The Faerie Forest
Poemette by Torlilla

Protection From The Faeries
As we all know the faeries can be quite mischevious at times. Sometimes they
can hurt people, although they do not mean to, by playing a silly prank just for
fun. Other Faeries, such as the deadly Red Cap, are evil and set out to hurt
others. This page contains a list of ways that you can protect yourself from the
faeries, both the good and the bad.

Faerie Booklist
Most of the information throughout my Realm has come from many books. There
are quite a few faerie books out there. Some have faerie tales and stories, others
contain lots of information and pictures of the little people, like Alan Lee and Brian
Froud's book called "Faeries" which is one of my personal favourites. This page
contains a list of faerie books with a short summary, which I wrote myself, and
other publishing information. If you would like for me to include your thoughts or
a summary of your own on a particular book, please fell free to E-mail me.

There are hundreds of faerie sites out on the web. On this page I have narrowed
them down to what I think are the best and most informative pages. This page also
includes other links, like art links and my personal favourite links that do not have
to do with faeries.
Home Flying Faerie

This site was created by Bluepixie,
Copyright © 1997, 1998
Established August 16, 1997

The title graphic was created by Bluepixie,
If you know the artist of the title faeries or
animated faerie please mail me.
Subtitles also created by Bluepixie
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Graphics and text on these pages are copyrighted.
Do not reproduce without permission.