Aladriana 's Home Page

Aladriana's HomePage

Home of fantasy, the fantastic and all other manner of strange things...

As you enter the premises, you see an old woman sitting in the corner, leaning heavily on an ornate staff. A fire burns next to her and as the fire light hits her eyes you can see that she's blind. Even so she smiles, and welcomes you to her homepage.

Comming soon...a new and improved page.. (no really, I mean it, can't you tell?)

My links page. This page will lead you to links of my links. Some for writing, some for chat, and yes..even one about me, personally (no, no pictures). So drop on by..then come back, and sign my guestbook.

My Bookstore , in association with From here, you can read my book reviews, and even buy the book!

Go straight to my Movie review page. New page as of 6/3/98.

It seems to me that some sound would be good..but it took too long to download..if you want to hear music click here

© 1997 aladriana@geocities.comSend me an email, and tell me what to add, change or just what ya think..

This page has been visited this many times ...mostly by me.

Interested in building or beautifing your website? Follow this link to cool stuff!!!

Always, always under construction.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

If you wish to see the old Guestbook

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