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  There are dozens of items, weapons, and armor to be found in the Realms, though not all of them are immediately accessible. This section lists all common items, their prices, and where they can be found, and goes over body slots - how many items you can wear, and where you can place them.

  There are many types of coinage in the Realms. A coin of of a given value equals 100 coins of the next lower value. In order to change the bank value (the coinage it uses for your balance), the command is CRT B #, where the number is 1, 3, 5, etc. - 1 is cp, 3 is sp, etc. The following is a list of all the coinage types, in order of value.

Body Slots
  The body location represents what you are wearing, and there are restrictions on what can be worn. To be able to wear primary armor (leather vest, plate armor, etc.), you must be trained in the appropriate Armor skill (see Weapons and Armor). Also, you cannot be wearing any other armor to be able to remove or put on primary armor. The slots that other pieces of armor occupy are listed below:
  Besides the position restrictions, some armor may be be worn in conjunction with other armor (breastplate and chain hauberk, e.g.); epaulettes and leggings cannot be worn with plate armor. Also, some of this armor requires a particular armor skill and may thus not be wearable.

  The hands image in the Inventory destinations display represents what you are wearing on your hands/wrists/fingers as opposed to what you might be carrying in your hands, which is handled by the Melee Combat display. What you can or cannot wear on your hands/wrists/fingers is as follows:
  The difference between bracers and wristbands, as defined here, is that wristbands give armor protection but bracers do not, instead typically being very light but giving some magical protection of one sort or another.

  The belt represents what you are carrying on your body as opposed to what you might be wearing on your body, and can include gear that you might be wearing on a belt, on a sheathe, over the back or shoulders, in pockets, etc. Items that can be put on your belt include most weapons and shields (those too large, such as pikes and body shields, are excluded), potion bottles, or other things that might be carried in pockets and other containers including:

Items, Basic
  These are common items that don't fit under weapons or armor. Clothing (belts, shirts, pants, tunics, and headbands) can have enchantments transferred into them from items that take up the same slot (helmet - headband, armor - shirt, etc.), and are also mentioned in the Magic section.

Item Price Location
Belt* 1 pp Uswick
Bolt case 1 np Haven, Uwsick
Bracers 1 pp Uswick
Headband 1 pp Uswick
Pack 5 cp Haven
Pants* 10 pp Uswick
Pouch 1 cp Haven
Quiver 1 np Haven, Uswick
Sack 1 cp Haven
scrollcase 10 cp Haven
Shirt* 10 pp Uswick
Tunic* 10 pp Uswick

*Belts, pants, shirts, and tunics can be bought in different colors (just tell the seller SELL shirt ##, where the number is 1-8). The different colors are listed below:
Number Pants Shirts Shirts Tunics
1 Dk blue Dk blue Lt blue Red
2 Orange Yellow Yellow Orange
3 Lt green White White Yellow
4 Pink Pink Pink Lt green
5 Magenta Orange Orange Lt blue
6 Yellow Purple Purple Dk blue
7 Purple Lt green Lt green Purple
8 Tan Red Red White
Weapons and Armor
  Weapons and armor can be made from a variety of materials. The most basic kinds are wood, leather, and iron, progressing upwards from there. Higher material types are considered equal to expertly-crafted items of the next lower material type - so, for instance, a normal steel sword would be equivalent to a L3 (expertly crafted) iron sword. The various materials, their levels, and the character level required to buy it or get it as a prize are listed below. The list of weapon and armor skills can be found here.

Level Material Min. Level
0 Leather, wood, iron -- -- -- -- 1
1 Well crafted -- -- -- -- ??
2 Finely crafted -- -- -- -- ??
3 Expertly crafted Corintean, oaken, steel -- -- -- ??
4 Supberly crafted Well crafted -- -- -- ??
5 Perfectly crafted Finely crafted -- -- -- ??
6 Enchanted Expertly crafted Wyvern hide, ironwood, adamantine -- -- ??
7 -- Superbly crafted Well crafted -- -- ??
8 -- Perfectly crafted Finely crafted -- -- ??
9 -- Enchanted Expertly crafted Dragonette, elven forest, mithril -- ??
10 -- -- Superbly crafted Well crafted -- 45
11 -- -- Perfectly crafted Finely crafted -- ??
12 -- -- Enchanted Expertly crafted Young dragon, druid realm, titanium ??
13 -- -- -- Superbly crafted Well crafted ??
14 -- -- -- Perfectly crafted Finely crafted ??


Item Price Location
Arrow 1 cp/10 Haven
Axe 10 cp Haven
Axe, battle 20 cp Haven
Axe, big battle 50 cp Salazad
Axe, hand 5 cp Haven
Axe, great 30 cp Salazad
Bolt 1 cp/10 Haven
Bow, great 30 cp Haven
Bow, long 20 cp Haven
Bow, short 10 cp Haven
Broom 10 cp Haven
Crossbow, hand 30 cp Salazad
Crossbow, large 40 cp Salazad
Crossbow, light 50 cp Salazad
Dagger 20 cp Haven
Fauchard 20 cp Haven
Flail 20 cp Haven
Flail, 2-handed 30 cp Haven
Halberd 40 cp Uswick
Hammer 30 cp Salazad
Javelin 10 cp Haven
Lucern hammer 40 cp Haven
Mace 10 cp Haven
Mace, heavy 30 cp Salazad
Mace, spiked 20 cp Haven
Main-gauche 5 cp Haven
Maul 30 cp Haven
Military pick 10 cp Haven
Morningstar 20 cp Haven
Morningstar, big 30 cp Salazad
Pike 20 cp Haven
Sling 5 cp Haven
Spear 10 cp Haven
Spear, 2-handed 30 cp Uswick
Staff 10 cp Haven
Staff, great 30 cp Haven
Stiletto 20 cp Haven
Sword 10 cp Haven
Sword, bastard 30 cp Haven
Sword, broad 40 cp Salazad
Sword, claymore 50 cp Haven
Sword, cutlass 15 cp Haven
Sword, epee 10 cp Salazad
Sword, falchion 30 cp Haven
Sword, great 60 cp Salazad
Sword, greek 10 cp Haven
Sword, long 20 cp Haven
Sword, rapier 10 cp Haven
Sword, saber 30 cp Salazad
Sword, scimitar 30 cp Salazad
Sword, short 5 cp Haven
Trident 20 cp Haven
Warhammer 20 cp Haven


Item Price Location
Bracers, leather 1 np Haven
Bracers, metal 2 np Haven
Boots, leather 3 np Haven
Breastplate, bronze 2 np Haven
Breastplate, plate 5 np Haven
Breastplate, thin 3 np Haven
Epaulettes, leather 1 np Haven
Epaulettes, metal 2 np Haven
Field plate 2 gp Salazad
Full plate 5 gp Salazad
Gauntlets, plate 8 np Salazad
Gloves, leather 2 np Haven
Gloves, chain 2 np Salazad
Hauberk, brigandine 5 sp* Uswick
Hauberk, chain 6 sp Salazad
Hauberk, leather 2 sp* Uswick
Hauberk, scale 9 sp* Uswick
Helmet, bronze 5 np Haven
Helmet, full 1 sp Haven
Helmet, leather 2 np Haven
Helmet, plate 3 np Salazad
Helmet, pot 5 np Haven
Helmet, pot w/aventail 1 sp Haven
Helmet, visored 5 np Salazad
Kilt, studded 2 np Haven
Leg greaves 2 np Haven
Leggings, leather 1 np Haven
Pants, chain 3 np Salazad
Platemail 1 gp Salazad
Shield, body 4 sp Haven, Salazad
Shield, buckler 5 np Haven, Salazad
Shield, kite 2 sp Haven, Salazad
Shield, kite, lg. 2 sp Salazad
Shield, round 2 sp Haven, Salazad
Shield, wooden. lg. 1 sp Haven, Salazad
Shield, wooden, sm. 1 sp Haven, Salazad
Shirt, chain 4 sp Salazad
Shirt, full chain 5 sp Salazad
Shoes, chain 5 np Salazad
Shoes, plate 9 np Salazad
Skirt, heavy armored 3 np Haven
Vest, brigandine 3 sp Haven
Vest, chain 3 sp Salazad
Vest, cloth 8 np Haven
Vest, leather 1 sp Haven
Vest, studded leather 2 sp Haven
Vest, scale 5 sp Haven