'The Queen of Wands' Tarot Card Tarot Cards - Court Arcana

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The Court Arcana are composed of 16 cards, the King, Queen, Knight, and Page of each of the four suits, Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles, of the Minor Arcana. The Knights represent either the beginning or the end of a cycle of events, signifying a change in a long-term condition. The King, Queen, and Page represent specific types of people in relation to age and coloring. They are also linked to astrological Zodiac signs, and the time-frames and vocational aptitudes of those signs. Therefore, a King, Queen, or Page card can indicate a certain type of personality, or a certain time of the year.

In a reading, the querent (questioner) is represented by one of the Court cards, called a Significator. The Significator card can be chosen by either physical attributes, personality, or intuition. In modern society, the King, Queen, and Page are all considered to be either male or female.

The Court of Wands

King of WandsKing of Wands
Zodiac Sign: Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Coloring and Age: Blonde hair; blue or gray eyes; mature.
Personality: Optimistic; ambitious; energetic; impulsive; daring; direct; impatient; headstrong; quick-tempered; self-confident; capable; arrogant.
Vocation: Engineer; construction and building; planning and development; entreprenuer.

Queen of WandsQueen of Wands
Zodiac Sign: Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Coloring and Age: Red or light auburn hair; blue or green eyes; mature.
Personality: Generous; loyal; affectionate; impulsive; passionate; proud; adventurous; dramatic; honest; aloof; egotistical.
Vocation: Artist; actor; musician; entertainer; professional sports player; fashion.

Page of WandsPage of Wands
Zodiac Sign: Sagitarius (November 22 - December 21)
Coloring and Age: Blonde or light red hair; grey, blue or green eyes; young.
Personality: Outspoken; charismatic; blunt; progressive; direct; instinctive; easily bored; edgy.
Vocation: Politics; teacher; athletics; airplane pilot or attendent; philosopher; instructor.

Knight of WandsKnight of Wands
Type of Change: Mental issues; a change of situation or residence; departure; travel; absence.
Reversed Aspects: Unexpected change; discord; quarrel; not resisting temptation.

The Court of Cups

King of CupsKing of Cups
Zodiac Sign: Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Coloring and Age: Light brown hair and hazel eyes; mature.
Personality: Moody; emotional; considerate; kind; testing; worrying; home-loving; changeable; cranky.
Vocation: Priest; health care worker; homemaker; restaurant owner or chef; metaphysician.

Queen of CupsQueen of Cups
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Coloring and Age: Light brown hair and brown eyes; mature.
Personality: Spiritual; psychic; intense; secretive; sexual; complex; in control; aloof; overpowering; magnetic; hypnotizing; deep.
Vocation: Occultist; undercover detective or agent; alternative medicine; counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist; dramatic actor; stock broker.

Page of CupsPage of Cups
Zodiac Sign: Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Coloring and Age: Light brown hair and brown or hazel eyes; young.
Personality: Reflective; sensitive; warm; loving; romantic; vulnerable; talkative; imaginative; impressionable.
Vocation: Poet; dancer; singer; set director or costumer; self-help organizations; occultist; author.

Knight of CupsKnight of Cups
Type of Change: Emotional issues; social opportunities; propositions and inducements.
Reversed Aspects: Duplicity; fraud; vice; drugs; illusions.

The Court of Swords

King of SwordsKing of Swords
Zodiac Sign: Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Coloring and Age: Dark brown hair and brown eyes; mature.
Personality: Compassionate; selfless; fair; just; balanced; perceptive; humanistic; poised; equal.
Vocation: Law enforcement; lawyer; armed forces; public relations; counselor or psychologist; internal affairs; interior decorator.

Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords
Zodiac Sign: Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Coloring and Age: Dark red hair and brown eyes; mature
Personality: Analytical; scientific; objective; factual; ingenious; discriminating; independent; cold; perfectionist.
Vocation: Scientist; secretary; analyst; researcher; computer operator; astrologer; editor.

Page of SwordsPage of Swords
Zodiac Sign: Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Coloring and Age: Dark brown or dark red hair and brown eyes; young.
Personality: Practical; thoughtful; realistic; patient; reserved; steadfast; dislikes change; seeks security.
Vocation: Finances; negtiations; consulting; sales and leasing; maintenance of buildings or homes.

Knight of SwordsKnight of Swords
Type of Change: Physical issues; bravery; chivalry; strife and war; fearlessness.
Reversed Aspects: Extravagance; ineffectiveness; tyrannical behavior; craftiness.

The Court of Pentacles

King of PentaclesKing of Pentacles
Zodiac Sign: Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Coloring and Age: Black hair and dark eyes; mature.
Personality: Versatile; adaptable; diversified; capable; alert; confident; studious; enterprising; communicative; curious.
Vocation: Writing; directing; lecturing; movies and the arts; radio; fashion.

Queen of PentaclesQueen of Pentacles
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius (January 20 - February 19)
Coloring and Age: Black hair and dark eyes; mature.
Personality: Idealistic; charitable; determined; compassionate; impersonal; magnanimous; aspiring; influential.
Vocation: New Age teacher; minister; healer; painter; writer; inventor; psychologist.<

Page of PentaclesPage of Pentacles
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Coloring and Age: Black hair and dark eyes; young
Personality: Studious; persevering; professional; ambitious; conservative; moody; morbid; productive; responsible.
Vocation: Business executive; manager; producer; head waiter; student.

Knight of PentaclesKnight of Pentacles
Type of Change: Monetary or material issues; responsibility; maturation.
Reversed Aspects: Stagnation; inertia; lack of initiative; lack of determination.

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