Welcome to the land of mystery, where the impossible is possible, and the improbable the reality. Join me as I investigate worlds filled with magic and meet the souls that wield this wondrous powers.
This review does not represent the opinions of the general public. It reflects my personal thoughts and opinions on the book.
That said, on to the review!
Icefalcon's Quest continues to detail the post-Dark world after Rudy, Gil, and Ingold stopped the threat of the slunch. Unlike the earlier books, however, the three play minor roles, leaving the greater part of it to describe the Icefalcon's past and his endeavors to rescue Altir. Altir, too, has longer stage time, and it is through him that readers learn more about the Keeps and the burden that the memories buried in the line of Dare truly is. It is, however, through a combination of the Icefalcon's observations and Altir's instinctive knowledge that details about the greatest magics of the past become known.
Of the new--or relatively new--characters that popped up in the book, I'd say I have to like Cold Death the best. The Icefalcon's elder sister has a wicked sense of humor that doesn't necessarily seem like humor, and it is through some of her dry observations that the oppresiveness of the northern lands, felt even through the medium of the book, is lessened. Then, too, it is a relief to find such a powerful, relatively untrained wizard that doesn't go by the name "Ingold Inglorion" playing a key role. I think having Ingold be the focus of the previous four books in the series was rather much. Even here he...well, let's just say that I'm glad Cold Death puts in numerous appearances.
This follow-up book--a sequel to the sequel if you like--to The Darwath Trilogy and Mother of Winter starts up a separate, self-contained tale about the life and times of the mysterious Icefalcon. Now we know what motivates the quiet warrior and impels him to doing things others wouldn't dream of. No one expected the Alketch Empire to roll over and die, not after the tantalizing glimpse Ms. Hambly offered before, and she doesn't disappoint here!
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