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by Philip Niewold

Main Page
Adventurer's Guild
City of Dyvers
Fharlanghn's Sign
Hall of Boccob
Lendor's Lore
Spindle of Istus
Trithereon's Quests
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[ Spells ]  [ Magical Items graysheet_rightcorner.gif (138 bytes)

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by BROM '90

Boccob, called The Uncaring, is the Lord of All Magics and Archmage of the Deities. Whether or not any worship or serve him seems of no importance to him. It is said that in his palace there is at least one of every magic item, save artifacts or relics, ever devised by magic-user or illusionist.
- taken from A Guide to the World of Greyhawk







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You can browse through the spells with help of the index provided below, or you can download a zipped RTF file containing all the spells described below, if you prefer to read them off-line.

Wizard Spells

Alnor's Spells

Daron's Spells

Mirama's Spells

Nagan's Spells

Salur's Spells

Priest Spells



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Magical Items

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I am still busy formatting my own magical items, but here is the 'official' Greyhawk magical items listing that was published in the Greyhawk Adventure hardcover to keep you interested. It is also available on the TSR website at under greyhawk downloads, but I have cleaned up that version slightly and changed it into RTF.

Greyhawk Adventures Items

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