Lenscherr Academy Profiles


You are now in the Lenscherr Academy. To the public, we are merely a private school, but it is within these walls that the future is being sculpted. My academy is a haven to mutants who are feared and hated by humanity.



Combat Simulation Chambers- This is where my students are trained for battle. A series of chambers allowing for combat practice or exercise in extreme heat, cold, gravity, or a variety of other environments. For team practice there is the room known as the The Valley, a massive replica of a rocky valley, where teams will try to cross or prevent others from crossing, or hunt a target.

White Cerebro - A device I created with Charles Xavier, to locate mutants with his psychic powers. I have created another of these wonderful machines, altered to maximize the efficiency of Miss Frost's abilities.

Rhino - This van is used as a transport for the Brotherhood. It's inconspicuous, heavily armored, and even amphibious.

Shield Generator - Should the school come under attack, a forcefield can be erected, preventing all forms of entry and exit.

Garage and Stables - For students who have prior attachment to vehicles or steeds.



My time is spent teaching my students how to hone their powers to the fullest. I have little time for more academic subjects, so only the more appreciative students will make it into the physics classes I instruct. My faculty handles most of the teaching.

Raven Darkholme - a.k.a. Mystique. Leader of the Brotherhood Black Team. She teaches history.

Emma Frost - a.k.a. White Queen. In addition to using White Cerebro to track down new students, she teaches advanced psychology. She is very selective in who is allowed to take her classes.

Mortimer Toynbee - a.k.a. Toad. A bit of a wise-cracker, he is the favorite teacher for most students. He handles much of the lower level classes, and also finds time for advanced mathematics and science.

Victor Creed - a.k.a. Sabretooth. This beastial fellow oversees physical education, and is often in charge of running Brotherhood hopefulls through the Valley.

St. John Allerdyce - a.k.a. Pyro. This pyromaniac mutant is in charge of teaching physics, and is also in charge of the drama club.


As my school begins to grow, I have found more students willing to champion my cause. Here are some of the more hopeful prospects.

Shyla Moore - a.k.a. Shy. A master of espionage, she cannot be detected by anything other than the five basic senses.

Edward Wesser - a.k.a. The Magician, a devious troublemaker with the ability to generate matter.