This is a page for some other special friends of mine..... and some people that I just had to thank for all they help and support they have given me.
"I'll be there for you, cuz you're there for me too"
The Rembrants - I'll be there for you
Toomuch2Hndl - My Hero....he always gives me unconditional love and support. He also happens to be my husband *grin*
VivusRegis - My brother...who always gives me unconditional grief, lol. He is always there to keep things in perspective for me.
MissiK - My sister....who without a doubt is my best friend in the whole world. She is always there for me to talk to matter what.
Ozzie - My cyber big brother.... he always cheers me up and tells me that things are going to work out....and they usually do *grin* Ozzie is always there for me to talk to and he is without a doubt one of the best friends I have ever had.
DarkHorse - One of my best friends. Dark has given me so much help with so many things... he is always there for me to bounce ideas off of, or to point out corrections I need to make. He always offers his advice, even if he knows I don't want to hear it. *grin* He is the best and I am very lucky to have found him. *smile*
BeyondPsycho - Psych is really wonderful, he is funny and sweet and always makes me laugh. He is a great friend. Psych, nice shoes *smile*
PapaCod - Papa is a another friend who is really wonderful. He makes me laugh and is lots of fun to flirt with in yahoo *grin*
LaughinCat - LC is a truly exceptional person. He is lots of fun and always makes me laugh, I am very grateful that I have had the chance to get to know him. I hope we always see winking turtles *smile* LC, I'll save you a wish;-) .
ROLL3d6 - ROLL is a real sweetie. We have alot of the same interests and he is lots of fun to talk to. He is funny and sweet and I am really glad that I can count him as a friend.
Tiedyedsocks - Tie is a total dream, he is a great friend and a super sweet guy. He and I have alot in common and always have fun together. The only problem I have is that I don't see him often enough *smiles* Tie.....soon;-)
SinisterRepublicanClown - Clown is a hoot, he is crazy and funny and I love to watch him mess with people! We always have a great time together. He is a sweetie too (but don't tell anyone, it would ruin his image) *grin*
OhSure_ImtheBadGuy - Hmmm, what to say about the BadGuy;) He is an extrodinary guy, we have a fantastic time together and I cherish the friendship that we have. He is always there for me, whenever I need to talk or need anything he always goes out of his way to help;) I feel very lucky to have him as a friend.
Well that is it for now.....I am sure I will be adding more later *grin*
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