The purpose of this node is very simple... to show the United States Post Office for what it really is... A Dinosaur slowly sinking in the tar pits.

This node will contain stories about what goes on at the USPS, with stories from myself (which are numerous) and others. Although my experience has been one of utter disbelief and incredible disappointment, this has only been in the last few years, since transfering to the Saginaw, MI office. Prior to that I was happy and considered an outstanding employee. I have come across other stories from other employees, all over the country and will post them here. I'm sure I'll also add my own comments as I may have a strong opinion on certain topics.

For now let me just start by allowing you to read some stories I've collected. I'll save my comments for another day. Don't worry, I will rant a lot about the postal "service".

First here's an article  in which some employees explain what they've seen.

Or maybe you have questions about Lance Armstrong. You're not alone.

Maybe you only care that your mail gets to you on time. Well know you are disappointed, and you are not alone. This story is from New York but doesn't it sound familiar?

Have you ever known anyone who worked for the PO? You'd look into their eyes and wonder why no one was home. Well it's a defense, the only way for some people to survive in the face of overwhelming stupidity. Here's just one example of treatment of an employee and his questioning of the Armstrong situation.

This is an interesting article. Interesting because I said similar things for a while now. I was told by my "learned" supervisor that I didn't know what I was talking about and should stay out of things that don't concern me. I guess my job's future doesn't concern me.

Now the PO is stating that it will make a profit in 2k3. This coming right after the article about the waste of money from the machines and work done due to the anthrax scare.

I thought I'd share some letters to the editor I came across. My personal favorite is the one in which the person asks why he is asked to carry a suspected bomb. I love this because I've asked the same question at least 100 times. "If you think it's dangerous why should I take it out and deliver it back to the sender". The response... "just do it".

Is the mail safer ? PO says of course.

Could any of this be why some people believe the rates will go up again. Even though the PO promised not to do it again until 2k4. No doubt they're already planning the rate hike.

Have any of you wondered why mail gets lost or it takes so long to get to it's destination? Well there are so many reasons but some mail was in jail.

I know that many of you are saying that there is no way a "business" can run this way. You're partially right, I'm sure some businesses do some or all of these things. You don't however, hear of the vindictive managerial tactics that even when exposed to the public, don't change. In fact sometimes they get worse. Here is another story of some typical activities.

Like the rising cost of stamps? Join the 21st century and pay your bills like the rest of us.

Hey! The Post Office got around to turning over the documents in the Armstrong situation..... but, they did it the postal way.

I was turned onto an article by a "groupie" of mine. (Wow, I'm getting to be cool) The article is from February and details a few comments by postal employees. They are not surprising to those of us who know the PO, but were unbelievable to someone outside.

Management sent a carrier back out after dark. Oh, yeah he was killed.

Inspecting the inspector.

Read this letter to the editor. Same old theme, where did service go?