Timothy Cooper does MJ12

Source: Majestic 12 Reports by Tim Cooper




Timothy S. Cooper 

Private Investigator 
P.O. Box 1206 
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315


December 30, 1999 
Continued from page 1

By January 1955, the CIA and the Air Force had launched various 
weapons and systems projects under the cloak of the highest 
national security umbrella for remote—guided weapons, 
uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAV’s), high altitude 
reconnaissance aircraft and advanced material production for 
space weapons applications.

General Cabell mentioned the difficult task of UFO intelligence 
and research experienced by the Air Force and CIA in his 
memoirs and made a provocative statement regarding the results 
of BLUE BOOK when he wrote that "it [must] be remembered that 
it was not until December 1969 that the Air Force felt 
justified in ruling out any substance of a harmful nature in 
the mass of reports about "Flying Saucers" or "Unidentified 
Flying Objects"" and that it "took all those years, the efforts 
of several boards of very learned men, and above all, the 
sophisticated knowledge that came from our space program, 
including a successful landing on the moon, to give this 

This confidence did not extend to the CIA for their analysts 
were not convinced that all UFO sightings were associated with 
the things GRUDGE and BLUE BOOK identified as mentioned in a 1 
August, 1952 memorandum from the Weapons and Equipment Division 
to the Deputy Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence 
that recommended "that CIA surveillance of subject matter, in 
coordination with proper authorities of primary operational 
concern at ATIC, be continued" and that no indication of CIA 
interest or concern reach the press." This fact was not known 
until 1978 when the CIA was compelled by court order to search 
for UFO documents and declassified and released them in 1980 to 
the public through the Freedom of Information Act. I find it 
very curious that the Air Force released a fact sheet along 
with newly declassified CIA UFO files to me on September 23, 
1998 in which (as they have always done) state that BLUE BOOK 
was discontinued (the public experiment) on December 17, 1969, 
in which 701 sightings remained unidentified and based on the 
University of Colorado report "Scientific Study of Unidentified 
Flying Objects" as a "Air Force experience" from Project SIGN, 
GRUDGE, and BLUE BOOK (USAF Fact Sheet 95—03). An even more 
curious fact is found in the fact sheet that suggests a 
continuing surveillance by the Air Force that "nothing has 
occurred that would support a resumption of UFO 
investigations…. Given the current environment of steadily 
decreasing defense budgets, it is unlikely the Air Force would 
become involved in such a costly project in the foreseeable 
future." This may not be so, for CIA and NSA UFO files of the 
70’s through the 90’s have Air Force activities on their 
distribution lists. I believe Air Force Intelligence still 
maintains a "world—wide reporting system" and continues to 
"make interceptions of unidentified flying objects" as stated 
in a September 24, 1952 CIA memorandum from H. Marshall 
Chadwell, Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence to DCI 
Walter B. Smith that "whether or not these sightings: (1) could 
be controlled; (2) could be predicted; and (3) could be used 
from a psychological warfare point of view, either offensively 
or defensively." I also believe the same policy of "what should 
be told the public" for the same reasons Chadwell demonstrated 
over 50 years ago a "community—wide coordinated effort" 
continues to operate.

I can only conclude at this point that whatever work is going 
on at Area 51 and annex sites that warrants the use of "deadly 
force" on deliberate or accidental intruders on the ground or 
in the air, the tales coming from "insiders" and much 
speculation on just what deserves such extreme protection was 
out of public view for nearly 40 years.


In this final segment of my synopsis, I would like to draw your 
attention to some little known and misunderstood facts that 
surfaced in my year—long review of the questionable documents 
as a whole. First, I would like to make on point very clear, 
and that is; they do not presume to be designed to mislead 
ufologists into accepting what some experts believe are bad 
history or poorly done reporting of facts. To those who have 
taken the time to carefully research the data, they have 
yielded unexpected surprises which has opened up new pathways 
to other documents that would have otherwise not been located 
in official archives. That’s important and essential to 
understanding the design and intent of the writer(s) who were 
responsible for their creation. The main objection, which has 
been put forward by so many researchers—is that they reflect 
information that, so far as I know, seem out of place and do 
not fit into conventional Department of Defense classification 
of the period. This is a valid objection. Another is—they are 
not (with exception of a few documents) virgin material. That 
is, they are not original documents and lack proper control and 
registry security numbers and cover sheets for document 
management by custodians of classified information. And 
finally, but most importantly, they do not entirely fit in with 
official UFO history. One could argue that a extraterrestrial 
spacecraft could have crashed in the remote New Mexican desert 
53 years ago, the military recovered it and the President 
ordered everyone involved to keep his mouth shut about it. This 
is all quite plausible. The other side to this, that is, 
keeping this fact secret by so many for so long without a trace 
of connected physical evidence or some kind of official paper 
trail strains one’s credibility. How could such a broad and 
sweeping intelligence and research operation involving possibly 
tens of thousands of military and civilian personnel funded by 
a budget larger than the Manhattan project under the most 
extreme security precautions escape the notice of just about 
everyone in the federal government? For that I have no answer 
to. It is a fact that the military, the CIA, NSA, NRO, FBI, 
DIA, NASA, and just about every other alphabet agency in the 
U.S. intelligence community can and has kept secrets from us 
for as long as it remains a secret and will employ any means to 
keep it secret. We have history on our side to prove it. The 
United States Government has over 200 years of experience in 
running statecraft secrecy and has the bureaucracy and 
resources to bury information it does not want the public to 
know. The government, by its own mass and structure, can also 
be a castle with many rooms and secret closets whose existence 
is not known by even the servants. Only those who possess the 
"keys" can unlock these hidden doors of secrets. I believe, in 
this case, the Majestic documents are a kind of "key" or cipher 
to a much larger information code to a much larger, but darker 
secret about American history of which we are only beginning to 
learn about. We still don’t know why U.S. intelligence allowed 
the attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor or if President 
Roosevelt knew of the attack in advance. We still don’t know 
why President Kennedy was shot to death in broad daylight in 
front of so many witnesses who saw more than three snipers 
shoot from three different locations and the president’s body 
was "altered" and the autopsy changed to make it look like the 
work of one gunman. We can speculate and theorize for another 
50 years on this issue, but until the agencies responsible see 
it in their best interest to release this information, we can 
only piece together unconnected facts and second hand testimony 
in a chance reconstruction of what we think might have 

In my own humble opinion, the Majestic documents are basically 
reliable as far as content is concerned with the exception of 
questionable hypothesis that there are other intelligent, 
thinking, machine building cultures visiting planet earth on a 
regular, day to day basis. The documents may be a product of 
either U.S. or Soviet disinformation whose target may be the 
defense establishments and the economic machinery of war 
making. They may be a product of the art of psychological 
warfare whose purpose is to throw doubt and suspicion among an 
enemy causing him to divert his defenses in a direction of 
attack that never came. It may be the work of a lonely, 
disgruntled, and frustrated ufologist who desperately wanted to 
project his own personal belief in aliens from another world on 
the rest of us for reasons not apparent. Or—they could be real. 
One theory that has been advanced over the last few years is 
that the Majestic documents were written by a remorseful but 
clever intelligence professional wishing to expose a cover—up 
by the intelligence community for personal reasons. Given the 
psychology of UFO researchers and their propensity to dig for 
facts, the perpetrator may have understood this and injected 
truth with falsehoods as a test of will and determination on 
the researcher’s part to get to the truth. Or—the whole thing 
is just a hoax by someone who enjoys seeing the UFO community 
upset and split apart by personal differences and wants a good 
laugh on everyone. So far, this scenario has not surfaced which 
is surprising to say the least.

There is one document that does not connect to any MJ-12 
organization nor pretends to project fantasy is the 
Einstein/Oppenheimer opinion draft of June 1947. I have spent 
considerable time and research on both scientists and their 
backgrounds and personal lives that leads me to believe the 
document to be reflective of the time and paranoia that really 
existed among military intelligence. The style, choice of 
words, reflection of the "inner man" thoughts on scientific 
probability and the realization of the terrible consequences of 
nuclear annihilation are consistent with both Einstein and 
Oppenheimer views of the time. Both were instrumental in the 
development of atomic weapons. Both entertained personal 
beliefs that mankind is not unique in the universe. And both, 
irrespective of what you may believe were secretly involved in 
extending the physics of atomic energy to a new level of 
understanding through peaceful applications of the atomic 
structure of the single unifying force that drives the physical 
universe. It may be only coincidence but both men saw their 
careers cut short within one year of each other. Oppenheimer in 
1954 by the AEC and Einstein’s death in 1955. Both had security 
dossiers in the Army, FBI, AEC, and CIA. Both were considered 
high security risks in the Manhattan project and were labeled 
communists by the government. Most importantly, both were 
visionaries in their fields (Einstein was selected as Time 
magazine Man of the Century and the development of the atomic 
bomb as the most significant bench mark of human achievements 
in science).

As to the rest of the documents, I can only conclude based on 
what I have studied in the last year are likely to be, as I 
have already pointed out, accurate in a historical context and 
possibly reflect the politics and statecraft of the times.


Authenticating any Majestic document may be improbable in the 
present environment and could take many years of painstaking 
research and analysis which, in either case would be a costly 
and controversial undertaking. As an alternative to a long 
drawn out process of elimination, I recommend that the 
psychological warfare theory be considered along with research 
directed in the field of nuclear—powered aircraft and missile 
development as possible approaches in solving the implications 
made in the documents. I also recommend that further FOIA 
requests be directed at the CIA’s AEC intelligence files of the 
1950’s and 60’s as possible confirmation for MAJIC security 
classification. Background research on individuals mentioned 
would also yield more information and associations with 
classified defense projects connected to known black programs 
of the CIA and NRO. I would also suggest that a reexamination 
of released UFO documents including Project BLUE BOOK as a 
least expensive approach to making connections to the CIA and 
possibly proving that a formal UFO intelligence and research 
program did exist and thereby establishing factual evidence for 
a Majestic—like operation. A reexamination of the AEC’s 
Manhattan Project files from NARA would provide the best model 
in which to construct a workable hypothesis for understanding 
the security structure for the claims made in the documents 
which may lead to further documents. As a way of verification 
of Operation Paperclip involvement a FOIA request to the CIA 
would be in order, at least to confirm which German scientist 
was employed to work in classified AEC, CIA, and USAF research 

© Tim Cooper, 2000

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