Gallery of the Week

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The Death Star was designed by Grand Moff Tarkin to be the ultimate superweapon. The Death Star would be used as a symbol of Imperial power, and lead the way in subjecting all worlds to the Empire. The size of a small moon, the Death Star was a near-invincible weapon, striking fear into the hearts of all. The superlaser unleashes enough power to destroy a whole planet in one shot. With this capability, what can stop the Empire?

Past Galleries

February 17, 2000: TIE Advanced
February 6, 2000: Battle of Endor
March 13, 2000: Imperial Security
April 10, 2000: Jedi Council
April 17, 2000: Jedi Battles
April 24, 2000: Federation Army
May 1, 2000: Old Republic Senate
May 8, 2000: Two Familiar Droids