by Gargoyles, which is copyright Disney and Buena Vista Television. The concept is used without permission and nothing but respect for its creators is implied.