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Greetings fellow Otukus. The show all anime and Nintendo fans have been waiting on is here. Pokemon! If anyone has any backgrounds and Pokemon pictures, and any other wav and midi files (Especially the new Pokemon Japanese intro, and "2B A Master" in MP3 format.) please e-mail me at This is starting up. So grab your benito boxes and fill it with some sushi. MMMMmmmmmmm California Rolls. Pass the soy and wasabi sauce.

Gotta Catch This bug!

I am starting a stand-up comedy joke page if you want to sumit a joke click to this site and read the rules. Then you can e-mail me the joke.

NEW! The Otaku Multimedia site. Click here

Also New! Looking for an RPG place to play. Then go to the Sailor Moon G RPG site. Click here

What is Pokemon?


I know some of you non-Otukus are asking. The show is mainly about 10 year-old boy named Ash and his pet Pokemon called Pikachu. Ash's quest is become a Pokemon master. The story is, in Ash's world these Animals called Pokemon are part of the species in the world Ash calls home. When a kid becomes Pokemon training license and go on quest to become Pokemon master. On this quest, the person tries to capture more Pokemons. Can you capture them all? See if you can when the game comes out on September 28, 1998. Now for the history of the show;The show began in Japan sometime in 1995 and was a hit in Japan, and unfortunatly ended when a visual effect on the show which was an episode that included a Polygon (The episode will sometime appear in the US.) caused some illness in some people who watched the show during December of 1997. Today some Japanese chanels still have some reruns of the show except for that episode. Then on September 7, 1998, Pokemon became an official date to be shown in the US. PIKA-PIKA POWER!


Yes! On September 29, 1998 I got the Red version of Pokemon. I also defeated the Elite Four and Gary and now I am collecting uncollected Pokemon. Right now as of 10/25/98 I own 98 Pokemon and have a level 100 Pikachu. Think you can beat those two goals, e-mail me at

Since the dialer system has been having problems trying to get a new dialer to work but I failed to do so. So we're back in business and I am trying now to update the site as fast as I can.

AHHHHHHHH! As of 11/2/98 WBFS (The station the shows Pokemon in South Florida.) is now going back to episode one. Make sure if this has happened in your city and you want to stop it get your voices heard and say to your station and the people that buy those U.S. shows and suggest to them to buy more episodes. We cannot get enough of the show.

From What I have been hearing from Giant Penguin that they are coming up with a Pokemon special in November and sometime later after these stupid reruns, there are going to run new episodes until sometime in January. (Pretty screwy. Isn't it?)

Say! I got an idea. Since Pokemon Satadium is comin soon, I say we e-mail Nintendo and have real Pokemon leagues. Huh? How about that people? Please e-mail your opinions about it. If anyone really likes these ideas I'll e-mail this petition to Nintendo and maybe we can get a cyber-league going. (Think. You're parents want you to get into an orginized sport. Here's a cyber-sport for you and maybe you can make friends. Remember Pokemon trading creates friendship.) So e-mail me at Keep the mail coming I like to hear from people that are Pokemon trainers like me.

Neat idea KFC did, Pokemon beanbags. Suprised me though that they didn't include Pikachu. I caught all 4 though.

Nintendo Power's new calender this year, you guessed it! Pokemon Calender! Different From later years were they give you tear out the calender from the magazine. This year the calender is a fold out with a one page 12 month calender. Big though.

YES! WDZL (The WB channel for South Florida.) has the new episodes of Pokemon. YES!

New games coming real soon: "Pokemon Snap" and "Pokemon Stadium" for the Nintendp 64. Delays are expected on Pokemon Yellow because it is not compatible to Gameboy Color.

My mom got Pokemon Pinball for her new color gameboy. I like to play it a lot when she was in San Deigo. Got #1 on the red table a couple of times. I love the rumble pack. I give 5 stars for this game.

I heard some rumors, and great news about Pokemon. The WB kids network will air Pokemon 6 times a week. (YES!) Some bad news though, I heard Brock is leaving the show to persue his dream. He will be replaced by a trainer that is learning like Ash. (If you seen the new Japanese Pokemon intro, you'll see the guy. Kind of reminds me of a sushi chief.) Pideotto will evolve to Pidgeot and Ash will let it go.

I finally have those real hard to find Pokemon cards. I have starter deck, and the zap deck. If you have deck tips, deck strategies, decks you made that you want to share with the public. e-mail me at

Saw the Pokemon movie. It was great.

Episode Summeries

Note to all Nintendo Power subscribers. The episodes are kind of the same if you get those Pokemon comics in your Nintendo Power subscription.


Episode 1: I Choose You!

First episode, introduces Ash, Pikachu, Profesor Oak, Gary, Ash's mom, and the rest of those Pokemon. Pikachu gets hurt and Ash looks for help in Viridian City.

Episode 2: Pokemon Showdown

Ash gets to Viridian City, Ash gets help for Pikachu, Team Rocket shows up, Misty is introduced more as a companion for Ash after he accidently trashes her bike after he took it from her in episode one. Pikachu defeats Team Rocket with the help of other Pikachus. It ends with Ash trying to capture a Cterpie in Viridian forest.


Episode 3: Ash Catches a Pokémon

Ash catches Caterpie and teases Misty with it. Misty admits to hating 3 things: carrots, bell peppers, and bugs. Caterpie seems to like Misty and is hurt by her revulsion. Later that night, Caterpie and Pikachu "talk." (I think Caterpie misses his mommy) This morning Misty is shocked to find Caterpie sleeping next to her. Ash finds a Pidgeotto, a Pidgey at its second stage of evolution. It chases Caterpie until Ash puts him in his Pokéball, sending in Pikachu to catch the bird. Jesse, James and Meowth of Team Rocket soon reappear, demanding that Ash give them Pikachu. When he refuses, they release Koffing and Ekans. Koffing blinds Pikachu with a tar attack, and Ash defends with Pidgeotto. The bird puts up a good fight, but is ultimately defeated. Ash has no choice but to use the weakened Caterpie. Caterpie uses his string attack to encase Ekans's head and Koffing, then kicks the blob into the snakes head. He then mummifies Meowth and Team Rocket makes a hasty retreat. Just when Ash convinces Misty to give Caterpie a pat on the head for a job well done, the bug suddenly covers himself with string and becomes a Metapod. Ash's Pokédex states that this evolution happened quicker than normal for this creature. Misty wants to leave Viridian Forest, but Ash wants to stay and collect more Pokémon.

Episode 4: Challenge of the Samuri

We find that Ash has captured the Centerpie and a Pidgeotto in Viridian Forest. Centerpie evolves to a Metapod, Ash tries to catch a Weedle when Misty walks away scared of all the bug Pokemon when a Samuri ambushes her. The Samuri challenges Ash to a Pokemon match when he learns Ash is from Pallet Town. Ash loses round one with his Pidgeotto against the Samuri's Pincer Pokemon. Then Ash wins round two with a Metapod, and the Samuri counterattacks with his Metapod. Which ends in a draw. Beedrills then come after the three after the Weedle Ash was trying to catch, Metapod is captured, and the four then go into the Samuri's cabin, and stay there for the rest of the day. Team Rocket ambushes Ash when Ash tries to rescues Metapod and Metapod evolves into Butterfree and uses the Sleeping Powder against Team Rocket. Team Rocket gets captured by the Bedrills, and Ash, Misty, and Pikachu are on their way to Pewter City.


Episode 5: Showdown in Pewter City

Team Rocket sets a trap for Ash, but fall in it when they can't find it. Ash, Pikachu, and Misty arrive at Pewter City where they meet Flint, a man who sells souvineer rocks (Pewter is famous for it's rock). Flint charges them two dollars for sitting on his merchandise and takes them to the Pokécenter. At the center, Ash learns of the Pokémon League's National Championship Tournament. To enter, Ash must win badges from Pokémon Gym leaders. Misty offers to help, but Ash declines and challenges Brock, the squinty-eyed Pewter City gym leader. Brock tells Ash the rules for Tournament qualification matches and the battle begins. Ash sends in Pikachu and Brock chooses Onix, a huge stone serpent. Onix binds Pikachu, whose thundershock blast is nearly useless, and Ash surrenders to keep the electric rodent from being crushed. After leaving the gym, Ash meets Flint again who shows him why Brock hasn't left for the Championship Tourney himself: he's too busy taking care of his dozen of so brothers and sisters. His father left to become a Pokémon Trainer and his mother died later. Ash feels so sorry for Brock, he almost didn't want a rematch. Flint then shows him how he can power-up Pikachu. Flint takes Ash a hydro-electic power station (which looks like an old mill) and hooks Pikachu to a power generator. While Ash moves the paddle wheel like a treadmill (the river was dry), Pikachu absorbs the electricity and glows like a million-watt bulb! Ash returns to the gym the next morning for a rematch. This time Brock starts with Geodude, a hovering rock with arms, and Ash begins with Pidgeotto. Geodude trounces Pidgeotto, then gets fried by Pikachu. Brock then recalls Geodude and sends in Onix. Pikachu explodes with energy like he was wetting himself. Onix is shocked badly, but grabs Pikachu! It's nearly a repeat of their previous battle when Brock, not wanting to see Ash's Pokémon hurt, calls off the match. Burning support beams, caused by Pikachu's blast, activate the sprinkler system, weakening Onix. Taking advantange of the situation, Ash commands Pikachu to shock Onix. As Onix falls, Ash begins to give the command to finish him off but stops. His conscience holds him back as he imagines Brock's siblings hanging on him to stop him. Ash opens his eyes to find that they really are hanging on him. Remembering Brock's mercy, Ash instead calls Pikachu back. As Ash leaves town, Brock catches up to him and gives him the badge for defeating a gym leader. Brock claims he not only won for being a better trainer, but for also being kind to all Pokémon. Brock wants to be the best Pokémon breeder, but can't leave town and wants Ash to do what he can't. Then Flint appears and reveals himself to be Brock's father. He had failed in his quest, but couldn't bring himself to return to his family. Now he's back and he wants Brock to follow his dream. Brock gives Flint all the information he needs like an overprotective TV mom leaving instructions for a babysitter and joins Ash on his quest. Later that night, Team Rocket drills their way out from where they buried themselves and gets trampled as Ash and Pikachu try to lose Misty.


Episode 6: The Clefairy and the Moonstone

Misty, Ash, Brock and Pikachu head for Cerulean City by way of Mt. Moon. Legend has it that a meteor known as the Moonstone smashed into the mountain during prehistoric times. On Mt. Moon, they save a scientist named Seymour from a flock of confused Zubats (eyeless bats). To say Seymour was grateful would be an understatement. He explains that fragments of the Moonstone found in this cave increases a Pokémon's power and that some troublemakers looking for the Moonstone had strung up lights in the cave that are confusing the Pokémon within. Inside the cave, a Clefairy (a cute little powder-puff with tiny wings) carrying a Moonstone fragment passes them by and is attacked by Meowth. It turns out Jesse and James aren't too far behind. They let loose Koffing and Ekans to capture the Clefairy. Ash tells Misty to watch Clefairy and Seymour and help them escape as he and Brock defend with Butterfree and a Zubat Brock captured outside the cave. Misty, Clefairy and Seymour escape as Zubat uses his super-sonic attack to confuse Ekans and Koffing into attacking each other, then Butterfree whirlwinds Team Rocket outside the cave. Outside, the Clefairy is attacked by Meowth again on a land bridge and everyone falls into the river. Misty chooses Staryu, who lets loose with a star-attack and then fills Meowth with water. Meowth blows up like a baloon, then zooms away as the water rushes out of his mouth. After a dinner of Brock's homemade Pokémon food, Clefairy and Pikachu lead the gang to a cave containing the Moonstone. More Clefairy appear and dance around it. Pikachu, through Charades, explains that the Clefairy worship the Moonstone. Suddenly, Team Rocket appears and challenges Ash and Brock to a rematch. It's Pikachu and Onix versus Koffing and Ekans as Ekans burrows into the ground and Koffing creates a smoke screen. After Ash's Pidgeotto clears away the smoke, they discover that the match was a diverson so Team Rocket can steal the Moonstone! Onix burrows after them as our heroes run out the cave's entrance. Meanwhile, Seymour explains to the Clefairy why they must help return the Moonstone. Onix sends Team Rocket realing as he knocks over their cart. Ash and friends arrive and Brock commands Onix to charge. James has Koffing counter attack and the two Pokémon slam into each other, knocking themsleves out. Suddenly, Seymour and the Clefairies pop out of the hole Onix made and.. the.. Cle..fair..ies.. do.. the.. Their hypnotic chanting and swaying cause a huge (and unexpected) explosion, simultaneously destroying the Moonstone and knocking Team Rocket into orbit. As peices of Moonstone fall from the sky, several Clefairies evolve into Clefables (they're taller and have bigger wings). Later, as the Clefairies and Clefables dance around a pile of Moonstones, Seymour tells Ash that he'll be staying with the Clefairies. Ash, Brock, and Misty bid adieu and head for Cerulean City. On the way, they find a road side pointing them in the right direction. A message scribbled on the sign reads, "Gary was here! Ash is a loser!" Enraged, Ash dashes to the city.

Episode 8. The Path to the Pokémon League

Ash meets a wild Pokémon trainer named AJ. AJ hasn't lost a match yet. AJ beats Ash for his 99 victory. Team Rocket steals AJ's Pokémon, Sandshrew. AJ gets mad and battles Team Rocket. Team Rocket loses and AJ gets 100 win.

Episode 9. The School of Hard Knocks

Ash meets some pokémon tech students. This students go to a pokémon school instead of going from place to place to earn badges. The top student in the beginners class is Jazel. Ash battles Jazel and wins.

Episode 10: Bulbasaur and the Secret City

The four heroes have gotten lost in the forest. Misty sees an Oddish and before she or Ash could catch it, Misty gets tackled by a Bulbasaur and Ash tries to catch it. Brock then falls into the river and Ash, Misty, and Pikachu travel without him and end up in a trap and Ash challanges Bulbasaur to a Pokemon match but Bulbasaur doesn't care. Later Brock comes by and cuts them out of the trap. The heroes then find this lady and a bunch of Pokemon around her house. The lady owns a Pokemon sanctuary for lost or mistreated Pokemon. The heroes stay there and Misty finds out why Bulbasaur tackled her. Later team Rocket searches the forest with a stadium floating on ballons. The team then found the sancuary and put the stadiu down and tried to vacum all the Pokemon. Everyone then tries to go to the house and Oddish almost gets vacumed and Bulbasaur then saves it. Ash then calls Pidgeotto and the Pokemon uses his gust attack to create a big tornado and Team Rocket and the stadium get blown away. After all of this Bulbasaur accepts Ash's challenge. Pikachu then goes up against Bulbasaur beats Pikachu a bit but Pikachu does his thunder strike attack and fries Bulbasaur and Ash catches Bulbasaur.

Episode 11: Charmander the Stray Pokeon

Our heroes on their way to some town see a Charmander and try to catch it. After they fail to catch it. Pikachu talks to it, and find out that someone was waiting for it. When they check into the Pokemon center by route 24, they find a jerkish Pokemon trainer named Damien who intentionally left it on the rock and lied about coming back to it. After our heroes hear this, Brock gets angry at Damein. During the night the four friends go out to see the Charmander and see his flame is almost out. So they take the Pokemon to the center before it closes. In the morning, Charmander escapes and looks for Damien. We also see Team Rocket is trying to catch Pikachu, and set up a trap. When the four go looking for Charmander Ash, Misty, and Brock land in the pitfall and Pikachu has to face Team Rocket. Pikachu tries his electric attack, but Tea Rocket's rubber suits protect them from Pikachu's attack. Pikachu then tries to run away from Team Rocket but gets caught by Team Rocket's ballon gun bullet. Charmander sees Team Rocket and a captured Pikachu. Tea Rocket looks at it weird and then Charmander BBQ Team Rocket. Pikachu is free and Damien tries to convince Charmander on his words about coming back to him, but our heroes convinced Charmander that Damien is lying and Pikachu and Charmander give Damien the fried BBQ treatment. OUCH! Charmander then comes with the heroes on their journey.

Episode 12: Here Comes the Squrtle Squad

A group of deliquent Pokemons calling themselves the Squrtle Squad are terrorizing a city, our heroes, and Team Rocket. When Meowth makes says that he owns Jesse and James the Squrtles trust him. The Squrtles terrorize our heroes the secound time, Pikachu lands in the water and gets poisoned by a Golden. The heroes get captured by the Squirtles and Ash makes an agreement with the Squrtles to get some medicine for Pikachu. Ash gets stung by a Golden when he falls from a bridge. Ash finally gets into town but before he gets into the shop Gary accidently hits him with a door. Ash wakes up the next morning and hears Team Rocket robbing the store. Ash then comes into the store and everyone think that he is part of Team Rocket. Officer Jenny then stops the citizens from shooting Ash and the two go to help Pikachu and to stop the Squrtle Squad. When they see the broken bridge Officer Jenny shows Ash a secret passage. When Ash comes into the cave he cannot see and uses the Charmander to see in the dark. Ash then uses the medicine on Pikachu and Jesse and James then start using the bombs that the had got from robbing the store. Ash saves a Squrtle and the Squrtle saves him form the blast. The Squrtles then use their water guns on the hot air ballon Team Rocket uses and they fly away, but a fire errupts in the woods and our heroes convince them to use their water guns all together to stop the fire. Then Officer Jenny then makes the squad official part of the cities fire department. Our heroes leave the city and one of the Squrtles join them on their adventures.

Episode 13: Mystery of the Lighthouse

Our heroes are in another forest and find a beach. Ash then tries to capture a Crabby and sees the Pokeball disappear. Ash finds out that he must can only carry six at a time in a Pokemon league. Our heroes then find a lighthouse and ask for some help and get the help they need. Ash talks to Professor Oak to see if Crabby was O.K. and finds Gary has captured a bigger one and has 45 Pokemons, and Professor Oak introduces Bill, a Pokemon researcher. Ash gets Bill out of a Pokemon costume and Bill tells them about the 150 Pokemons that are in the world, and tells about ones that are extinct. Bill then tells him about the research is doing. He is trying to be friends with a huge water Pokemon by mimicking sounds and illuminate the lights in the lighthouse. Team Rocket climbs the mountain and then shoot the monster and the monster is enraged and the monster goes back into the sea. Bill then says he will continue his research and our heroes go off into the sunset.

Episode 14: The Electric Showdown

Our heroes have reached Vermilion City and everyone is hungry. Ash is anxious to get another badge, but Pikachu is very hungry, and Ash decides before Pikachu can battle to have him go to the Pokemon Center. When they get there they see a Rattata in very bad condition and find out Lt. Surge is really beating up Pokemon with his Pokemon. When the group gets to the gym in the city, they see Lt. Surge has a Raichu, an evolved form of Pikachu. Raichu then beats up Pikachu bad and has to go back to a Pokemon Center. The nurse there tries to give them a thunderstone to evolve Pikachu. Ash leaves it up to Pikachu to evolve, but Pikachu refuses to use it to evolve. The group thinks on how to defeat it while Team Rocket spies on the group to find a way to capture Pikachu. The group think they have a stratagy and Ash takes Pikachu to the gym again and Pikachu uses his agility over Raichu since Lt. Surge had it evolve immetiatly when he had it in Pikachu form and did not have the agility. Pikachu defeated Raichu and Ash recieved the Thunder Badge.

Episode 15:The Batlle Aboard St. Anne

Team Rocket tries to capture Pokemon by capturing all the Pokemon trainers Pokemon on the Saint Anne. Jessie and James give tickets to our heroes and our heroes are amazed by the Pokemon convention that is going on the ship. When Ash sees a match going on, he sends in Buterfree and the owner of the Ratticade calls a draw and wants to trade his Ratticade for Ash's Buterfree. James then purchases a Magicarp and Jessie and Meowth are mad at him. Then Team Rocket puts their plan in action and a fierce battle between Pokemon and Team Rocket occurs. With Buterfrees, Pikachu, Charmander, and Bulbasaur pyramids, and finishes up with a group of Pidgeottoes creating a tornado and Team Rocket is blown off the ship. Ash, having secound thoughts retrades Ratticade and Buterfree. Choppy water then makes the Saint Anne ustable and everyone except Ash, Misty, Pikachu, Brock, Jessie, James, and Meowth unconcious when the boat capsizes. (Who directed this episode? James Cameron?)

Episode 16: Pokemon Shipwreck

Presuming the group is dead, a sea funeral is made for the group stuck on the Saint Anne. The group wakes up and find themselves trapped in the boat. Jessie then tries a Eskans to get out of the ship, but causes the leak. Our heroes are also trying to get out, and Misty uses her Golden to figure a way out. Golden then finds Team Rocket and sends them to the driest part of the ship where our heroes are. The heroes and Team Rocket call a truce and Misty plans a way out for the group. Everyone gets out of the St. Anne When Ash has Charlamander burn a hole in the boiler room. The group makes a raft and when James gets mad at Magicarp he kicks it and the Magicarp evolves into Gyrodos and uses dragon rage attack and creates a wirlwind and everyone is seperated.

Episode 17: Island of the Giant Pokemon

Awakening on the beach of a deserted island, Ash and his friends find themselves to be alright... with the exception of Pikachu and several of Ash's other Pokemon, who've disappeared. Team Rocket finds themselves in a similar situation, alive but missing Meowth and their own Pokemon. Meanwhile, the missing Pokemon are wandering around the island, searching for their trainers. Everyone encounters giant Pokemon, who seem to rule this island and are unwelcoming to strangers. Even Ash's Pokemon have a hard time communicating with the giant Pokemon. After an encounter with a run-away mine cart, all of the humans are reunited with their Pokemon. The monster-sized Pokemon are revealed to be nothing more than giant robots, part of a theme park called "Pokemon Land". Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu reach the seaside city of Porta Vista, and head into town to get some much needed rest... (Note: The Pokemon have English subscripes since there sre no owners to communicate with them.)

Episode 18: Tentacool and Tentacruel

Unable to catch a ferry to the mainland, Ash and his friends are stranded in Porta Vista. They witness the destruction of a ship in the harbour, and eventually get asked by Nastina, a local millionare and general "old hag", to rid them of the Tentacools in the harbour. Misty is outraged, but Team Rocket shows up to take the offer. They screw up as usual, however, however, causing one of the jellyfish to evolve into a gigantic Tentacruel, which proceeds to demolish Porta Vista. (Sorta reminds you of those Japanese monster movies. Doesn't it? But where is Gozilla?) The sea creatures are enraged because Nastina is destroying their homes. With the help of a Horsea she rescued earlier, Misty convinces the Tentacools and Tentacruel to leave the city in peace. With everything back to normal, Ash and his friends catch a ferry to the mainland...

Episode 19:Ghost at Maiden's Peak

The ferry that they boarded stops at a town that is celebrating their Summer's End festival, where they discover the legend of a maiden who turned to stone 2000 years ago while waiting for her love to return. Brock sees the ghost of the maiden and falls in love with her. Meanwhile, Team Rocket had sort-of stowed away with the ferry, and James sees the same ghost that Brock saw, and also falls in love with her. An old woman appears, telling them to forget their love for the ghost since it could only bring them doom, but the two can't resist the ghost's lure. Ash, his friends, and Team Rocket discover that the ghost and the old woman aren't all who they seem, and that they're really Gastly, a ghost Pokemon, who's impersonating the maiden to cause trouble. Ash's Pokemon and Team Rocket's Pokemon try to defeat Gastly, but he keeps beating them. However, once the sun comes up, Gastly leaves, promising that the maiden will return next summer.

Episode 20:Bye-Bye Butterfree

Ash and his friends arrive at the place where Butterfrees find mates. Ash sends out his Butterfree to find a mate, but all the Butterfree's reject him. He finds a cute pink Butterfree who he really likes, but she absolutely rejects him. Ash and his friends try to encourage him to keep trying, and as he's out there trying to court the pink Butterfree, Team Rocket shows up and captures all the Butterfrees. Ash and his friends manage to defeat Team Rocket and Butterfree wins the love of the pink Butterfree. Thw two Butterfrees leave Ash and his friends, and Ash wishes them the best of luck, even if he's sad that the first Pokmeon he ever captured is leaving him.


Episode 21:Abra and the Psychic Showdown

Ash and his friends arrive in Saffron City, where they see a strange girl who almost causes Ash an accident. As they go through the city gates, two girls in Hawaiian dress show up and trick them into going in a room through a warp tile from which they can't escape; it turns out the two girls are Jessie and James, and before they can get away with the captured Pikachu the mysterious girl shows up, paralyses them and teleports Ash and his friends and Pikachu to safety. Outside the Saffron City gym, a manwarns Ash not to challenge Sabrina, the Gym Leader, but Ash doesn't listen and challenges her. the littlegirl that freed them is actually a doll that Sabrina owns, and with her Abra (who she evolves into Kadabra during the battle), she defeats Pikachu and traps Ash and hisfriends in a doll house using her telekinetic powers. They escape thanks to the man who warnedthem earlier, and after a brief telekinetic struggle, he tells Ash that the only chance he has to defeat Sabrina is to get a Ghost Pokemon from Lavender Town. So,Ash and his friends leave for Lavender Town...

Episode 22:The Tower of Terror

Ash and his friends arrive at Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town, an eerie and foreboding place where they hope to catch a Ghost Pokemon. Misty, Brock, and Pikachu are reluctant to go inside, but Ash convinces them to go in. Once inside, they are soon assaulted by Gengar, Haunter and Gastly, three Ghost Pokemon who always cause trouble to the tower's visitors. Misty and Brock leave the tower, but Ash and Pikachu keep trying to capture them.As Ash and Pikachu discover, the three Ghosts are simply lonelyPokemon who want someone to play with. When Ash and Pikachu are struck by a falling chandelier, the three Ghosts take their spirits on a flight around the town. Eventually, Ash and Pikachu return to their bodies, and leave the Tower, deciding not to catch any of the Ghosts after all. As they leave, Haunter follows them all out of town, wanting to return a favour to Ash for playing with him.

Episode 23:Haunter versus Kadabra

Armed with a new Ghost Pokemon called Haunter, Ash returns to Saffron City for a rematch with Sabrina. When he goes in to fight Sabrina, however, Haunter has disappeared! Ash and the others run away, but Misty and Brock are transformed into dolls by Sabrina's power. Ash is again rescued by the man who saved them earlier, and he reveals himself to be Sabrina's father (although Ash is too dense to get it). After having a little fun with Team Rocket, Haunter rejoins Ash, but he seems unwilling to fight Sabrina. Ash convinces him, however, and they go back to Sabrina's gym one last time. Haunter disappears again, and Ash surrenders, prepared to be turned into a doll. Pikachu defends Ash, however, and fights valiantly against Kadabra. Haunter appears as the battle wears on, and by teasing Sabrina, he breaks her emotionless state and causes her to laugh. Because Sabrina's mind is controlling Kadabra, the Psychic Pokemon can no longer fight, rolling on the floor in laughter. Sabrina's father awards Ash with the Marshbadge, and they leave town in peace.

Episode 24:Primeape Goes Bananas

After a conversation, Ash is depressed to learn that his fellow trainers from Pallet Town are already a badge ahead of him, and that they have all caught many more Pokemon than he has. When a Mankey appears, attracted by the scent of Brock's lunch, Ash decides he wants to catch it. When he fails to do so, Mankey is infuriated, and steals Ash's cap; Ash desperately tries to retrieve it, since it is an official Pokemon League cap, but fails to do so. Team Rocket shows up again to catch Pikachu. They anger Mankey, who evolves into Primeape, an even more violent Pokemon. Ash is determined to defeat the angry Pokemon and capture it. He sends Charmander, who uses his Rage attack to get stronger as Primeape attacks him. Eventually, Primeape is defeated, and Ash captures him, adding to his collection.


Episode 25: Pokemon Sentsation

Arriving in Celadon City Misty, Brock, and Pikachu go into an apartment store that sells perfume and Ash complains how perfume is a waste and offends the employes and Ash cannot get into the gym because of this. Team Rocket tries to steal the perfume formula that is produced at the gym and meet up with a gloom which lets out a stinky scent. Team Rocket gets kicked out also. Ash and Team Rocket alli and disguise themselves to get in and Team Rocket goes off to steal the formula. Ash then sees that Erika was the store manager at the perfume store and Pikachu shocks Ash and Ash revels himself in front of Erika and challenges her to a match Ash wins the first two matches and Team Rocket takes the formula and burns the gym everyone tries to help put it out and Ash goes into the gym to save Erika's gloom which had been friends with her since the gloom saved her life from a muk. Ash gets a badge and Team Rocket gets what's coming to them. Gloom stench. (Be thankful there is no smellovision around. There is also a funny line where gloom is stenching Team Rocket and Meowth thinks his nose is burned off, and starts screaming but then says, "Oh, yeah the animators didn't draw a nose on me.")

Episode 26:?

Something is draining Pokemon energy with Pikachu effected and children are missing in the city. So our heroes investigate with Officer Jenny and find at the top of the building acording to Jenny's dream wave scanner a mansion at the top of a building. Our heroes find that a Pokemon Society is using a Hypno to help them sleep due to insomnia troubles. Misty tries it and starts to act like a Seel. Our heroes then find the missing kids have Pokemonitis which makes the kids act like Pokemon. Brock and Ash get Misty and use a Drowzee that the society has to help Misty and sees that it works. Our heroes then go to the park to help the other kids and Team Rocket shows up and tries to capture Hypno and Drowzee. Team Rocket dares Hypno to hypnoties them and Jessie holds a mirror which makes hypno try to hypnoteis himself. Ash breaks the mirror, and Team Rocket captures the Drowzee. Misty uses Starme and breaks the wips and Ash uses Pideotto to cause a tornado and we see Team Rocket blasting off again. After this mishap, our heroes use Drowzee on the kids and at the Pokemon center on the Pokemon, but one Pokemon is still holding it's hands on it's head and starts following our heroes and argues on who is going to take it. They find out it's a Psyduck and it has it's hands over it's head due to headache trouble. Misty trips and drops a Pokeball and Psyduck traps himself in it, and Misty gets frustrated. (There is another funny line in here also. Team rocket captures Drowzze with the wips and James said. "Why didn't we do this in the first place and Jessie replies. "Because we need to cover 30 minutes of show time." We find out why some heroes do not use their special defeat moves until the show has a few minutes left.")

Episode 27: Pokemon Fashion Flash

While travelling through the city, Ash and the others enter the fashion district. Brock drags everyone into a salon owned by Suzie, a Pokemon breeder like himself. Her Pokemon, Vulpix, is one of the most beautiful Pokemon in the world. Misty, however, is more interested in a Pokemon makeover for Psyduck, which is available at the new Salon Rocket.Unbeknownst to them, however, Salon Rocket is operated by Team Rocket, who intend to make lots of money (again). They kidnap Misty; Psyduck goes for help, and Ash and Brock rush to her rescue. Team Rocket's Pokemon nearly defeat Pikachu and Geodude, but Suzie intervenes, and with Vulpix's help, she completely blows Team Rocket away. Suzie decides to go on a journey to learn more about Pokemon breeding, and leaves Vulpix in Brock's capable hands.

Episode 28: The Pokemon P1 Grand Prix

A big Pokemon tournament is coming and Rebaca wants to have her dad back with the family instead of training Hitmochan a lot. So Brock and Ash enter the tournament with their fighting type Pokemon, and Team Rocket steals a Hitmonlee and enter the tournament. Ash uses Primeape against Manchop and Ash dives for Primeape when it gets thrown out of the ring. Primeape then trusts Ash and wins the match. Brock forefits before Geodude looks like a celeberty deathmatch loser against Hitmonlee. Primeape, Hitmochan, and Hitmonlee then are finalist and Team Rocket cheats against Hitmochan and the trainer forefits the match having more time with his daughter, and family. Primeape then goes against Hitmonlee and Primeape wins. Then Hitmochan's trainer then asks Ash if he could train him and then we see our heroes leave with Ash and Primeape going to their own different paths.

Episode 29: The Magnamite Pokemon Love Attraction

Our heroes enter a very polluted town, and Pikachu catches a cold. Then the power plant gets attack by Grimer and the Pokemon Center goes out and Pokemon there are in danger. Brock, Misty, and Ash investigate and Pikachu follows even though he was supose to stay at the Pokemon Center. Team Rocket then tries to steal Pikachu and swims around stinky sewers to get Pikachu but their oxygen suits run out and they get out of the sewer. In the power plant, our heroes meet up with a Magnamite and it hovers around Pikachu, but Pikachu is scared. Next, our heroes see the problem which is the Grimer and their leader which happens to be a Muk. Magnamite gets help from other Magnamite and Magnatron. Pikachu helps, and Ash captures the Muk and finds the job stinks. Team Rocket attacks with a sub, but get weighed down when the Magnamite and Magnatron sink the sub. Magnamite stops hovering Pikachu when his cold is gone and Professor Oak is stuck with Ash's Muk he captured. (Yikes! Just be thankful this episode was in smellovision. Then this episode would stink.)

Episode 30: Dig Those Diglets

Our heores are walking down the road and see that a construction site is in chaos. We find out that the Diglets have been causing chaos at a dam construction site. The head of the construction staff call for the best Pokemon trainers to get ride of them. Gary comes and humiliates Ash, and Brock druels over Gary's cheerleaders (Yesh! Brock try the Miami Dolphin cheerleaders. They have their own swimsuit calender. Druel on that!) Everyone tries to destroy the diglets, but the Pokemon do not want to battle the Diglets. The Pokemon Pokeball is released, but the Pokemon come out and back in and the Diglets bring them back. (At least they have maners.) The construction head gets frusterated and starts a whack-the-Diglets with Diglets. Gary gets frustrated also and leaves. That night in the hot spring our heroes ponder what had happened to the Diglets and then see some Diglets and are about to follow them. (And I thought there was a nudity scene in here.) We see the head construction man still playing whack-the-Diglet and our heroes see the Diglets and Digtrio are helping construct forest. Team Rocket in it's thawrts to steal Pikachu decide to evolve Koffing and Ekans, but find out they become different Pokemon, but the two do, and use them on our heroes. Ash then battles, but Arbok. (Ekans evolved form.) and Wheezing. (Koffing's evolved form.) go underground, but get beaten by the Diglets and Digtrio, and move a dirt tidal wave that destroys the dam and has Team Rocket in the losers bracket again. (Funny scene here Jesse and James do some dramaticly stupid stuff and Meowth calls somewhere and says. "Is it possible to be traded to a less embaressing team." I think this one has the new Mewoth voiceover that goes on after this episode.)

Episode 31: Fuchsia City Ninja Showdown

Looking for Fuchsia City, Our heroes stumble into a ninja training ground looking for someone to ask directions to the Fuchsia City Gym. Misty is so frustrated with Psyduck she tries to get Brock to trade his Volpex to her. They follow a Venonat through the ninja training area, and find the they are actully in the Fuchsia City Gym. Ash challenges the leader and Team Rocket sneaks in and steal the Voltorb. The Fuchia City Gym leader Venonat evolves into Venomoth and the battle is on until the bad acting Team Rocket invades with their bad acting and syumble into a confusing room. Psyduck pops out without an introduction and does worthless attacks that do not really work and then Psyduck uses his psycic ability and defeats Team Rocket. Then the Fuchsia Gym leader then rematches with Ash and Ash wins the Soul Badge.

Episode 32: The Pokemon Flame A-Thon
Our heroes enter the Safari Zone and spot Tauros and Ash uses Charlamander, but a Growlite stops Ash and Ash tries to take down Growlite. Our heroes then find out that from Laura Larame the Safari Zone area they are in is off limits for anyone to capture a Pokemon. Laura then takes them to the Larame ranch and shows them around. We also see the Larame rival and that a race is coming up and whoever wins it becomes an honorary Larame clan person. Later that night, the team go to a party and everyone wishes Laura luck and the Laura'a rival gets Team Rocket to take out opponets in the race. First with Laura, Team Rocket spooks Ponyta and when Laura tries to calm Ponyta down, she hurts her arm and Ash takes over the race. The next, day the race begins and Team Rocket is taking down rival after rivals first with a Tauros, the team hits it and Tauros gets spooked, then a Ratticade and a Nidoran. We also see Ash, Brock, Misty, and Pikachu in the race. Then Electrode self-destructs when it hits a pit going downhill, and Rhydon and Brock and Onix forefit due to a water obsticle. Then at the chow station the rival guy has problems with Dutrio. While Pikachu and Squrtle chow down during Team Rockets introduction. Misty and Piikachu then holds off Team Rocket while Ash chases the rival, but lose when Arbok use his glare attack on Pikachu and Squrtle, and Starme gets sluged by Wheezing. But somehow Team Rocket blast off again and Ash then tries to catch up with Dutrio and Ponyta evolves into Rapidash and wins the race and Ash becomes a member of the Larame clan. Then we see Team Rocket getiing tied up gy that Larame rival guy and getting mad at Team Rocket. (Funny scene: When Laura says about a party, Pikachu jumps up in what appears to be a komodo and Pikachu fans yelling, "Pika! Pika!" Which sounds like, "Party! Party!")

Episode 33: The Kangaskhan Kid

We find our heroes in the jungle area of the Safari Zone. Ash tries to catch what appears to be a Chansey, but Ranger Jenny in disguise and areest the group. Ash and his friends clear it up at the station and help out Jenny when Team Rocket tries to pouch Kangaskhan, an endangered species of Pokemon, on the Safari Zone. We see then some wild boy disarm Team Rocket when our heroes are in trouble of getting trampled by Kangaskhan. Then a helicopter arrives and Two people come out saying that Tomo, The Kangaskhan Kid, is their son lost when the dad stupidly held out the boy all the way out of the helicopter when he was three and could not find him. Everyone agrees to search for him and then confront him and Tomo gets confused about everything. Later Brock sees an injured Kangaskhan baby that woundered out of the pouch and Brock tries to heal it and Tomo thinks that Brock is hurting it. Misty then tries to get Tomo to remember again and Tomo flashes back with some Kangaskhan singing it sounds like. Jenny rushes up and says Team Rocket is at it again and so they are. We find them using a jeep disgued as a Kangaskhan the Kangaskhan think it's real except one who tries to persuade the rest of the pack but to no avail and our heroes, Jenny, and Tomo do everything in their power to stop Team Rocket. Team Rocket's jeep then explodes when Charlamander burns the gas and Team Rocket try to drive the jeep into the Kangaskhan, but Tomo's parents crash their helicopter into the jeep stoping it. Assumed dead, Tomo cries and we hear a lullaby sang by Tomo's mother and find the parents in Tarzan and Jane apperal, and decide to live with Tomo.

Episode 34: The Bridge Bike Gang

After having braved the perils of the Safari Zone, Ash and his friends finally get back to civilization and find that a bridge that was on Brock's map has been finally completed. However, they soon discover that while cars currently can't go on the bridge, only pedestrians and bicyclers can zip across it. Ash and his friends go to the Pokemon Center, and they find out that Nurse Joy needs to have some medicine delivered to Sunny Town, on the other side of the bridge. They borrow bikes from the Pokemon Center and try to cross the bridge, but they're soon assaulted by gang of hoodlums on bikes who challenge them to a Pokemon duel. Meanwhile, Jessie and James manage to float to the city as well, and they recognize the bike gang as the gang they used to belong in before they joined Team Rocket. They try to prove themselves to the gang by trying to stop Ash and his friends from crossing the bridge during a storm, but they fail miserably and get smushed by Ash who uses them as a spring board to get across the bridge as it's splitting up to let a ship through. The bike gang recognizes Ash and his friends as great bike riders and they escort them to Sunny Town where they manage to deliver the medicine in time to save the sick Pokemon Nurse Joy was worried about.

Episode 35: Ditto's Mysterious Mansion

Our heroes get caught up in a storm and seek shelter in a mansion. In the mansion, our heroes find another Pikachu with a weird face and Ash tries to catch it and finds out it's a Ditto and finds out it is owned by a girl named Topleka, who use to do Pokemon imitations, and other character imitations. (Such as Joy, Jenny, and Misty.) But could not have Ditto get the face right when the two perfurmed. Topleka and Ash have a match and Ditto defeats Bulbasaur and Team Rocket steals Ditto. and tries to get it to transform into Dratini, but Ditto thinks he is suppose to shape shift into other things. Ditto then changes into Mewoth, and gets the face right and the heroes go crashing in and rescue Ditto, but Topleka sees that they gave her Meowth instead and gets Ditto back and blast off Team Rocket's hot air ballon. Then we see that Ditto gets every transformation right including a Pikachu, and Topleka then reopens the imitator house.

Episode 36: The Four Evee Brothers

Our heroes find what appears to be an abandened Evee, but find the owner and see that it is a party for stone transformation Pokemon trainers. Then we see that Mikey, whose pet our heroes found wants Evee to stay the same while his brothers throw the party on Mikey transforming Evee and the brothers then fight to see which Evee evolve form is better and try to persuade Mikey into it, but Team Rocket crashes the party taking all Pokemon that are exposed out of their Pokeballs and Horsea uses ink blots is a trail in the back of Team Rocket's trailer. Everyone finds Team Rocket chowing down on the stolen food and the evolved forms of Evee show off and get good strikes but fail. Mikey and Evee then defeat Team Rocket and Mikey says what on his mind.

Episode 37: Wake Up Snorlax!

Our heroes find a town parched of food when the water stops and find a Snorlax clogging the towns water supply. Team Rocket and our heroes try everything to wake it up and find out that a Pokeflute waskes up Snorlax and ask the hippy that they saw later to wake it up and eat the vines the clog up the water supply to the town. The town is full of food again and Snorlax goes back to sleep while Team Rocket finds Snorlax asleep again and the hippy off to awake another Snorlax. Then the sleeping Snorlax falls right on Team Rocket. (Ouch! That is going to hurt for a few episodes.)

Episode 38: Showdown in Dark City

Two gyms fight for the right to become official Pokemon League gyms, but is destroying the town and no one trusts people who work with Pokemon. Team Rocket join up with the Kas gym and try to get some food and Brock's Vulpix does the barbacue treatment on Team Rocket. (Lay off those jalopenoes Vulpix. Okay who wants their Team Rocket well done to a crisp.) A member of the Yaz gym sees it and wants them to join up with the Yaz. Our heroes investigate the Yaz and do battle with Scyther, the strongest Pokemon in the gym and gets ketchup in the eyes when it cuts open a bottle of ketchup that Pikachu is licking down on and Scyther goes crazy. Our heroes retreat and Ash gets brused up. Ash gets an idea on how to stop the gangwar on the big day when the Pokemon League Inspector comes. Ash then covers both gym members in red paint and Electrobuzz and Scyther go crazy and stops the madness and the inspector appears to be Nurse Joy and Ash has both gym members rebuild the town and everyone loves Pokemon in Dark City and some kids get Pikachu's autograph (Gee. All the stars get all the glory.)(Does Pikachu like katchup? He seems to have held a bottle of it through half of the episode and is seen liking it and pileing it on Ash's food when Ash asks for it.)

Episode 39: The Exegguter March

The carnival comes to town and Ash and Brock go party down while Misty and PIkachu explore the carnival and get some R&R. Later, Misty sees a despirate madition called Melvin, and volunteers to be his assistant since the other assistant quits. The show goes on and everything fails for Melvin who dreams on being on of those Las Vegas guys. (Yesh!) The only friends he has is his Exeggcute and after Ash shows some tricks and complains about Melvins tricks the Exeggcute hypnotise Ash and Melvin has Ash steal some Exegguter. Team Rocket tries to steal the Exegguter but are hypnotise by the bunches of Exegguter. This results in the Exegguters confusing themselves and start a stampede. Brock, Misty, and Pikachu find a trampled Ash and our heroes go after the Exegguter. The Exegguter accidently tramples the carnival and the manager plans to blow them up. But Ash tries Squrtle, and Bulbasaur with no avail after the Exegguter come back around and then Ash uses Charlamander and the poor Pokemon gets tired. Then Melvin helps Charlamander with his fire magic and the Exegguter go back with Team Rocket getting trampled and moving with the Exegguter. Finally, we see Charmader evolve into a Charmeleon and our heroes leave into the sunset. (Funny saying: After Ash's trick is reveled and Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squrtle are show after the box breaks Ash says the famous words during Taco Bell's Gozilla promo, "I think I need a bigger box."

Episode 40: Pikachu's Goodbye (UPN finale.)

Our heros are in a forest and find a pack of wild Pikachu. Pikachu decides to join them but the pack is scared at first, but a younger Pikachu decides to let him join and then Ash screws Pikachu chance to join the group by jumping in. Later, the group sees the same young Pikachu in trouble in a river. Pikachu saves the younger Pikachu from drowning and the group of Pikachus then let Pikachu join the group. Ash thinks it's better for Pikachu in the forest and wants Pikachu to stay. Team Rocket then comes in and tries to steal the Pikachu in a ruber net, but the Pikachu's then bite the net and destroy the hot air ballon. Pikachu then comes with Ash and the Pikachu pack gives them a standing ovation farewell.

Episode 41: Trouble with Paras (WB premire.)

Our heros find a town with no gym and Ash decides not to stop until Brock said that there out of potion's and medical supplies and the heros decide to stop. Meanwhile Team Rocket decide to capture Pikachu and Meowth catches a fever and Jessie and James decide to leave Meowth there until a potion maker Casandra sees Jessie and James leave Meowth and Casandra yells at them for leaving Meowth and cures Meowth. Meowth then falls in love with Casandra. We then see our heros at the potion shop and Casandra helps our heros out and says she wants to see her paras evolve so she can create a great potion for Pokemon. Ash then challenge Casandra to a match and Ash intentionally tries to lose and Paras gets sacred of all Ash's Pokemon and when Ash calls Charmelion, but is out of control and Pikachu shocks Charmelion. Paras runs away and Team Rocket finds Paras and Meowth Persuade Jessie and James to help evolve Paras so that he can be the mascot of Casandra business. Team Rocket challenges Paras and intentionally lose to gain Para's confidence. Then Casandra finds Paras and defeats Charmelion and Paras evolves into Parasect. So then our heros leave Casandra, and Team Rocket tries to get on Casandra's franchise team, but Casandra thinking that they are super heros and Casandra's mom finds a Persian outside and Team Rocket escapes after being smacked by Parasect.

Episode 42: The Song of Juggly Puff

Our heroes stop in at Neon City and find this Las Vegas style place not crack up from the tourist brocheres. When they say the people never sleep, they never sleep which in result makes them cranky. Before Ash gets into a fight with one of the natives, Officer Jenny asks our heroes to get some sleep. The next day, our heroes get out of noisy Neon City. While in the outskirts of Neon City, Misty sees a Jiggly Puff and tries to catch it. Juggly Puff then gets hit and cries. Misty, feeling sorry for it, apologizes to it. Ash checks out what Jiggly Puffs attacks are, and Ash finds out a Jiggly Puffs main attack is sing. Misty asks for Jiggly Puff to sing and does not want to. Our heroes try everything to help and Team Rocket then tries to get Jiggly Puff to sing so they can steal the pokkemon from Neon City. (They do not even do their motto. We needed a break from that one.) Brock gets a fruit from a tree that is suppose to cure sore throat and gives the fruit to Jiggly Puff. Then Jiggly Puff sings and puts our heroes to sleep and Jiggly Puff gets upset about the four sleeping and draws on their faces. When our heroes wake up, they find what had happen and try every pokemon that will not make Jiggly Puff upset for sleeping during a performance by him. The team decides to have Jiggly Puff perform in Neon City, so when they get to Neon City, they cannot find an outdoor performance stage. Team Rocket then gives one to the team, in disguise. Jiggly Puff sings and everyone in Neon City fall asleep. When Jiggly Puff does this, he sees everyone sleep, and gets mad and does his face coloring. So our heroes bid goodbye and Jiggly Puff starts following them with Team Rocket behind them.

Episode 43: Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon

Our heroes go strolling around Grandfather Canyon where the great fossil rush is happening. Our team sees this and Ash sees Gary trying his luck. (Long time, no see.) Gary tries his luck on the first try, and gets Pokemon fecies. Team Rocket tries to blow up the canyon to get money on fossils with explosives. Ash sees them, and tries to stop him, with Squrttle and Team Rocket uses Wheezin and Arbok, and all five get stuck in a tumble. Pikachu tries to stop the explosive, but implode the canyon traping everyone in a cavern which has prehistoric pokemon which wants to eat them, and Charmeleon does not want to help and everyone runs for their life. All of a sudden, the prehistoric pokemon run, and the Aerodactyl comes out and chases everyone around, and pisses off Charmeleon who tries to fight Aerodactyl, who had captured Ash. We see that everyone trying to get the bolders that block the hole, and Aerodactal bust out of the bolders, and Charmeleon evolves into Charllizard, and chases Aerodactal around, and Jiggly Puff sneaking around the rocks sees a stool with lights. Seeing this, Jiggly Puff thinks it is a stage, and Misty tells the little guy to perform and it is effective that it puts Aerodactl and Charllizard to sleep. This even includes the people down in the canyon, and Jiggly Puff sees everyone asleep and gets to work coloring people's faces. We also see that Ash found a type of Pokemon egg that everyone likes. After this our heroes go on their way, and we see a happy ending.

Episode 44: A Chansey Operation

We see our heroes in a park and Pikachu eating a whole apple and choking on it, and the closest Pokemon center is miles away. So our heros then go to a human hospital, and find a self-centered doctor with an attraction to women like Brock. (Very disturbing.) When Nurse Joy telephones the hospital and asks for help with an accident that happened with Team Rocket, and a truck full of pokemon. The hospital ends up with the pokemon, and Ash,Brock, and Misty end up helping with the injured pokemon. Team Rockets pokemon have been injured to and Ash says it is not a good idea to help him. But he finds out the Hippocratic Oath. (The one no matter if the person is a criminal, you must help them no matter what.) With the problem our characters have, the doctor accidently gets hit with some anestetics and sleeps for some 6 hours with Ash and his heores busy weakening pokemon so they can operate on pokemon. Team Rocket then tries to steal pokemon, but Weezing and Arbok stopping when Chansey blocks our heroes when they our captured by Team Rocket. The team get smacked around out of the hospital with a Voltorb which self-destructs sending Team Rocket blasting off again.

Episode 45: Holy Matrimony!

Our heroes stumble upon a sign that shows a kid version of James. A limo then coming up and asking them if they see the kid in the sign, and Ash says about James of Team Rocket with the butler being excited about that news. Team Rocket hears the news and James gets confused about this telling different stories about the kid. When Meowth and Jessie get James to comeback and use invisible clothes to hide themselves so that they could get the money according to a will left by the owners of the estate. Team Rocket comes to the mansion so James can say his last respect to his parents, which turns out not so last. We also find out that the catch of the will says James must marry within 24 hours or the money and mansion goes to charity. James is ticked about this, and finds his parents alive and well. James finds out that his aranged marraged fiance well.(Almost looks like Jesse.) Jasabell then takes on James with a Vileplum, and James loyal friend and only friend Growly, a Growlithe helps him. James tells the truth of why he ran off. James then runs out again, and Jasaball being pissed about losing run off also. James then joins up with Jessie and Team Rocket are reunited again.

Episode 46: So Close so Farfetch'd.

Our heroes are relaxing in a meadow, when Ash shows brock a pokemon on his podex and Brock says that is the rare pokemon seen in the field, which happens to be a Farfetch'd. Brock and Ash get some water and Misty stays in the meadow. All of the sudden, a Farfetch'd comes along and shows his talent with his leek. Misty tries to chase it, and bumbs into a guy who is a pokemon pick pocketer. The guy helps Misty up, and takes her backpack. We also see Ash and Brock as MIsty goes back into the meadow, and tells them about the Farfetch'd. MIsty also sees that her pokemon are taken. We also see Team Rocket get their pokemon picked by Farfetch'd also when the same guy is about to trade pokemon, and Team Rocket tries to steal Farfetch'd thinking their one step ahead, and end up being a step behind when the boat sinks and Farfetch'd steals their pokemon. After this fiasco, we find out that this guy thinks Farfetch'd is too weak to battle and steals pokemon to be a master. Our heroes report the pokemon crime to Officer Jenny and says that the two are most wanted. Psyduck escapes and Misty asks Psyducks help. Team Rocket getting pissed off get angry and the guy gives them a bunch of pokeballs. Our heroes then find the guy, and Ash takes on the Farfetch'd with Bulbasaur and loses. Misty then uses Psyduck, and Farfetch'd smacks him a lot with his leek and Psyduck uses his disable attack. Then we see Team Rocket being blown up by Voltorbs, and blasting off again. While the guy and Farfetch'd go on and learn the way of the pokemon. (If you seen this one. You know that when Team Rocket boat is sinking, James says he is missing a Lickatounge. James caught this one in an episode never shown in North America.)

Episode 47: Who gets to Keep Togepi

Our heroes are looking at the egg Ash has found in Grandfather Canyon and wonder what is inside it. We also find that in the Pokemon Center, Porfessor Oak updates Ash's pokedex. They also argue about who will take care of it. Team Rocket also wants the egg and steals the egg. Our heroes then fallow their trail, and Meowth shows his motherly side to the egg. Our heroes then find the hut Team Rocket is hiding in, and battle the Team. After an ex-citing egg toss (Groan.) We get to see what is inside the egg, and Misty bumps Ash and Togepi sees Misty as his mother. (No one knows it yet though.) So every decide to have a pokemon battle to see who gets to keep Togepi. Meowth wins over Brock's Onix; Ash's Bulbasaur defeats Misty's Psyduck; Ash defeats Meowth with Pikachu. Ash gets Togepi who does not seem excited and Misty then holds it, and he gets excited. Ash then finds out on the pokedex that Togepi thinks Misty is his mother and Togepi goes to Misty.

Episode 48: Bulbasaur's Secret Garden

After winning a battle against a Rydon, Bulbasaur gets a bit weak and Ash takes him to the Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy runs test and finds out that Bulbasaur is evolving. Our heroes stay the night at the Pokemon Center, and Bulbasaur leaves the place, and goes out with other Bulbasaurs to a secret garden, and smacks Team Rocket in the process. Our heroes find the secret garden, and go inside to find the Bulbasaurs evolving to Ivysaur, and a big Venussaur. When Ash's Bulbasaur doesn't evolve, Venusaur gets mad over the desgrace of the festuvities. Team Rocket flies to the garden and sucks up all the Ivysaur, and Bulbasaur then uses the Solarbeam attack and destroyes the Team Rocket ballon. Team Rocket after this is blasting off again

Episode 49: The Case of the K-9 Caper

When our heroes accidently bungle a Growlithe training exercise, they decide to stay at the police station, and train Pikachu. The next day Pikachu and Ash get a crash course in the obsticle course, and is disturbed by Team Rocket and their plans to use Growlithes to steal everything for them. First, they use a type of Gloom looking gas to disable the Growlithes noses, and then use a Psyduck gas that makes everyone's voice higher. Next, Team Rocket uses a bullhorn that modifies voices. Team Rocket uses the bullhorn to sound like Officer Jenny, and has the Growlithes attack everyone. With Pikachus help though. he fries the Growlithes before he gets exuahsted. All of a sudden, Jiggly Puff then comes around and does some song that doesn't seem to have effect, but Ash says he likes the song and leaves. Jessie then uses the bullhorn to sound like Ash, but Pikachu sees through it and through friendship knows the real Ash. We see then a Growlithe looking it his life, and through his his heart sees that the real Officer Jenny. Then the Growlithes see the real Team Rocket, and slams them. (2 Funny scenes: First one is with Brock. After defeating Team Rocket, Brock finds the Bullhorn and modifies it to make his voice sound like Officer Jenny, and Brock use it sound like Officer Jenny likes him. Secound, is that Jiggly puff takes the bullhorn. We posibly know what will be going on with Jigglypuff having the Bullhorn.)

Episode 50: Pokemon Paporazi

During a brief lunch of rice balls, Ash sees a camera shutter and accidently mistakes it as a gun. Ash then ruins lunch, and uses his Squirtle to find out who did it. We then find out that a Pokemon photographer named Todd was hidding in the bush trying to take a shot of Pikachu. Todd invites them to his house for pancakes and shows off his pictures. (We even see Aerodactyl shot of Ash. Remember that episode?) Todd tries to take a picture if Pikachu in his house, and find outs that Pikachu is camera shy. Ash asks why Todd wants to take a picture of Pikachu, but Todd doesn't want to tell out why he wants a picture of Pikachu. On the other side of town, we see an eldery couple which is actually Team Rocket who thinks Todd can get the job done since his ad claims he catches Pokemon. Team Rocket then looks at the ad and finds out it's nothing but a photographer ad, and create a pit. (Geez. How original.) Todd then tries to take Pikachu's picture on the unknowing pit that Ash and Pikachu fall in and end up in a sewer system. Todd tries to save Ash and Pikachu, but Team Rocket tries to stop the rescue and captures Pikachu. Ash then uses Bulbasaur, and slaps around Team Rocket to save Pikachu. In the end, Todd joins our heroes and Ash and friends continue their journey.

Episode 51: The Ultimate Test

After Misty asks Ash about badges, Ash tries to fight Misty. Todd then tells Ash about a very hard final exams given somewhere. If anyone passes the exam, they can skip all the badges, and go to the Pokemon league. Ash then enters the exam and we find Nurse Joy, Jesse, and James entering to. The first test is a true or false exam about Pokemon, the second exam is one parts of the Pokemon. Jesse gets ticked off about the second exam having no meaning and leaves. We find out that Ash with Jesse and James are in last place, and the third exam, which includes Pokemon battle, gets rolling. James and Ash select Poke balls, and we begin the third test. James goes first, and gets a Pikachu, which is lousy against graveler. James then tries to use two different Pokemon at once and is disqualified. Ash tries and gets Wheezing, and wins against Flareon, then Ash tries an Arbok, and loses against Jolteon, and loses. The third and final Pokemon for Ash is a Meowth that loses to a Vaporeon. Team Rocket gets ticked off and ruins the final exam. With the help of Ash and the Pokemon instructor, Ash wins against Team Rocket with self destruction technique from Wheezing. The instructor then says that everyone has to take it over, and wants Ash to, but Ash thinks he does better fighting. We see later though that the Pokemon istructor gets the Team Rocket Meowth (They one that talks.) and keeps it, while Team Rocket gets the Meowth that just says Meowth.

Episode 52: The Pokemon Breeder Secret (WB first season finale.)

After our heroes go into town, they find a Pokemon breeding center. Misty drops off Psyduck to fix him right at the Pokemon breeding center. After that, our heroes see a free buffet, and the chief will give an all-you-can eat dinner for anyone who shows him his favorite Pokemon, which is Psyduck. Misty then tries to go back and get Psyduck back, but the Pokemon breeding center is closed. Misty tries the back door with sucess, to find a true horror behind the breeding center. Pokemon caged, and with lousy jobs at fixing them up. We also find that Team Rocket is behind this. (Not Jessie and James.) But two new agents called Butch and Cassidy. Jessie and James also break in to find out that the other two are part of the scam. Everyone then tries to leave, but Butch and Cassidy trap them except for Misty, Togepi, and Pikachu. Misty, then tries to get the camera back so Ash, Brock, and Todd are cleared. Misty then gets Psyduck back, and Pikachu gets the camera. Misty then shows them off to Officer Jenny and arrests Butch and Cassidy, meanwhile Jessie and James try to get out with shovels. Then Todd goes his own way to take pictures of Pokemon in the mountains, and our heroes go off to Cinnabar Island.

Episode 53: Princess vs. Princess (WB secound season premire)

It's Pricess day, and that means discounts for ladies. (Yes. That is scary. Right guys.) Jessie and Misty go out of control buying items. Jessie buys some things for the Team Rocket boss, but a Lickatounge comes by and eats Jessie's merchandise. Jessie gets mad, and capture Lickatounge. As Ash, Brock, and Misty are at a restauruant, Misty sees a princess competition and goes out for it. Jessie also goes into the competition to win a set of limited edition Pokemon headset dolls. Misty wants to win it to show off to her sisters that already have their own sets, while she got hand-me-downs. Jessie wants to win them because she gets depressed during the holiday because she has never won the competition. As part of the contest, goes a pokemon battle. Misty asks Brock, and Ash for their pokemon. She gets Pikachu, Vulpix, Bulbasaur, and adds one of her own. Jessie uses James's Wheezing, and Meowth. Misty and Jessie win their divisions, and the two have to battle each other. Jessie starts losing, until she sends out Lickatounge, which licks Pikachu, Bulbasaur, and Vulpix. Msity tries to send out her Staryu, but Psyduck pops out of the pokeball. Lickatounge then tries it's attacks on Psyduck with no effect, and Psyduck gets a headache from being bothered from Lickatounge. Psyduck then uses his confusion attack, and Team Rocket blasts off again leaving Misty with the dolls. Misty sends the dolls back to the Celedon City Gym to show off to her sisters, while Jessie is disappointed, and James creates pokemon doll headsets out of their own live pokemon. (This episode at the end contains Pikachu's jukebox instead of the pokerap. The jukebox contains music videos of the pokemon CD.)

Episode 53:Riddle Me This
Ash and the group are sailing towards Cinnibar Island, and they happen to meet Gary on the boat, Gary tells them there is no gym on Cinnibar anymore, and they are wasting their time going. When they arrive they meet a strange looking guy who gives information in riddles. He shows them the gym, it is a broken down piece of debris, and hasn't been used in a long time, the gym leader Blaine, was sick of battling tourists who came on vacation, rather than for a Pokémon match. The group try to find a place to stay the night, and unfortunately, all the places are packed with tourists. Ash is beginning to get very hungry, just as he smells something good cooking. They find Gary staying in one of the hotels and they even have an
Electabuzz for entertainment, playing some music. Gary decides to offer Ash some leftovers from their banquet, if he'll spin around three times and say "Pikachu", Ash refuses, but Pikachu does it, hoping to help out Ash, but Ash stops Pikachu, just as the star of their show arrives... It's Jigglypuff! Going to sing them a song, the group run away to safety, just as Jigglypuff begins to sing, accompanied by the Electabuzz's music. The
whole crowd falls asleep and get some lovely designs on their faces. Ash and the group find the riddle man's hotel, and he offers a free stay as reward for solving a riddle. Meanwhile, Team Rocket attempt to steal the Pokémon inside the lab on the island, Ash stops them as usual, with help from his Pokémon. They get to a hot spring, when Togepi jumps on a lever that opens a secret passage. They follow it down to see a hidden Pokémon gym! The riddle man is there to greet them, as he reveals his true identity, he is Blaine, and is ready to battle Ash. The battle is tough, with Squirtle first loosing, and Charizard refusing to battle, Pikachu makes a comeback, by defeating Rhydon, through a direct shock to it's horn. Blaine then calls Magmar, who Pikachu is unable to beat.. Magmar uses a Fire Blast attack, it's coming... Is Pikachu about to become ash? (pun not intended!).....

Episode 54:Volcanic Panic
Pikachu is swallowed up by Magmar's fire blast attack. Luckily Pikachu had dodged it and was hanging on to the edge. Pikachu crawled back up and safe from the lava below, as Ash forfeit's the match. Blaine congratulates Ash for making a wise choice, and directs them to the hot springs. Meanwhile, Team Rocket prepares freeze guns to put Magmar on ice, literally. They enter the arena, to find Magmar, and fire at it. Magmar is frozen solid, as Jessie and James celebrate, Magmar melts through the ice. In a panic, they freeze over the entire gym. This causes the Volcano walls to crack, and lava begins to pour into the arena. Ash calls Charizard to throw rocks to block the flow of lava, but refuses to listen. Magmar begins to throw rocks, but it is no good. When Charizard sees the problem, it begins to throw rocks, and Brock and Misty's Pokémon help too. The flow is stopped, and Blaine offers another chance to Ash to win the
Volcano badge. They battle atop the Volcano, Charizard vs. Magmar. It is a tough battle, but Charizard prevails. Unfortunately, Charizard stops listening to Ash after the battle.Blaine gives a Volcano badge to Ash and they continue on their way
. (Confusing scene where Misty, and Brock send out their Pokemon, we see Psyduck running around, and Misty trying to catch it. Jigglypuff runs around, and Ash tries to catch it.)

Episode #55: Beach Blank-out Blastoise
Jigglypuff's love for singing overwhelmed any other things in the
episode for me. Let me have a minute to recall the story...Oh, yes, it
was in an island where Squirtles, Wartortles and Blastoise, the king of
the island, live! When Ash and his friend is leaving Gren gym, they saw
Wartortle in a panic in a beach. They allow him to lead them to his
island, and find Blastoirse, Squirtle's and Wartortles sleeping there. Ash
leans against the huge carapace and hears a sound, a kind of weird and
a kind of pleasant. Then he falls asleep. After Pikachu's electric beam
wakes him, he uses his another electric attack to wake tortoise
Pokemon up. Blastoise opens his eyes, too, but they shut quickly, and
he sleeps again. Blastoise has a couple of water-shell launchers on their
back, and they are under their carapace when they sleeps. The
launchers are out now, and upper half part of something soft and pink
appears from the muzzle of one; it might have caused the situation.
They learned what has happened from those Pokemon. One day
Blastoise went to swim in the sea, and didn't come back until they
found him unconscious in the beach some days later. Suddenly the
sound Ash heard echoes around the beach, and all Pokemon and kids
go to sleep. The Rocket gang captures Blastoise then, but the sound
makes them sleep, too. When tortoises take his king back, with the help
of Ash and his party, they find Jigglypuff out of the muzzle of
Blastoise's launcher. Stuffed into the barrel, she sang! Now, she is out,
and sings again, making everyone in the beach...
Episode 56: The Misty Mermaid
As we enter Viridian City, Horsea looks down in the dumps. They decided that it needs a good swim and they should make a detour in Cerulean City. Misty calls her sisters and makes her belated trip back to the gym. Before entering the gym the group sees a sign for a Underwater Ballet show staring a former famous swimmer. Once inside Brock and Ash ask to see the new swimmer and Violet and Lily reveal that Misty is the so called famous swimmer! Daisy explains that the gym hasn't been getting any visitors for the show and they need a change. So they Shanghai Misty into doing the show. The story is as follows: A Mermaid is living in peace when two bad guys come and hold her captive; then a Prince comes and saves the day. The Prince and the Mermaid fall in love and live happily ever after. Staring Misty, Daisy, Lily and Violet. Its the start of the show and Misty is swimming around in the tank. Here comes the bad guys, but wait! It's Team Rocket! Enter the dashing Prince, its Ash; accompanied by Brock. After much battling Seel uses it's Aurora Beam on Arbok and evolves into a Dewgong. And now Team Rocket stands no chance. Maybe a few thundershocks from Pikachu and the show is over. An instant hit; the crowd loves it. Leaving behind her Horsea and Starmie, its time for the group to return to Viridian City.

Episode #57: Clefairy Tales
The story of the gang Clefairies... One night Jigglypuff walks on the
mountain road, singing in a good humor. Suddenly a pot falls from
somewhere in the sky, and hits her on the head. Puzzled, she find a
space ship crashes a dozen kilometers away when she looks around.
She trots toward the spot, and sees dozens of Clefairies out of the
ship... Ash and his friends find a Clefairy when they enjoy their ice
creams in a town. Misty wants to capture him, and runs after him with
her friends as he hops away. Failed to get him, they come back to find
their baggage is gone. After a while they learn that many people in the
town have some things stolen by unknown thieves. And another
Clefairy kidnaps Pikachu! When they are annoyed, Jigglypuff appears;
in her hand they cannnot find a mike she usually takes with herself. (?)
With her help, they can trace the path of Clefairy who has taken
Pikachu, arrives a cave underground. A huge space ship there is; Now
they understand that Clefairies are using Pikachu's electric power to
ignite the rocket. They steal into it, having seen Pikachu taken inside by
a Clefairy. Jigglypuff fights hard against Clefairy, though the reason is
unknown, while Ash tries to save Pikachu locked in a glass tube.
Jigglypuff slaps and slaps Clefairies, passes through to reach the
cockpit, and finally find what she has saught for--her mike! It has been
fixed as a stick. Clefairies stole different things from the town they
crashed, and used them to repair their ship. Ash also successfully gets
his friend back. After a while of escaping the ship, they wonder where
Clefairies are going. Misty believes that they will arrive at some planet
in safety. But... The ship smolders, and crashes again in a town.
Clefairies intrude houses there, committing theft...

Episode #58: The Battle for the Badge
They arrive at Virdian city, Ash in hope of getting the last badge of the
eight which are needed to join the Pokemon league. Right before
Virdian gym, Ash excites, his eyes burning, while Pikachu makes a fire
at his foot. Recognizing that Pikachu tried to ignite his fighting spirit,
Ash promises him that he would win the badge, and holds his hands
tight. In the moment Gary comes, along with a dozen of girl friends of
his, and enters the gym. Ash wants to follow in, but is stopped by a
couple of gatekeepers, one of them telling him that only one trainer is
allowed to enter at a time. Ash gnashes his teeth, thinking he has been
forestalled by Gary. Misty's response is cold then. Casually she says,
'it's usual,' depressing Ash. Togepi approaches him, and pats him on the
shoulder. Ash misunderstands that Pikachu is soothing him, and, as he
finds Togepi it is, is surprised and throws him upward. A bird takes
him in his beak, and flies away! Astonished, kids and Pikachu follows
him, but lose sight of him. While misty blames Ash for missing Togepi,
he is carried to a building and dropped on the roof. Team Rocket is
there. Delighted to find him, they capture him, though with pains, and
rush to give him to their boss at Virdian gym--Their boss is the local
gym leader. But something, though unknown to the couple and
Meowth (and audience), happens and he has to leave quickly as they
come. He trusts the gym and some Pokemon of his to the couple, and
commands them to be in charge of the gym before leaving. Ash and his
friends finally find Togepi, who has followed the boss out of the his
room at the Pokemon tournament ring. Gary and girls are there, all
unconscious. Ash raises him in his arms, calling him, while Brock does
the same to a girl. Gary recovers quickly, and tells that he saw a strong
Pokemon, that he had not ever seen, and was beaten by him. At that
time Jessie and James appears as the gym leaders, and kids recognize
that the gym is ownd by the team. Ash challenges them, each sending
three Pokemon. Although Ash and his Pokemon has a tough game,
Pikachu's electric attack beats the team to bring the badge to them.
Keeping Gary's mentioning a strong Pokemon, Ash and his friends
leave for Parette town, Ash and Pikachu's home.
Episode #59: Mr. Mime and Pokemon Circus
Ash and Pikachu are home finally, with their friends! On the way
home, both frolic, Ash running and Pikachu on his sacks, and crash
against a grass wall. It is what Mr. Mime made, and Ash wants to
capture him. But then, Atsuko, a cute leader of a Pokemon circus,
appears and tells them that she needs to get one. Since both fails, Ash
and his party follow Atsuko to her circus' place, finding her Mr. Mime
idle in a car. Atsuko thinks that he needs a rival to motivate himself.
Attracted by her charm, Brock has an idea, that they make Ash disguise
himself as another Mr. Mine, instead of capturing the real one. Ash
reluctantly obeys. When the show starts, Team Rocket intrudes and
takes him away by mistake. His mother is in the tent to enjoy the show.
She tells his friends who worry about him that he will be OK because
Team Rocket doesn't want to keep him, and invites them home. After
they leave, she find Mr. Mime entering the house, and thinks it is Ash,
but he comes after a while, escaping the team's base. Ash finds they
seem to have liked each other. Team Rocket strikes back the circus, in
hope of capturing Pokemon there. Atsuko takes her Mr. Mime, and
protects him at her all might. The puppet Pokemon is moved, and
fights the team. After the battle, he makes up his mind to work hard
with Atsuko, while the other Mr. Mime has been settled at Ash's
mother's house.

Episode #60: Dueling with the Rival
Mr. Mime wakes Ash up by sweeping his face with a vacuum cleaner in
a morning. Since Misty teases him, saying Mr. Mime cleaned his face so
that he didn't have to wash it, Ash disgusted, and told Mr. Mime to
clean her face, too... (Oh, boys shouldn't say such a thing) After breakfast, he goes to the labo of Professor Oak with his friends. On the other hand, the couple and Meowth of Team Rocket is now back at the base, and see the building explode and a Pokemon, unknown to them, fly away. They wonder what kind of Pokemon he is... Ash and his party find Gary, his rival and Professor's grandson as well, at the Professor's labo. Gary castigates that Ash has not grown Pokemon he captures up with care. That remark of Gary offends Ash, and they agree to duel with each other. Team Rocket intrude then, to capture Ash's Pikachu, and they must deal with them first. However, a herd of Tauros careers down to pass near them, kicking the villains away. After that, Gary says he changed his mind and lost interest in dueling with Ash. Ash declares that they would meet at the Pokemon league tournament.

Episode #61: Slowpoke Evolves into Slowbro
Ash visits Professor Oak, finding him annoyed with something. Ash talks with him and learns that it is about evolutions of Pokemon. Since Oak knows Professor Nishinomori, a world authority on Pokemon, and says that he may answer his question, Ash goes and sees the professor. However, he has the problem in his mind. Yadon are regarded boneheaded. Nishinomori
owns one, and his behaves confuses Ash and his friends. But! Only Misty's Psyduck can understands him. Even Pikachu is confused to have listened to them speaking, though. Team Rocket intrudes then. They send Shellder, that they captured during shell gathering, planning to make Slowmo evolve into Slowbro and present him to the boss. As the odd friendship between Slowmo and Psyduck works, Psyduck tries hard to protect Slowmo. But Shellder bites at the tail of Slowmo, and Slowmo evolves into Slowbro. Nishinomori is brightened, as he can see the process of the evolution. Slowbro gives Megaton punch to beat Team Rocket.

Episode #62: Legend of Surfing Pikachu
Big Tuesday is a big wave which is said to come every 20 years, and a
thousand surfers challenged to control it and to pierce their flags into
the top of a craggy mountain which towers high above the sea. So did
Vincent 20 years before, and failed. However, he waits another chance
now, with his Pikachu. His name is Michael, and he is slightly different
from others of his species. He can foresee a big wave which is coming,
and surf. He is now old, and a size larger than Ash's Pikachu. He and
Pikachu become friends as they see each other. Team Rocket intrudes
the peace as usual, and capture the two Pikachu. With the help of
Vincent, Ash takes his friend back, as Michael senses Big Tuesday
coming. Vincent set out with his surf board in the sea, and Michael is
also on the board with him. They succeed, and become heroes for

Episode #63: Make Room for Gloom
The morning begins with Pikachu's electric attack. Mr. Mime sweeps Ash's face with a broom, and then works on the one of Pikachu when they are asleep. Pikachu feels tickled, and shoots an electric beam. Ash is shocked, and pulled out of the dream, while Pikachu feels refreshed to have discharged of electricity. After breakfast, Ash and his friends starts for a mountain near the house, escaping his mother's asking them to help her in the harb garden. (Ash explains that she is a hard master) They then see botanical gardens, with defferent plants, some of them dangerous, in it. Ash's Balbasaur smells one, and gets numb. A cute girl, Rindou, appears then, and asks her Gloom to take care of Balbasaur. Her Gloom has an outstanding ability, that can cure creatures that get numb. Balbasaur gets well soon, and is quickly friends with Gloom. (And Brock wants to be good with the trainer of Gloom) Rindou is depressed since her Gloom doesn't transform into Vileplume as she brings a Leaf stone close to him. However, the stone is exposed as an imitation, made and sold by Team Rocket. The gangs have intruded the gardens, in hope of stealing the rare plants there. Ash and his friends find them, challenging them, but are trapped to get numb. Only Rindou's Gloom is safe, and Brock asks her to send him to the battle with the villains. She hesitates first, but gets up her nerve. Gloom successfully beats them, and Rindou gains confidence.

Episode #64: Lights, Camera, Quack-tion
Ash and his friends are in the campsite near a lake to train for the Pokemon League. They see Katsuko, a cute female trainer, and she sends Raichu, letting him battle with Ash's Pikachu. When the two mouse Pokemon are ready to leap on each other, a net is stretched out between them. It is Team Rocket; To successfully capture Pikachu, they have made a surprise attack without making their usual speech. But Raichu is in the net, not Pikachu, when they are aware. Katsuko got raged against them who robbed her Pokemon, and commands him to shock the villains. When Raichu almost defeats them, a film director Heat Minamino appeares, impressed by the heated battle. The director and his crew are working on a romance movie of Pokemon, and seeking for the Pokemon who can play the role of the partner of their heroine Wigglytuff. She is quite unmanageable. I was really astonished and scared when I saw the cute-looking Pokemon slapping other Pokemon and Brock over a trifle. As an audition is held, Pikachu, Raichu, Foxfire (owened by Brock), Meowth, and other two Pokemon from Team Rocket decide to take it. Misty is sending Starmie, but Psyduck comes out of his Poke ball. As the audition goes on, the gang's Pokemon fail. Disgusted, they plan to mess it up. Psyduck is selected as the hero (Really surprised!!!!!!!!) the shooting goes smoothly. When they come to shoot the scene of a skirmish, Team Rocket returns in revenge. All the Pokemon have been captured, except Psyduck. Blamed by Misty and pressed by Wigglytuff, he is so confused, and uses psychokinesis to drive the gang away.

Episode #65: Go West Young Meowth
Pokemon cannot speak while Meowth of Team Rocket can, for he made a dreadful effort. His life started with the memory of being abandoned by his parents. He drifted, suffering any sorts of privations, and reached to join a gang of Meowth head by Persian in Hollywood. He did wrong to survive, and one day, saw a charming femal Meowth, raised by a rich woman. Her name is Madonna. He fell in love with her as he saw her, and spoke to her, finding Madonna's heart cold. She sniffed and said that she didn't like poor Meowth. Inspired by her remark, he trained himself to stand up on his hind legs and to speak in a human language. Madonna responded only with a sniff, commenting that speaking Meowth was grotesque. Meowth was disappointed, and left her... Along with a couple of Team Rocket, Meowth is back and reminded of the hard memory. He roams the town, and sees his old friends of the gang. To his big surprise, Madonna is with them; she was dumped by her trainer. Meowth desires to be with her, and Jessie and James understand him. However, Madonna likes to stay with Persian, telling Meowth that she doesn't like him because he speaks. Poor Meowth, but don't get down. Jessie and James are there for you, right?

Episode #66: The Secrets of Pokemon Training

In hope of seeing one of big four Pokemon trainers Shiba, Ash and his
friends travel Mt. Miyazaki, where many Onix live freely and easily.
After a few hours of roaming the mountain road, they happen to find a
huge Onix. Not knowing why, they are chased by the huge snake, and
run and run, as a man shows up and rescues them. He is Shiba. Ash
and Brock are delighted and tell that they would like to learn the secrets
of Pokemon training from him. Shiba understands their enthusiasm,
and tells the boys to do some work. However, they cannot grab his
intention, and are disappointed. Trudging down a road, they find a
couple and Meowth of Team Rocket are assaulted by Onix they saw
once. They send some of their Pokemon and let them battle with Onix,
but Onix is violent, ready to attack Ash. Pikachu dashes to shield him,
and shocks Onix. As you may know, electric attacks don't take effect
on Onix. But Pikachu has to counter Onix, because he wants to protect
his friend. Shiba appears then, again rescuing them. He observes Onix
for a brief while, and speaks to him gently. Onix attacks him, as Shiba
responds with his firm defense. Finally, he succeeds to approach Onix,
and pulls Sandstorm out between rocks of his body; since Sandstrom
picked at him, he struggled. Ash and his friends are moved by Shiba's
work, and ask once more about the secrets of Pokemon training. Shiba
says that they should have known that, meaning that the trainer and his
or her Pokemon must understand each other very well and be always
closed friends.

Episode #67: A Battle of Ancient Pokemon

Ash and his friends camp in a mountain, training for the Pokemon
League, and discover the ruins of Pokemonea civilization by an
accident. Professor Hokuto, an authority on it, was looking for the
ruins, and brightens her eyes to see items they found. However, that
night, Phantom and Alakazam, both as huge as a mountain, revive in
the site, battling with each other. Their combat got heated, as Ash and
his friends afraind that they can demolish the mountain. And a hope
comes. It is Jigglypuff; Ash asks her to sing, expecting the monsters fall
asleep. Jigglypuff sings, not affecting huge Pokemon, yet the other
thing. A toll in the site of the ruins sparckles, and the other Jigglypuff,
as huge as the other two ancient Pokemon, appears from the inside.
Using the toll as a mike, she sings, making ancient Pokemon sleep. In
spite of the size, it is Jigglypuff. Finding them asleep, she gets
disgusted, and pulls a brush out of the toll... Well, anyway, Jigglypuff's
song has avoided the lethal crisis.

Episode #68: Guardia's Friendship

Ash and his friends start for Pokemon League, all high-spirited. On the
way, in grassland, Ash is called by a trainer Saizou, who is with
Guardia, and challenged. The Samurai suggets that they wager their
badges on the battle. Since Ash is almost in late for the League, he
wants to ignore the competitor and go ahead, but he incites him to the
battle with him. When Ash wins, Saizou drops to his knees, cursing
that he could have gotten budges. Ash is astonished, thinking he is so
shameless that he challenged him without owing his own badges.
Saizou, in low spirits, tells that he has collected eight badges from local
gym trainers, but was robbed of them by Team Rocket. Ash wants to
help him get them back, and there is another problem to be made.
Guardia is disappointed with his unreliable trainer, and is leaving him.
Saizou tries to stop him, but Guardia refuses. Ash tells Saizou that he
should get badges back first, to recover the friendship with Guardia.
They finally find the gang and duel with them for Saizou's badges, and
it is desperate, as Guardian is a bit away, seeing Pokemon trainers and
Pokemon, talking to each other. The memories he shared with his own
trainer are in his mind, and he turns around to catch up with him.
When Guardia reach Saizou, they believe the firm relationship with
each other, and fight Team Rocket, defeating them.

Episode #69: Moltres! Declaring the Pokemon League!

The League-torch relay is held on the day before the Pokemon League. The flames are said that they are a legendary Pokemon Moltres'. Since the chairman of the League association allows Ash to join it as he wants to, he received the League Flame, and runs as a flame-bearer, along with Pikachu, watched by people on the both sides of the road. Team Rocket intrudes the relay, to get the torch. Meowth attacks Ash, scratching his face. Tortured with a keen pain, he throws the torch, and Meowth catches it, its flames taking him by accident. Meowth flings it, and Pikachu gets it, gripping it tight. James tries to leap on him. Pikachu tosses to pass the torch to Ash, and attacks James with his electric shock. Ash takes the torch as Pikachu throws it, but Jessie does, too. They pull the torch as Meowth tickles Ash under the arms. Ash releases his grip on the torch, and the villains leave quickly, taking it with them. Ash is disappointed, cursing that he couldn't protect the torch of the Pokemon League. However, the chairman has the ember, relieaving him. He runs again with the torch over his head, and then it is passed to Misty and Brock until they finally reach the League Stadium. At the night, Ash is tense for his whole body is filled with fighting sprits, gratification that he is now ready for the league, and anxiety for the battle, all mixed up. The following morning, in the middle of the opening ceremony, Team Rocket intrudes to rob the torch, since theirs has exhausted. Ash fights hard to save the torch for himself and other trainers who are joining the league. Finally the gangs take the flames, and tilt them to Ash, burning him. However, the flames which has engulfed him are not heated. Then the form changes into the shape of Moltres, burning the gangs now. The torch is now burning on the platform, symbolizing the heated hearts of Pokemon trainers.

Episode #70: Pokemon-League Opening Game in Water Field!

Ash's first game has been decided in the water field, and his contestant is a
conjurer, whose name is Comb. Ash sends Krabby to the field, though Misty and Brock suggest that he should work with other Pokemon because it is his first time to team with Krabby in the Pokemon Battle. However, the relationship of Krabby and Ash is strong, and during the duel, Krabby evolves into Kingler. Then they win the game.

Episode #71: Battle with Flames in Ice Field!

Ash wins in the rock field after a hard fight. In the evening, he and Pikachu are starving and roam in the town, though Ash should have taken his Pokemon to a Pokemon center. Misty and Brock look for their friends and finally catch up with them, with Ash's monster balls in Brock's
arms. Ash decides to go to a Pokemon center first. However, they learn that an accident happened in one, and have to seek for the other one. On the way, Pikachu and Ash find a restaurant, and have dinner first... After that, they find a nurse waves to them. The blue-haired nurse explains that she has been sent by a Pokemon center, to find trainers who need to go to
one. Ash and his friends follows her to her Pokemon center, and then Ash trusts his Pikachu to the nurse when she asks him to. But it is Team Rocket's trick, and the nurse is James' disguise. With Brock's help, Ash takes his friend back. Since the function of the Pokemon center which
had an accident has recovered, Ash goes to it. The following day, Ash duel with a trainer in the ice field. The trainer sends Blaze to the battle, while Ash responds by sending Pikachu. Blaze exhale flames, its heat melting ice into water in the field. Pikachu is thought that he is now in a
tight corner, because there is a little space he can be. But water conducts electricity, as you know. Pikachu attacks with his electric shock, and his team winds.

Episode #72: Formidable rival in Grass Field
Astonishment. Gary, who has overconfidence and is Ash's nice rival, loses the forth game. The fact frightens Ash, for he recognizes that there are strong pairs of Pokemon and a trainer in the league. His contestant on the forth game is a cute girl whose name is Kaoruko. Strained, Ash sends Bulbasaur, and he has defeated the first two pokemon of Koruko easily. The last Pokemon of hers is Bellsprout. He is so thin as malt, and known as weak, which makes Ash think that he would win. However, Kaoruko's Bellsprout seems to have been trained very well, and wins Bulbasaur. Pikachu goes to the field, and shocks Bellsprout, but in vain. Pikachu gives a fighting pose, and thrusts his cute fists, but Bellsprout successfully dodges. Finally a root of Bellsprout hits Pikachu on the head, and Pikachu falls. Ash sends Muk for the last chance. Mulk is strong for grass types, and successfully defeats Bellsprout.

Episode #73: New Rival
With his mother, Professor Oak and friends, Ash goes to a restaurant, and in the building
where it is located the elevator they took has halt. As they are annoyed, a strange boy who is also in it works over the system skillfully, fixing it, though it is stopgap. The boy's name is Hiroshi, a Pokemon trainer in the league. (Sorry. I don't know what they will name him in the English version Richie) Ash likes him soon then. After they leave the building, all the trainers in the league are summoned in front of the league hall, and asked to give their Pokemon for checkups. They obey the two officers in charge, as they find that they are Team Rocket and it is their trap. Since villains have run by bus, Ash and Hiroshi chase them, taking a shortcut. On the way, the two boys help each other, talk a lot, and know each other very well. Then they finally find Team Rocket's bus somewhere in forest. Hiroshi knows another Pikachu, named Leon. Two Pikachus shock the gang together, successfully driving them away. Now everything is O.K, and Ash's next opponent has been settled--it is Hiroshi.

Episode #74: Dueling with Hiroshi!
On the day the two boys are to duel in the league, Ash received a call from Hiroshi, asked to come to see him in a forest. However, it is Team Rocket's trap (again), and Pikachu and Ash have been taken in. With other Pokemon's help, our heroes escape the villains, but they ware persistent in chasing them. Ash is successfully in time for the game, yet his Pokemon, including Pikachu, have been exhausted after battles with the gang. As Squirtle and Pikachu lose games, Ash has to rely on Charizard. But he doesn't listen to his trainer, and, finally, streatches himself out on the ground. Then, Ash is judged to have been defeated.

Episode #75: End of League

Hiroshi loses the sixth match. On the grass of the bank of a lake, two boys talk with each
other, reffering to memories they've shared in the league, while Pikachu and Leon are playing with joy. Running on the grass, two Pikachus fall into a pit. Stunned, Ash and Hiroshi dash out towared the hole, and are trapped in the other pit. It is the work of Team Rocket. The couple from it capture Pikachu from the hole, and escape, leaving boys. Rescued by Misty and Brock, they follow the path of Villains escaping, successfully taking their friends back. Pokemon league ends and leaves valuable experiences and memories to the trainers who dueled in it. Keeping them in the mind, Ash is going home with Pikachu, his dearest friend.

Episode #76: Another Departure
Ash was ranked in the 16th place in the Pokemon league. People in the Palette town hold a party to celebrate him. Team Rocket intrudes it and successfully captures Pikachu, flying away in a balloon. Slightly afraid that he may not handle with him, but knowing no way left now, Ash sends Charizard, and asks him to rescure Pikachu. However, as Ash worried, Charizard ignores him and brightens his eyes, spotting a plenty of food on a table. As he approaches it, a bomb villains threw hit it, devastating it. Frantically enraged, he attacks the gang, and Pikachu is saved eventually. After the party, Professor Oak asks Ash and his friends to go to Daidai island of Orange archipelago, and see one of his counterparts there. Their hearts dancing with the fanstastic images in the tropical beach, they decide to take Professor's request on themselves. On the way, in a forest near his hometown, he and other kids feel uneasy, finding no sign of creatures around them. Soon later, a Fearow shows in the sky over them, and shoots straight toward them. Panicking, Ash is reminded of a spearow whom he threw a stone at on the first day of his journey (in the first episode), and wonder if he has evolved. Later, a flock of Pidgeys and that of spearows confront for a territorial conflict. Ash's Pidgeotto let himself involved with the dispute, heading the flock of Pidgeys, and drives Spearows away. During the battle, he evolves into Pidgeott, delighting his friends. Now they have to consider that Spearows may be back and frightens Pidgeys again. Ash asks his Pidgeott to stay with them and protect them, enduring sorrow for parting.

Episode #77: Snow-bound

As the foursome see a fork in the road, Ash decides to go through a snowy mountain route. Team Rocket follows the foursome, and Jessie gets reminded about her home routes. A blizard hits, and Pikachu gets blown off and Ash tries to rescue Pikachu. Ash uses Bulbasaur, but is unable to save Pikachu the first time, but Bulbasaur gets him the second time. Brock and Misty then stay at camp as Ash tries to rescue Pikachu. Ash and Pikachu try to return to camp, but are unable to reach camp. Ash tries to build an ice cave, and tries using Charlamander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Pikachu to build an ice cave. Team Rocket tries their best to keep warm also as their matches burn out. Charlamander's flame on it's tail is about to be used up, and Ash puts the 3 starting Pokemon in their pokeballs. Ash then tries to get Pikachu in the pokeballs, but Pikachu as always refuses. The 3 starting Pokemon, and Pidgeotto get out of their pokeballs. The next day, Ash and his pokemon get out of the cave to see Misty and Brock as they journey into Team Rockets run away balloon. Team Rocket tries to chase them, but end up in a hot spring as the foursome heads to another town.

Episode #78: Airship with Mishap
To arrive Daidai island as early as they can, Ash and his party talk to consider the journey on an airship, after purchasing in a drug store--while Pikachu trembles his whole body, standing the heaviness of groceries he holds. (Ash, you should care about him!) However, since they know that the ticket is too expensive, they have to give up the idea. And then Ash finds a raffle which is hold near them, tries it and wins three tickets for an airship bound four Orange island. The ship is, in fact, owned by Team Rocket, decided to scrap soon, because of different accidents which occured during the journeys. Ash also find the inside poor-looking when he and his friends get abroad. While the ship is ready to depart, approaches a pink, circle figure--Jigglypuff. She fiddles with a device, accidently switching it to a takeoff. The ship floats up, the rope which hangs from the body catching her foot, and taking her toward the sky with itself. The disaster happens when the couple and Meowth notice that there is not a pilot abroad. Three of them rush into the cocpkit, as the ship inclines to one side. Meowth scans the manual quickly, commanding his gangs the ways to operate to regain the balance. Jigglypuff, who hangs from the ship with the help of the rope, successfully intrudes the ship then. In the cabin, kids and Pikachu also scream as the ship inclines. The ship is finally balanced, then Misty finds Togepi has disappeared. They wandered, looking for the baby. When they find him toddling on a beam highly over their heads, the trio from Team Rocket shows up before them, getting in the way of them. Ash and Brock duel with them, and kick them out of the ship, as Misty tries hard to capture Togepi. Meowth's nail scratched to capture the cloth of the ship when they were thrown in the sky. Meowth forms it into a balloon, though panicking, and the other two gangs cling to him, as Jigglypuff floats in the sky and lands on the top of the balloon. Villains freeze. As they are afraid, Jigglypuff starts singing, her eyes closed, and her humor really good. Gangs fall asleep, their glips releasing the balloon, and they themselves fall-- What on earth become of Jigglypuff?? (They didn't show us that)

Episode #79: Pokemon and Poke Ball in the South (Good Bye, Brock)
Ash and his friends finally arrive at Daidai island, and are surprised to see Prof. Uchikido,
because it is a mature woman, and she is beautiful. She shows them a ball like a Poke ball, its color gold and silver, with a couple of letters which read 'G' and 'S', called GS ball, and asks them to take it to Prof. Oak. And what intrests them much more is Pokemon they find in the island, for they are slightly different from what they used to see in the term of markings and colors, which is the subject of Uchikido's study. It attracts Brock's interest, too, and makes him decide to stay there. Ash is astonished, feeling sad when he is leaving a friend, but he realizes soon what Brock wants to do as a Pokemon breeder, as he himself has something he is aiming at as a Pokemon trainer. High ambitions in their minds, a couple of boys say good-bye to each other, waving their hands. And now a broblem there is. It is the airship which has been destroyed when they arrived, for they need it to go home. (They don't know that the ship is owned by Team Rocket. They think that the gangs happened to board) When they reach the spot they landed, they find the ship repaired, with the great effort of Team Rocket. After they take off, the villains tries to capture Pikachu, as Jigglypuff shows up, a mike in her hand, then starts to sing as they were afraid to expect. Chagrined, and half asleep, villains escapes the ship, parachutes on their backs as Jigglypuff is also thrown away through the exit by the wind pressure. Pikachu and kids fall asleep, left in the ship. What will happen
to them? (To be continued)

Episode #80: Ness in Bonds
The airship crashes on Bontan Island, with Ash and his friends safe in it. Pikachu and Kids go out of the ship and wander around the island, seeking for some ones who can help them, and see a very young Ness is treated harshly by a young trio. Ash's party stands the way of roughnecks, commanding them to stop hitting Ness. However, they don't listen to them, and are ready to challenge them to a Pokemon battle. Just then a boy shouts to halt them. He is Kenji, a Pokemon watcher, who respect Prof. Oak and travel to observe different Pokemon, and wants to exam Ash's Pikachu and other Pokemon owned by the roughnecks. When he observes Pikachu, the trio sends their Pokemon to fight Pikachu. As Ash orders him to shock them, Pikachu jumps, attacking the guys' Pokemon with an electric shock. The trio runs away, and then Ash and his friends and Kenji take Ness to Pokemon center. Now ness is cowardly, unable to believe people. Ash approaches him, telling that he is safe in the presence of him and his friends, but in vain. Totally annoyed, they talk what to do. During the talk, Ash learns about Orange league, one type of Pokemon leagues, and wants to join. Suddenly, Team Rocket intrudes the center, capturing Ness. Ash and his friends tries hard to take him back, fighting villains, and that makes Ness believe them. As he successfully rescue Ness, Ash has a couple of new friends, Ness and Kenji.

Episode #81: Orange League!Natsukan Gym!
In this episode, Team Rocket travels in a Magikarp-shaped sub of pedal power (^ ^;),
following after Ash's party. But when they feel tired, the sub's screw catches some seeweed, then begins to sink--to the bottom of the sea... On the surface, riding on Ness, Ash and his party travel the surf of the sea, heading for Natsukan island where a local gym is located. Ness, who likes to be with some ones on the back, is in a good mood, and frisks, as Pikachu slips down his back. Ash manages to catch him, telling Ness with a smile to be easy, knowing his feelings. After landing, on the way to the gym, Ash finds a coconut on a side of the road, and, delighted, runs close, as Pikachu follows. However, it is a trap which the gym leader's young brother made. Ash picks the nut up, then water drops from the top of a tree near them, washing the poor boy and electric mouse. When Ash is ready to duel the boy, the gym leader Atsumi shows up, accepting Ash's challenge. Orange Pokemon league has its own rule, that Pokemon have to compete with their techniques, not battling each other. During the game in the sea, as usual, Team Rocket intrudes. Atsumi, who is astonished and feels redicurous to have heard their speech, asks Ash who they are, as James explains what happened to them, including himself, after the sub sank, that he went out and tore the weed from the screw. But their efforts turn vain when Pikachu slips his tail into water, shocking them. Afer that, the two trainers continue the game. It will be settled by competing with the technique of surfing. Ash rides Ness, while Atsumi uses Blastoise. Ash exerts all his power and wins, which brings a badge for the league to him.

Episode #82: Mystery of Disappearing Pokemon
Starving, Ash and his party land Kinkan island, and is going to a restaurant. On the way, they find a few Pokemon attacking their trainers. Astonished, Ash calls Pikachu, and dashes toward them to stop Pokemon. Suddenly, Pikachu stops, and turns around to Ash, his eyes fierce with hatred. Confused, Ash steps toward him, as he shocks him quickly. Togepi also changes. Pokemon leaves their trainers and disappears. His heart totally shattered, Ash is reminded of Pikachu's cold and fierce eyes toward him, that he has not ever had in his presence. When they see Police, they learn that many other trainers experience that recently in the island. And Team Rocket. As they arrive the island, Meowth looks atrocious, attacks his two friend, Jessie and James, and leaves them. The couple run after him, finding another couple of their team, Yamato and Kosaburo, who appeared in the episode 55, and Drowzee, whose hypnotic wave affects Pokemon. Drowzee uses the hypnotic wave, as he...dances the hula ^^; Jessie and James are defeated, their other pokemon taken by Yamato's couple, and deside to team up with Ash's party to take their Pokemon back. At Yamato's hideout, Ash sees Pikachu, who is now hypnotized. Cheered by Jessie and James, Ash fights to save his friend. Pikachu chases Ash, trying to shock him. It is a plan of Ash. He comes and stands just near dansing Drowzee, and Pikachu shocks him, and Drowzee. Pikachu and other Pokemon recover, ready to fight Yamato and Kosaburo. But Drowzee is not totally smashed, and begins to swing his fingers. It is one of attack, which no one knows what will happen by doing that. Togepi is pure, and does that way himself. Soon his fingers brightens-- A big explosion happens. The case concludes with Yamato and Kosaburo arrested, and no one notice Togepi's power, thinking that has been caused by Drowzee.

Episode #83: Crystal Onix
When Ash and his party travel in the sea, heading for Ponkan island, they find a bottle which contains a letter, asking about a crystal Onix, in it floating. They see the letter sender, a little girl named Masami, when they land and roam the island, and learn that her grandfather, a glass manufacturer, happened to see a crystal Onix, and made good work since then. Her brother Isamu inherited his studio, but has not made products so well as he can be satisfied. Ash's party decide to help the brother and sister seek for Crystal Onix, and Kenji states that he has a Pokemon that be able to help them, sending him. Appears a
blue mouse from his monster ball; it is Maryl, whom I saw in the movie short, "Pikachu's Summer Vacation." for the first time. Kenji lets him hear the roar of Onix. Maryl, whose hearing is excellent, traces the sound given to him, and successfully leads his party to the cave Onix lives. When Onix appears, Isamu challenges him, trying to capture him. However, the existence of the crystal Pokemon shocks through him with some kind of inspiration. Onix leaves, and Isamu finds himself able to make good work when he returns home with Ash's party.

Episode #84: Pink Pokemon
Misty is worrying about Togepy, as she thinks that he doesn't learn any ability for battles. When she and boys talk about the topic, Lapras is caught by a swift current. Swept away by it, Ash and his friends arrive at Pinkan island where no one is allowed to land except for designated officers. They find pink Pokemon there, and Kenji, as a Pokemon watcher, is delighted and wants to observe them. However, Ash accidently provokes Psyhorn, and the raged beast makes a dash for kids and Pokemon. They shut their eyes helplessly, as Togepy swings his fingers. A moment later, they find themselves teleported to a grass field. Kids wonder who have transfered them, suspicious of Togepy, yet unable to find out the truth. Team Rocket also landed the island. They plan to capture pink Pokemon, rare species, and fail, as usual, and is chased by Nidoking. Ash and his party get into a jeep,
and go to calm him down, but he has flown into a rage. He dashes, attacking the jeep, as Togepy swings his fingers again. A clear barrier shields the car, blocking the beam Nidoking shot. They then successfully capture him, surely not hurting him, and leave the island, keeping the suspition on Togepy.

Episode #85: Secret of Fossil Atts
As a fossil Atts was found on an island, a party of excavators, along with TV crews, is
sent to it for examining and excavation. Ash and his friends happen to see them, and want
to go with them. Then they finally discover fossil Atts, buried in the walls of a cave, as
the moon turns red. Catching the light, Fossils turn alive creatures, and Atts head to the
sea. In a while the island starts to quake, making people recognize that the island has been
made on the mass of fossil Atts. They narrowly escape, seeing Atts swimming away.

Episode #86: Dance! Pokemon Showboat!
Ash and his friends see a troupe of Pokemon showboat. They stage a drama in which Pokemon act with the human dubbing. There is Raichu, whose trainer is Kei, and he is too shy and cowardly, so that he cannot perform on the stage. With a sigh, Kei tell Ash and other kids the story when he came to join the troupe; he liked her when he saw her, as she did, and he hugged her, accidently shocking her. Astonished, she pushed him away, and he was very disappointed. She is also, though slightly, scared to touch him. When they are annoyed, Team Rocket intrudes the boat, in hope of capturing Pokemon there. Pokemon and the trainers help each other, fighting the villains. However, Raichu is frightened, and just tremble, but when he find his trainer shilding him to risk herself, he make up his mind to rouse himself, realizing that she sides with him--no matter what happened. With other Pokemon and trainers, he and Kei confront Team Rocket, successfully driving them away. Now Raichu is important to the troupe, and can play his role on the stage. Pikachu, wearing a tuxedo, appears on the stage, rhythmically dancing with Raichu and other Pokemon.

Episode #87: Adieu, Psyduck!
Hello, Golduck? Pikachu, Togepy and Psyduck are on the back of Lapras floating in the sea, Pikachu and Togepy talking with each other, and Psyduck sleeping. After a while of their sailing, Psyduck slides down the back of Lapras, and fell into the sea, as no one
notices that. When they can't find him around them, Pikachu and his friends, especially Misty, go panic, worrying about him--because he can't swim though he is a duck ^^;. But a girl named Tsubaki saves him and takes him to the beach where they are. She likes aquatic Pokemon as Misty does, and they make a perfect pair, and want to duel with each other. During the battle, Misty is going to send Psyduck, because Tsubaki also has another. The monster ball of Psyduck is in her sack, so askes Ash to take and bring it to her. Meeting her request, he throws it toward her, but it drops into the sea which surrounds rocky block where she is. With a sigh, she picks it from water, noting a blue creature's body following it, its head in it. It is Golduck, Psyduck's evolution. Misty is surprised, and delighted as well. Golduck is very strong, and drives them away easily as Team Rocket intrudes the peaceful beach, breaking the battle between two girls. After that, they resume the battle, and Misty's Golduck wins. Quite pleased, Misty takes his monster ball to withdraw him, and astounded--as Psyduck comes out of it. She and her friends are confused for a moment, but realize that he is wild, not her Psyduck's evolution, and likes to be with girls. He finds three cute girls some way from there, and leaves Misty to make a dash for them.

Episode #88: Nurse Sailing
Raging Waves Ash and his friends see a nurse of a Pokemon center traveling the sea by a canoe. There are some island not having a Pokemon center on it, so she likes to go to each of them, caring Pokemon in it, since she was saved by Magikarp when she was a little girl. Ash wants to help her, and Pikachu and other kids agree with him. However, when she needs to go to cure a baby Seel, Team Rocket appears and attacks them, planning to capture Pikachu. They, including the nurse, think that they are helpful and don't know what to do, Magikarp, the nurse's friend, comes to help her. The villains regist to drive him away, as he evolves to Gyarados. He smartly attacks the gang, defeating them.

Episode #89: Navel Island!
Battle on Snow Mountain To gain the Navel badge, preparing for the Orange league, Ash and his friends go to Navel island, and see a young man named Dan, finding his destination is the local gym as theirs. Pushing heavy iron doors at the gate, they enter the gym, facing a rocky mountain and a cableway beside it. Pikachu notes a board which reads that competition should climb the mountain without Pokemon's help. Since their friends can use the cableway, Misty and Kenji get into it, carried to the top of the mountain, while Ash starts tuckling the keen steep of it, following Pikachu and Dan. Having a hard time on the way, Ash manages to get over it. Halfway, Team Rocket intrudes his fight to capture Pikachu as usual. Dan helps the patners escape the villains's attack, and successfully drives them away. When they arrive at the summit of the mountain, Ash is told that Dan is the gym leader. He says that Ash can challenge him because he has overcome the hard work on the mountain with his own might. Although Team Rocket obstructs the duel again, taking Pikachu away, the two rivals help each other to get him back. After defeating the gang, they resume the fight, and Ash wins with the friendship between Pokemon. He can have Navel badge now.

Episode #90: Snorlax Panic!
Ash and his friends arrive at Shaddock islands, each one covered with shaddock trees. They land one of them, seeing the fruits ripe on branches of trees, and Ash takes one of them, as a woman runs toward them, crying, "thieves!" He looks around for gangs, ready to capture them, but in a moment finds that she is fucusing on him and his party. After he explains to remove her misunderstanding, she gives her name Nana, telling children that since some ones steal shaddocks she is too nervous about thieves. He wants to help her, as Pikachu and other friends hope. Soon after, they find an unexpected fact--that everything is what Snorlax has done. Snorlax, as he shows in their presence, begins to eat shaddocks. Ash and Misty send their Pokemon, commanding to fight him, but no match for him. While Nana and kids are annoyed, Snorlax has eaten up all fruits in a couple of islands, and swims to reach the third island. When they think that it is helpful, they know Jigglypuff has come. They plan to let her sing him to sleep, find her and asks her to sing. She begins to sing, and drowsiness they, including Snorlax, feel. Fighting sleepiness, Ash
battles with Snorlax with his Pokemon's help, and successfully captures him.

Episode #91: Phantom Ship
Phantom Pokemon The championship cup of the Orange League 300 years ago is excavated in the abyss of Sudachi island. Ash and his party happen to be there, and go to the museun in which the trophy is displayed, learning that it has been stolen. Later they find that it is Team Rocket's work, and chase them who escape in the sea. An old,
ruined ship is in their way, and both parties get board accidently. No one is found on it, as if it is a phantom ship, when Togepy accidently falls into a split on the deck. They go downstaris, looking for the baby Pokemon, and find a couple of ghosts playing with Togepy. In a moment they find they are Spirit and Spectre. They explain that the ship was owned by their trainer, who won the Orange League 300 years ago, but later it sank because of a storm. The two ghost Pokemon have stayed on the ship in the abyss, protecting the trophy, because it is the treasure of their friend who is now dead. Ash
recognizes their feelings, and gives up to take it back.


Holiday Hy-Jynx (Christmas Episode)

Jessie tries to capture a Jynx she thinks is Santa Claus after she thinks the Jynx stole her doll. The foursome see a Jynx on the beach, and tries to capture it. They see the Jynx with a boot that has Santa's ID on it. The Jynx shows him what happened with its Psychic powers, and tries to move to the North Pole. The water pokemon get tired, and Ash takes over until a Laparas comes to help them. They reach the North Pole, and give Santa his boot. Team Rocket, which followed the group in their sub. Team Rocket takes all the gifts from the North Pole, and rides off until all the Jynx's stop them with their Psycic powers. The gifts get dump back to the North Pole, and Team Rocket blasts off again, and Santa gets to deliver all the presents to kids around the world.


All Pokemon in the show have the same voice and sounds as they had in Japan.

The Podex looks almost like a gameboy.

Ash started with 8 pokeballs while in the game you don't start with 0 pokeballs.

Ash was late to get the 3 Pokemon you start in the game, but got a Pikachu.

When Ash has 6 Pokemon in his possesion and tries to catch another one. The Pokemon go to Prof. Oak instead of Bill as shown in the video game.

Ash and Gary never fought in the beginning and in other episodes. (They did not fight either on the SS Anne since Gary was not there.)

Brock and Misty join with Ash in the TV show.

Is this Pokemon Abuse?

Ekans spelled backwards is snake and Arbok spelled backwards is cobra.

That yellow thing on Meowth's head is called a charm.

How to fixed a broken item on a Pokemon. With super glue!

James had a pet Growlithe before joining Team Rocket

Did James parents ever were with Team Rocket?

Todd is a character from the new Nintendo 64 game called "Pokemon Snap." Left in the season finale of Pokemon when it went to the WB.



Ash- The main character who wants to become a Pokemon master

Pikachu- Ash's Pokemon. An electric mouse.

Profesor Oak- The Pokemon Professor of Pallet Town. Gary's grandfather

Gary- Professor Oak's Grandson. Wants to become a Pokemon master and is Ash's rival.

Team Rocket- The team of evil Pokemon poachers who want rare Pokemon. The team contains two humans named Jessie and James with a Pokemon named Meowth, a cat looking Pokemon. Jessie and James do throw down Poke balls. In episode 2, the two Pokemons in the Poke balls were Koffing (a water mine looking Pokemon that floats in air and shoots some kind of gas.) and Ekanss. (a rattlesnake looking Pokemon.) They later evolve into Arbok and Wheezing.

Misty- Some girl introduced in episode 1 and became Ash's companion in episode 2. Mad at Ash for wrecking her bike. A gym leader.

Ash's mom- Ash's mom. (Duh!).

Brock- A Pokemon breeder who allies with Ash. A gym leader.

Joy- The Pokemon Center nurses names.

Oficer Jenny- The name of all Officers in the Pokemon world.

Pokemon Sounds

Pokemon Rock

Pikachu laughing (Talk about cute.)

English Version of the Pokemon Theme

Team Rocket Motto

Pikachu Attacking

Pikachu saying his name (normal)

Pikachu saying his name (excitedly)


Seizure scene- Quicktime formatted. If you click this link. You waive responsability of any problems you experience watching this clip. Have fun! If you suffer from Epilletsy, please do not click on this link.

Pikachu says. "Adobt a Pikachu or Pokemon Today! Bring them home and take care of them. Remember Pokemon and pets that you actually own are not toys or machines. You cannot play with them and then say your done with them and leave them or neglect them somewhere like a shelter, park, and your own house. So take care of your pets and Pokemon today and show them you love them. Having a pet or Pokemon is a great responsability. My friend Ash had to learn this the hard way like some people have done. This makes me sad. So go to your pet and say how much you honestly love them. Make it true and honest."

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