The Armor Girls Home Page

Last Update: June 21, 1999

"Pert young girls in sailor outfits run around firing bazookas..." -- the absurdity of this scenario is enough to cause a chuckle with almost anyone. Nevertheless, this combination of "girls & hardware" was incredibly popular with Japanese animation fans during the 1980s. This phenomena was also no doubt the spark which ultimately gave birth to the MS Girls.

--Intro from "The Worldwide Merchandise Division 2001 of Les MS Girls"

As a concept that's almost 20 years old, Armor Girls can still get a chuckle. My first sight of the concept was in a comic store when I was much younger, in the form of two model kits, one of a Gundam, the other a Macross Veritech Vakyrie. I almost forgot about the concept until a few years ago, when I got my hands on a Mika Akitaka art book.

Most of my searches of the web have picked up scant traces of the phenomena, aside a few gallery pages dedicated to Akitaka. There has been nothing looking at the concept as a whole. This page is intended to remedy that.

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Armor Girls In the Media
Anatomy of Armor Girls
Drawing an Armor Girl
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