Tomes of Spellcasting

Welcome to the land of mystery, where the impossible is possible, and the improbable the reality. Join me as I investigate worlds filled with magic and meet the souls that wield this wondrous powers.

If you enjoy reading about wizards and warriors, knights and dragons, and quests to save the world, then this is the place for you. Every half-month you'll find a new fantasy book review posted here.

All involve magic of some sort. Some center around the journeys of heroic knights. Others tell the tales of maidens in distress. Every one of them has a strong, compelling plot that won't let you stop in the middle of a quest. And you can be sure that this category will never want for fodder, because there are hundreds of thousands of fantasy novels out there waiting to be read!

So sit back and enjoy the book reviews, and let me know when you read one!

F E A T U R I N G !

04/01/2003: M.Y.T.H. Inc. in Action

Last update: Myth-nomers and Im-Pervections

Looking for something that's no longer here? Check in the Archive to search for it.

Comments? Suggestions? Just click here to send me e-mail. Also, if this review prompted you to read the book, then let me know. I appreciate knowing I made a difference in somebody's life.

This page posted February 1, 2000.

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