Uralic Linguistics Vs. Voodoo Science
The "New Paradigm" on the Uralic Urheimat: Size Does Matter!
"So begruessenswert neue Wege auch sein mögen - der hier vorgeschlagene Weg des methodikfreien transdisziplinären Hypereklektizismus fuert wohl ins Nichts."
Cornelius Hasselblatt Wo ist die Revolution? Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen 56, 2001
”On ilmeistä, etteivät nämä suursuomalaista esihistoriaa rakentavat kirjoittajat tule mielipiteitään muuttamaan, ja sen vuoksi monet tutkijat epäilemättä kokevatkin keskustelun heidän kanssaan turhauttavaksi. Mielestämme on kuitenkin tärkeää tuoda julkisuudessa esille, että heidän levittämänsä historiankuvan tukena ei ole mitään yleisesti hyväksyttyä tutkimusta, vaan kysymyksessä on lähinnä kansallismieliseksi liikkeeksi luonnehdittava ilmiö. Alkuperäinen kirjoituksemme ei siksi ollutkaan suunnattu varsinaisesti Julkulle, vaan hänen lukijoilleen.
Kun luovutaan sekä tieteellisen kritiikin vaatimuksista että terveestä järjestä, ajaudutaan vaarallisen helposti Robert Parkin kuvaamaan petokselliseen tieteeseen. Spekulaatiot toimivat yhä uusien spekulaatioiden perusteluina, kunnes lopulta päädytään tyystin järjettömiin väitteisiin ja harhaanjohtavaan argumentointiin.”
Ante and Aslak Aikio Mikä oli todistettava Kaltio 4/2002
For the last seven years or so, a fierce debate has raged within Uralic linguistics concerning the placement and timing of the Uralic proto-language, as well as its actual shape. A number of researchers - mainly, the linguists Kalevi Wiik, Janos Pusztay and Ago Kunnap and the historian Kyösti Julku - proposed a radical new paradigm, basically entailing that languages ancestral to Finnish and Saami were spoken in a vast area in Northern Europe during the latest Glacial, i.e. at least 10,000 BC although time-depths of 40,000 BC have been seriously proposed. Concerning the shape of Proto-Uralic, the model according to which the current Uralic languages diverged from a common proto-language was rejected and supplanted by a model in which more shallow language families have been in contact with each other in a large area in Northern Europe.
Obviously, time-depths of more than 10,000 years are far beyond the reach of historical linguistics. Speculating on the linguistic and ethnic make-up of people living during the last Ice Age is a very useless exercise, since historical linguistics has nothing to say on that matter. Nevertheless, the possibility of a rather more recent Uralic substratum in, especially, Germanic languages was raised by Kalevi Wiik. A number of fatal problems with this hypothesis were pointed out by, for example, Asko Parpola, Jorma Koivulehto and Petri Kallio, and the question on Uralic features in proto-Germanic can be considered as decided in its disfavour.
The model Wiik et. al. proposed on Proto-Uralic and its evolution suffered from the problem that it contradicted everything we know about language evolution. Languages do not mix unless in rather special circumstances, yet genetic mixing and the multiple-rooted language family trees associated with it were cheerfully adopted by the 'innovationist' Uralists. Worse even, the reconstructed Proto-Uralic was disregarded by a methodological sleight-of-hand which re-interpreted any common features among Uralic languages as having arisen due to contact. The remarkable result was a view on Uralic language history which lacked any historical dimension.
None of these criticisms have been taken seriously, however. To the contrary, a virtual bombardment of material from the 'innovationist' side accompanied by bombastic labels as a "breakthrough in Present-Day Uralistics" (Kunnap 1998), "earthquake" (Julku in Kaltio on Marcantonio's new book) ensued. At the same time, the agents of this breakthrough or revolution have turned into an essentially closed circle, publishing mainly in general popular-scientific and cultural venues like Kanava and Kaltio and producing reports of closed conferences and symposia (see, for example, Roots I, Roots II and III in the Bibliography). Thus, whereas within Uralic linguistics itself the supporters of the new paradigm have failed to make their case, the Uralic "breakthrough" is finding a fertile ground elsewhere, here, for example.
My own views concerning the Uralic "breakthrough" should be clear - I agree with Aslak and Ante Aikio cited above that we are dealing with a body of ideas that is no longer amenable to any scientific scrutiny, but consists of speculations built upon speculations, a form of voodoo science comparable to astrology or Creation Science - hence the title of this page. Trying to weed out voodoo science within one's own discipline is a rather frustrating task, but any specialist in Uralic linguistics should care about the image of Uralistics outside Uralist circles itself - among the general public, in Kaltio and Kanava, on the Sunday pages of Helsingin Sanomat.
This page contains links to some materials dealing with the debate between Uralists and the supporters of the "new paradigm" outlined above. Apart from that, I include a bibliography with off-line references.
Merlijn de Smit, Turku, October 30 2002
09-02-04: A few new links added.
15-04-04: New links have been added, mostly provided by Petri Kallio, who also patiently alerted me to some dead or changed links.
On a very sad note, I heard that Prof. Larry Trask of the Univ. of Sussex has passed away. His introduction to Historical Linguistics was one of the first books I read on the matter when a student, and Larry Trask also had the patience to debunk various nonsense and pseudo-linguistics in his own field (Vascology) and more widely as well. An Obituary of Prof. Trask can be read here.
30-08-04: The summer has passed, something new here, something new there, with thanks to Petri Kallio, Jaakko Häkkinen and Mario Alinei for suggestions.
On-line references - General
- Kaltio A cultural magazine from Northern Finland, the webpages of which include a debate in which Kyösti Julku, Ago Kunnap, Kalevi Wiik and Angela Marcantonio defend the "new paradigm", whereas Aslak and Ante Aikio, Christian Carpelan, Petri Kallio and Raimo Anttila patiently take it apart.
- Tieteen Paivat 2003 With the debate between Kalevi Wiik and Ulla-Maija Kulonen on video! (real player)
Interesting background reading
Debunking the "new paradigm"
- Ante ja Aslak Aikion kotisivu Homepage of Ante and Aslak Aikio
- Cornelius Hasselblatt: Eesti keelt koneldi ka Mount Everestil "The Estonian language was also spoken at the top of Mount Everest" A comment on the preposterousness of some of the new 'Urheimat'-claims. Eesti Päevaleht 8-12-1999.
- Cornelius Hasselblatt: Wo die Wahre Revolution ist WEB-FU 4/2002. A spirited attack on the "new paradigm". PDF.
- Johanna Laakso: Suomalais-ugrilaisten kontaktien tutkimuksen näkymiä "Viewpoints on Fenno-Ugric contacts", a lecture held in Joensuu, 2001. A patient examination of the linguistic foundations of the "new paradigm".
- Johanna Laakso: Keelepuu on keeleajaloo metoodite tulemus "The Language Family Tree is the result of the methods of historical linguistics". Eesti Päevaleht 19-1-200. A comment on Sutrop in EPL 21-12-1999.
- Johanna Laakso: Voiko väittää mitä vain Short rebuttal to earlier comments of Ago Künnap, by Johanna Laakso. Virittäjä 4/1999. PDF.
- Johanna Laakso: Kuuma keskustelu - ja mitä opimme tästä? Johanna Laakso's rebuttal to Jan Rydman's criticism (under "defending..."). Tieteessä Tapahtuu 2003. PDF
- Johanna Laakso: Linguistic Shadow-Boxing Johanna Laakso's draft review of Angela Marcantonio's "The Uralic Language Family: Facts Myths and Statistics.
- Johanna Laakso: Mitä kielitiede voi kertoa kansan juurista (ja mitä ei) Text of a lecture held at the M.A. Castrén Society on april 10, 2003.
- Jorma Koivulehto, Asko Parpola, Petri Kallio: 'Kantagermaanin suomalais-ugrilaista substraattia: perusteeton hypoteesi'. Parpola, Koivulehto and Kallio skewer the idea of a Fenno-Ugric substratum in proto-Germanic. Tieteessä Tapahtuu 1997.
- Jorma Koivulehto, Asko Parpola, Petri Kallio: 'Kantagermaanin suomalais-ugrilainen substraatti': edelleen perusteeton hypoteesi Tieteessä Tapahtuu 1998. Criticizes the idea of a Uralic substratum in proto-Germanic - a follow-up on the previous one.
- Esa Itkonen: 'Kielihistorian rintamat': perusteeton näkemys Short comment by Esa Itkonen on the polemic between Parpola/Koivulehto/Kallio vs. Wiik in the same journal. Tieteessä Tapahtuu 1998.
- Merlijn de Smit: Uralists Against History My own two cents...
- Merlijn de Smit: Hete Herfst Since I am listing columns about Wiik in Lithuanian, I might as well list this column about the Uralic Breakdown in Dutch by myself.
- Merlijn de Smit: Adviezen voor Taalwetenschappelijke Hemelbestormers I. This one has a subject at least very closely related.
- Merlijn de Smit: A "Paradigm Shift" in Finnish Linguistic Prehistory. On Butterflies &
- Merlijn de Smit: Uralic linguistics vs. voodoo science (in Russian) That's right. The little blurb above translated in Russian. For the real fanatics.
- Eve Mikone: Totuus ja Metodi Tieteessä Tapahtuu 1999. Excellent criticism on the "methodology" of the Uralist iconoclasts.
- Santeri Palviainen: Grimmin laki ei ole suomalais-ugrilaista substraattia - vastaus Wiikille More criticism on Wiik's substratum theory.
- Peter Hajdu: Egy vitas paleolingvistikai teoria Magyar Nyelvjarasok XXXIX p. 3-12. 2001.
- Laszlo Honti: Hol es milyen urali/finnugor "osnyelvet" beszeltek tavoli eleink? (Hipotezisek es teveszmek as urali nyelvtudomanyban) Magyar Nyelvjarasok XXXIX p. 13-32. 2001. Detailed criticism of "revolutionary" Uralistics (and it's Marrist roots) by L. Honti.
- Ilkka Hirvonen: Wiik jatkaa spekulointiaan Turun Sanomat 1-4-1998. Ilkka Hirvonen criticizes Wiik's opinion on Swedish influence in the SW-Finnish dialects and his understanding of language contacts in general.
- Jaska (Jaakko Häkkinen): Kalevi Wiikin Teorian Virheitä Not all the Finnish pagans support Wiik's hypotheses! A good critique of Wiik's view. Recently updated as well.
- Jaakko Häkkinen: Alkuperäkeskustelusta. In Kaltio. Very sensible article by Jaakko Häkkinen.
- Christian Carpelan: Eurooppalaisten Juurilla Tieteessä tapahtuu 5/2003. Christian Carpelan reviews Kalevi Wiik's "Eurooppalaisten Juuret". See also Riho Grunthal's and Petteri Portin's reviews.
- Riho Grunthal: Kielen muuttuminen on enemmän kuin kielikontaktien summa Tieteessä tapahtuu 5/2003. Riho Grunthal's review of Kalevi Wiik's "Eurooppalaisten Juuret".
- Lasse Virtanen: Tosiasioita Vesiapinasta Very nice column in Turkulainen.
- Ante Aikio on Angela Marcantonio's "The Uralic Language Family" Responding to a query on LinguistList, Ante Aikio provides a detailed criticism on Angela Marcantonio's controversial book, in which the latter attempts to prove there is no acceptable evidence for the genetic relationship among Uralic languages.
Defending the "new paradigm"
- Kalevi Wiik in Lithuanian For all you Lithuanians out there.
- Kalevi Wiik's Home Page
- Kalevi Wiik: Suomalais-ugrilaista ääntämistä germaanisissa kielissä. Proposes a Uralic phonetic substratum in the Germanic languages.
- Kalevi Wiik: Taistelu germaanien sielusta "Battle for the Germanic soul" Tieteessä tapahtuu 1998.
- Kalevi Wiik: Olisiko kantagermaanissa sittenkin suomalais-ugrilaista ääntämistä? "Or is there Fenno-Ugric pronunciation in proto-Germanic?" Tieteessä tapahtuu 1998. Kalevi Wiik tries to patch up his hypothesis of a Uralic substratum in Germanic.
- Kalevi Wiik: Suomi - EU:n puhdas reuna-alue "Finland - a clean peripherical area of the European Union" Turun Sanomat 18-7-1998. Finns as racially unmixed ancient "Europeans".
- Kalevi Wiik: Suomalaiset Alkuperävaihtoehdot "The alternatives of Finnish origins" Tieteessä tapahtuu 1999.
- Kalevi Wiik: Mitä kieli kertoo suomalaisuudesta? "What does language tell us about Finnishness?"
- Kalevi Wiik: Europe's Oldest Language? Books from Finland 3/1999
- Europe's Oldest Language The above in russian
- Kalevi Wiik: Äänteenmuutosten aikajärjestys "The chronological order of phonological changes" Tieteessä tapahtuu 2000.
- Kalevi Wiik: Mongoleista Eurooppalaisiksi "From Mongols to Europeans" Turun Sanomat 12-6-2002.
- Kalevi Wiik: Genetiikkakin tukee Suomen EU-jäsenyyttä? "Does Genetics, too, support the EU-membership of Finland?" Turun Sanomat 10-7-2002.
- Marja-Leena Lempinen: Mullistava teoria juurtenetsijoille Positive review of Wiik's "Eurooppalaisten Juuret". Turun Sanomat 10-11-2002.
- Wiik's "Eurooppalaisten Juuret" reviewed by Esko Rantanen Talouselämä 24.1.2003. A very positive review of Wiik's book with the usual manure about the intolerance and small-mindedness of his critics.
- Interview with Kalevi Wiik in Valopilkku Downloadable in PDF format - an interview with Kalevi Wiik in 'Valopilkku', the door-to-door customer's magazine of Turku Energia OY, issue 1/2003.
That's right. An interview with Kalevi Wiik in 'Valopilkku', the door-to-door customer's magazine of Turku Energia OY, issue 1/2003.
- Kalevi Wiik: Eestlaste ja Soomlaste Algkodu oli Louna-Ukrainas "The primeval home of the Finns and Estonians lay in the Western Ukraine." Eesti Päevaleht 20.01.2003.
- A column by Kalevi Wiik about... .... (drumroll) .... Football!
(No, just joking, it's about the Origin of the Finns like all the others. In Turun Sanomat, which praiseworthily continues to make available it's articles online).
- Tieteessä Tapahtuu 2:2004 has an article by Kalevi Wiik, namely, "Saamelaisten Alkuperä", on the origin of the Saamis (OK, I concede it is NOT about the origin of the Finns).
- Kalevi Wiik on his two new books Being, the much-anticipated sequel (I can hear Petri whittling his pen from across the Baltic sea!) to the Roots of Europeans: the Roots of the Finns, and a book on Finnish dialects. Turun Sanomat 6.4.2004.
- Kalevi Wiik's bibliography on the subject
- Eva Latvakangas: Esi-isien juuria etsimässä An interview with Kalevi Wiik.
- Keeleteadlane: eestlaste geenid suguluses lätlaste ja leedulastega An interview with Kalevi Wiik, in Estonia's Eesti Päevaleht, 12.02.2003.
- Eurooppalaisten Juurilla Here you can enjoy listening to Saruman himself... For more than 46 minutes, no less! You'll need realplayer though.
- Petter Portin: Geenit ja kielet Positive review of "Eurooppalaisten Juuret" by Finnish geneticist Petter Portin.
- Eero Paloheimo: Spesialistit vastaan generalistit Eero Paloheimo comments on the turmoil surrounding Kalevi Wiik's "Eurooppalaisten Juuret" - seeing it, quite wrongly, as a typical brawl between "specialists" and "generalists" (such critics of Wiik et. al. as Esa Itkonen, Johanna Laakso, László Honti have published on an extremely wide range of subjects within Uralistics and/or linguistics in general).
- Ago Künnap: Mikä substraatti pohjoisindoeurooppalaisissa kielissä? "What substratum in northern Indo-European languages?" Tieteessä tapahtuu 1998. Ago Künnap to the rescue!
- Ago Künnap: Löytyykö oikealla metodilla ehdottomati totuus? "Can one be sure to find the truth with the right method?" Tieteessä tapahtuu 1999. A reaction to Mikone's "Totuus ja Metodi" (Tieteessä Tapahtuu 1999). Short answer: perhaps not, but the changes are a lot better than finding it with the wrong method, or with no method at all, as in the case of Künnap et. al. (Hey! I never promised that my comments would be either fair or objective, did I?)
- Ago Künnap: Ergänzungen zu den ostseefinnisch-lappischen-samojedischen Gemeinsamkeiten Linguistica Uralica 2000/3. PDF file.
- Ago Künnap: Vajame arheoloogide ja geneetikute abi "We need the help of Archaeologists and Geneticists". Eesti Päevaleht 10-02-2000. Like Sutrop in EPL 20-1-2000, Künnap reacts to Laakso's and Hasselblatt's criticisms (see under "debunking").
- Innovative Views in Uralistics A text by Ago Künnap.
- Ago Künnap: Fennougristika Alused "Basics of Fenno-Ugristics". Another text by Ago Künnap.
- Ago Künnap: Piibli veeuputus ja soomeugrilased "The Biblical Flood and Fenno-Ugrians" That's right, the Biblical Flood and Fenno-Ugrians. Horisont 2001/3
- Ago Künnap: Possible Language Shifts in the Uralic language group
- Ago Künnap: Umbluu voi soome-ugri teadust Eesti Päevaleht 15.4.2004.
- Ago Künnap: Karu ja inimese ühine teekond jääjätumaaleHorisont 2.2003.
- Ago Künnap: Lingvo-Arheo-Geneetiselt Eurooplaste Algupärast Ago Künnap reviews Wiik's book in Postimees.
- Ago Künnap: Samojeedi keelte päritolu problemistik "Problems concerning the origin of the Samoyed languages" by Ago Künnap.
- Ago Künnap: Radical renewing in Uralistics (in Russian) Russian translation of one of Ago Künnap's texts (not Sven-Eerik Soosaar!).
- Ago Künnap: Eesti loodus, elanikud ja keel Another text by Ago Künnap on the roots of the Estonians. For the real hard-core.
- Publications of staff and doctoral students of the Division of Uralic languages at the University of Tartu 1995-2000 Lots of bibliographical references.
- Publications of staff and doctoral students of the Division of Uralic languages at the University of Tartu 1999-2002 More bibliographical references.
- Kyösti Julku: Die verschiedene Hypothesen ueber der Ursprung der finnougrischen Völker
- Kyösti Julku: Suomalaisten kaukaiset juuret "The distant roots of the Finns" Kaltio 2002/3
- Markku Niskanen: Eurooppalaisten biologiset juuret "The biological roots of Europeans". Kaltio 5/2003. The first part of the article basically sticks to the subject the title promises: Niskanen writes about the origin of modern man and his spread to Europe, preferring a polygenetic origin above a strictly monogenetic one. In the second part, he wholly endorses Wiik's views on linguistics and prehistory, which, in my reading at least, do not follow at all from what he writes in the first part.
- Richard Villems: Kuidas suhtuda Kalevi Wiigisse? Geneticist's Richard Villems comments, in Eesti Päevaleht, 17.02.2003.
- Angela Marcantonio, Pirjo Nummenaho, Michela Salvigni: "The Ugric-Turkic Battle": A Critical Review Linguistica Uralica 2001/2. PDF file. A prelude to some of Marcantonio's later positions (see bibliography), in which she subjects the Uralic (genetic) language family to radical (and, in my opinion, slightly too radical) scepticism.
- Angela Marcantonio: Onko uralilaista kieliperhettä edes olemassa? "Does the Uralic language family even exist"? By Angela Marcantonio, in Kaltio.
- Urmas Sutrop: Zum Jubiläum von Ago Kunnap Linguistica Uralica 2001/3. A somewhat syrupy hagiography by Urmas Sutrop. As such, quite entertaining. PDF file.
- Urmas Sutrop: Soome-Ugri keeled on sugulased ka keelepuuta "The Fenno-Ugric languages are related also without a Family Tree" Eesti Päaevaleht 21-12-1999. A reaction on Hasselblatt's article in EPL 8-12-1999.
- Urmas Sutrop: Mis imeloom see keelepuu siis ikka on? "What wondrous creature the Family Tree is, actually?". Eesti Päevaleht 20-1-2000. Here Sutrop reacts to Laakso's criticism in EPL 19-1-2000.
- Kielikuvia 2/2002. Pauli Saukkonen: Suomen kieli, suomalaisuus ja Eurooppa Readable in PDF format (Kielikuvia 2/2002).
- Colin Renfrew: At the Edge of Knowability - Towards a Prehistory of Languages PDF file. Although Colin Renfrew is primarily active within Indo-European prehistory, this article provides some valuable background on the "new" point of view.
- Kalevi Wiik: Tavataedlased kutsuvat mind hulluks An interview with Kalevi Wiik, in Estonian. Postimees 15-02-03.
- "Eurooplaste Juured" ilmub eesti ja inglise keeles On Wiik's book being translated in English and Estonian. "First we take Estonia, and then we... well..." Postimees 15-02-02.
- Keeleteadlane Wiik purustab müüti uurali esiisadest" "Kalevi Wiik demolished myths about Uralic prehistory" Another nice piece in Postimees 15-02-02.
- Jan Rydman: Kuuma keskustelu - mutta olisi sitä saanut käydä? Jan Rydman is displeased at the protests against Wiik's candidacy for the Tieto-Finlandia award. Read however Johanna Laakso's reply as well! (under debunking...) Tieteessä Tapahtuu 2003.
- Georg Sigurd Wettenhovi-Aspa! About the brilliant historian linguist cum root-seeker of the early 20th century. Furnished linguistic evidence for prehistoric Finns all over Europe. Sounds familiar? Read and despair!
- Subash Kak: Indic language families and Indo-European PDF. Yavanika 6: 1996. Why do I link to this article, which deals with Indo-Aryan and Dravidan rather than with Uralistics? Because it is an exact mirror image of Kalevi Wiik's and Ago Künnap's work. Read it and you'll find out.
- László Marácz: The untenability of the Finno-Ugrian theory from a linguistic point of view. Just for those who worry that I concentrate too much on Estonian and Finnish linguistic nonsense: linguistic nonsense has no nationality. Dutch-Hungarian linguist László Marácz here presents the usual tin-foil hatted conspiracy theories about Finno-Ugric language relationships being the result a conspiracuy between Austrians, communists and intelligent snails from the star system of Epsilon Eridani (OK, not the latter one, but you get the picture) to oppress the Magyar nationality and obscure their true origins and linguistic relationships (with, of course, the Sumerians, which as the builders of the first civilization happen to be a bit more prestigious). It contains a wonderful rant against László Honti - someone who, as opposed to Marácz, knows about historical linguistics. Anyway, the piece is morbidly fascinating in its pathology, in the same manner a train wreck is fascinating. Oh, and it's:
- Svetlana Kass: Keelepuu poolt ja vastu An essay on the language family tree problem-field, in Estonian, by Svetlana Kass.
- The Paleolithic Continuity Theory on Indo-European Origins I had originally put up this link
with the ones to Wiik's, Künnap's writings et al. but Prof. Alinei messaged me his displeasure at this classification and argued that there are large and principled differences between his work in Indo-European origins and Wiik's in Uralic. So, provisionally, I will put the link here.
Close encounters of the Third Kind
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Bibliography on Uralistics Vs. Voodoo Science
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