Welcome to the land of mystery, where the impossible is possible, and the improbable the reality. Join me as I investigate worlds filled with magic and meet the souls that wield this wondrous powers.
This review does not represent the opinions of the general public. It reflects my personal thoughts and opinions on the book.
That said, on to the review!
Year of the Griffin is a sequel to Dark Lord of Derkholm, but like all good novels, it is fully capable of standing alone if it had to. Certainly, knowing the events of the first book is helpful, but while it is a follow-up to the first novel, the events in the second are almost completely distanced and separate from those in the first. It's more in the way of seeing people working to overcome the problems left by the events from the first novel, like the lack of new ideas the University is exploring because of its "tradition" of turning out wizards to guide the Pilgrim Parties.
What makes this book so interesting and enjoyable is the way Elda and her friends--a mismatched bunch that includes a crown prince, an emperor's sister, and a rogue dwarf--are able to overlook all their differences and form strong relationships, wholly prepared to help one another through their troubles. Then again, maybe it is because of those differences, and the resultant grouping of them all together, that encourages those relationships to form and sustain themselves, even when dealing with problems arising on several different fronts. And, of course, in the middle of it all is Elda. Well, what did you expect when this is a book titled "Year of the Griffin"?
If you want to know more about Derk's world, or if you just want to have a good time, then Year of the Griffin is a book you should definitely look into. It doesn't have quite the same vastness of scope as Dark Lord of Derkholm had, but that doesn't mean this book doesn't travel. You'll still get a chance to explore more of Derk's world, but you'll also get to see more of specific places like the University. But you'll have to decide for yourself which you like better: travelling all over the continent, or staying in one place!
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