USS Challenger NCC-49925

Captain John Trevor Erickson Commanding

USS Challenger

Welcome to the USS Challanger NCC-49925. I am the captain of this ship and your host for the duration of your stay.


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life forms have arrived on Challenger since stardate 9809.26 (Earth standard September 26, 1998).

Information on Challenger has been last updated on stardate 9910.30 2000 hrs. (Earth American standard October 30, 1999 3:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time).

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Hello, my name is John Erickson. I hope your stay on Challenger will be a pleasant one. If you need any assistance, feel free to use the comm panel

Feel free to Sign the logbook or View the logbook entries.

The USS Challenger is a Starfleet vessel of the Galaxy class and I, John Erickson, am authorized by Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets to represent those parties in matters of defense and in diplomatic conflicts.

Specifications on USS Challenger
Class Galaxy
Launch 51759
Armament Phasers, Photon Torpedoes, Quantum Torpedoes
Primary Missions Exploration, Defense, Diplomatic
(Multimission star ship)
Shuttlecraft Pima, Pinal, Taylor, Tarrant, Sarpy, Maricopa, San Bernadino, Concho
Runabouts Navajo, Cherokee, Cheyenne


Covert Ops


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The USS Challenger was commissioned in stardate 51759 or the year 2374. She was given command to Capt. John Erickson shortly thereafter. Since that time, she was retrofitted with lo-res sensors that were able to scan any object in what were previously blind spots (though they couldn't tell you what the object was only say it was there). The shielding was designed to deflect a greater range of radiation and therefore could withstand more "unknowns" in space (like the shield configuration on Constitution class vessels). The Challenger has not been through any battles except "mock" battles to test her capabilities. Thus far she has charted 25 new systems. She is now underway on her first mission. Sign up now to become a member of the crew.

Ship Roster

Name with profile link Station Rank Contact

Command Division

John Erickson Commanding officer captain Bridge
William H. Beard First Officer commander Bridge
Five of Seven Second Officer lieutenant commander Bridge
John Forrester Helmsman lieutenant commander Bridge
Tever Nightwind Tactical Officer lieutenant Security Office

Engineering Division

[AVAILABLE] Chief Engineer Sign up now
[AVAILABLE] Assistant Engineer Sign up now!
Five of Seven Operations Manager lieutenant commander Bridge
[AVAILABLE] Transporter Cheif Sign up now
[AVAILABLE] Warp Core Specialist Sign up now

Science Division

Sharii M'Lira Chief Science Officer lieutenant Science Lab 1
Stephanie Erickson Head of Astrophysics Department lieutenant commander Astrophysics Lab
[AVAILABLE] Head of Planetary Sciences Sign up now
[AVAILABLE] Head of Stellar Cartography Sign up now
[AVAILABLE] Head of Xenobiology Sign up now

Security Division

Tever Nightwind Chief of Security lieutenant Security Office
[AVAILABLE] Deputy Chief of Security Sign up now!
[AVAILABLE] Head of Weapons Technology Sign up now!

Medical Division

Kaani Techer Chief Medical Officer commander Sickbay
[AVAILABLE] Head Nurse Sign up now!
Madokah Ayakawa Ship's Counselor lieutenant commander Counselor's Office

I need recruits. Please sign up for service in Security immediately if you want to join my crew.

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Starbase 28 is the headquarters of Theta Fleet. If you wish, you can contact Admiral Greg Hawgood.

If you want to learn more about me, you can access my profile

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