My homepage has stuff that interests me, like Star Trek, Star Wars, science fiction, and humor of many kinds. Find out what's new!
If you don't see a list of links on the right, then you're looking at the noframes version of this page, which is every bit as good as the frames version except that you don't get a navigation bar.
I just started a mailing list for Engineering students of Bombay, and the FAQ/home page is ready.
I'm an engineering student (Electronics) who's more interested in computers. I do freelance website design and CGI/Perl. Find out more about me.
Take a look at my Quotable Quotes section.
Star Trek humor and computer humor are two of my favorite kinds of humor. There's also Light Bulb jokes, which aren't always funny. It's always fun to write (and sing!) song parodies. All this is accessible from my General Humor page. I have also written a little parody called Trek Wars. This story combines a bunch of science-fiction characters and throws them into the Star Wars/Star Trek universe.
ASCII art is fun!
I've written some reviews of science fiction books. Well, not reviews, exactly. Take a look and tell me if you want to add your favorite book here. Dr. Isaac Asimov was one of the best science fiction authors in my opinion.
I have written a few programs and utilities, which are available on the downloads page. I've also added the Pascal programs for solving mathematical problems using Numerical Methods, if anyone wants them.
Some funny wallpapers are also available for download, but has much more.
Check out my webrings page
My email address is
(No copyright or other infringements intended. Please tell me if there's any problem.)
The animated pictures on the first page are taken with permission from New Port