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  1. Why doesn't drinking water cool your mouth after eating spicy food?
  2. They weren't invented in France, so why does everybody call them "French Fries"?
  3. How do astronauts go to the bathroom?
  4. Why is it called a "hamburger" if it doesn't contain ham?
  5. Why does the phone cord keep getting tangled?
  6. How do microwave ovens heat up food?
  7. Why do men have Adam's apples?
  8. Who invented perfume?
  9. Why are magazines frequently dated so much later than their publication dates?
  10. Why don't cats like to swim?
  11. Why are computer defects called "bugs"?





Why doesn't drinking water cool your mouth after eating
spicy food?

The spices in most of the hot foods that we eat are oily,
and, like your elementary school science teacher taught you,
oil and water don't mix. In this case, the water just rolls
over the oily spices.

So what can you do to calm your aching tongue? Try one of
these three methods. Eat bread. The bread will absorb the
oily spices. A second solution is to drink milk. Milk
contains a substance called "casein" which will bind to the
spices and carry them away. Finally, you could drink
something alcoholic. Alcohol will dissolve the oily spices.


They weren't invented in France, so why does everybody call
them "French Fries"?

It's true, the French fries wasn't invented in France.
(Its origin is probably Belgian.) But the "French" in
French fries doesn't refer to its country of origin. It
refers to the way in which this side dish is prepared.

Food that is cut into strips is said to be "Frenched."
Since French fries are strips of potato that have been
fried, they became known as French fried potatoes, or
"French Fries."


How do astronauts go to the bathroom?

Thanks to gravity, we here on earth take going to the
bathroom for granted, but using the toilet in space isn't
nearly as easy. For a long time, says NASA, astronauts
actually taped a plastic bag to their backsides to collect
feces and used a hose-and-bag device to urinate.

Then, in the early 70s, NASA improved bathroom technology
with its vacuum toilet. To defecate, astronauts now sit on
this toilet and turn the vacuum on. Urination is done
through what looks like your vacuum cleaner's hose
attachment. Using this toilet is a bit tricky, so part of
the preparation for space travel includes potty training,
but it sure beats the old bag system.


Why is it called a "hamburger" if it doesn't contain ham?

At first glance, it seems that the word "hamburger" is a
combination of the words "ham" and "burger." Therefore, one
naturally assumes that a hamburger is a burger that
contains ham.

But the word "hamburger" actually traces its roots back to
Hamburg Germany, where people used to eat a similar food
called the "Hamburg steak." Eventually, the Hamburg steak
made its way to the United States, where people shortened
its name to "hamburger."






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