Ritual for Self-Initiation

Physical initiation is not absolutely necessary. It is a statement made in the form of a ritual.

Before performing this ritual, you should have studied and have some basic ritual experience. The traditional study period is a year and a day. This way you follow one complete circle of the seasons.

The self-initiation ritual symbolizes the death of a non-Wiccan and the birth of a Wiccan.


(in addition to supplies for casting circle)

White candle for Goddess

Red, Yellow or Gold candle for God

White candle to represent Spirituality and Higher Self

Altar space

Incense* and Censer

Pentacle (optional)

8 White Candles and holders (votives or tapers)

Purify your self using either incense or a ritual bath.

Set up your altar

Keep it simple for this ritual

Cast your Circle, Call the Quarters

Distribute the eight white candles evenly around the circle with the directional candles. They will be lit later.

Instead of the invocation in the circle casting ritual, you may wish to use the following. If you use the following, when you call the quarters, you may leave out the reference to the Lady and Lord. Use whichever is more comfortable to you, or make something else up.

Invoke the Goddess.

Light the Goddess candle on the altar and recite:

"Goddess of the Moon

Goddess of the Earth

Goddess of us All

Goddess of our Birth

In this time and in this place

Be with me now in sacred space"

Invoke the God

Light the God candle and recite:

"God of the Sun

God of the Earth

God of us All

God of our Birth

In this time and in this place

Be with me now in sacred space"

Announce to Goddess and God of your intentions. GreyWing leaves the wording to you for this. It is a personal ritual and you should say what you feel, not what she writes. As you recite what you have chosen, light the second white candle and feel what you are speaking. Light the eight white candles on the floor around the circle. This represents light brought into your life. A new awakening and understanding.

Announce to the Lady and Lord your rebirth.

Relax in the circle watch the candle flame flicker and meditate on what you are to be. When you feel you are ready snuff out the white ritual candle and recite:

"I am now and forever truly Wiccan. So mote it be".

Thank Goddess and God then close circle

*For this ritual you may use frankincense, myrrh, benzion, sandlewood, cinnamon,rosemary, bay, vervain, or any combination you find pleasing.

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Painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

"The Beloved" 1865-1866