June 2003
July 2003
Wiccan Medicine Wheel
I had a burst of creativity. I made this Wiccan meditation wheel.
At first it may look like a north-american native medecine wheel
but it is not related whatsoever to the indian tradition. This wheel
is inspired from wiccan pagan beliefs.
Each color represent, or is associated with, an aspect of the
human spirit and of nature:
- White: stands for the spirit force, purity.
- Yellow: Intelligence, air/vaporous, spring, morning, knowledge,
- Red: energy, desire, summer, fire, creativity, spark, sun,
- Blue: water/liquid, emotions, twilight, autumn, inner mind.
- Green: solidity, confidence, nature, earth, trees, silent,
growth, renewal, death, cycle of life.
I put Green and Blue both at the bottom for they are earthly
Attached to each of these colors is a sample from the associated
element: Air, Water, Earth, Fire.
I had people tell me that this does not coincide with the Wiccan
mystery. This is true but I base my selection not arbitrarely but
on very old and known symbology.
The elements have the following characteristics:
- Earth is dry and cold
- Water is wet and cold
- Air is wet and hot
- Fire is dry and hot
** Earth and Water are terrestial element of feminine qualities,
** Air and Fire are celestial element of masculine qualities.
There are also other associations that an initiate will
discover. Meditate and you may discover it too.
My copyright licence: You can make one for yourself but if you
sell anything that looks like this, forward $2.00US/item to me.
A Wiccan Medicine Wheel
The pentacle is a life-affirming symbol representing the
four elements, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, plus the fifth
‘element’ spirit, within the Circle of Life. It is perhaps
the sign most often linked to Witchcraft and neo-paganism.
Imagine a person standing within the circle. Water and Earth
are at the feet, while Air and Fire are above, and in the center
the Spirit that is within each of us. |
An Elemental Prayer
To the Sun, seed of life, whose radiance warms us and energizes
the plant world that feeds all other life, we give thanks.
To the Earth, womb of life, whose millions of creatures makes
life possible, and upon whom our bones will one day rest,
we give thanks.
To the Water, that refreshes and cleanses our body, that
brings us tears and joys, forever moving and changing, we
give thanks.
Each element is represented
by a color and a sample:
Earth: a tree bark found on the soil.
Water: a seashell from the seashore.
Air: a fallen bird feather.
Fire: the sun’s heat to melt metal.
Spirit: the light of the divine within. Starting at
the top trace the path to each element will bring you around
the four directions: Green-Earth-North, Yellow-Air-East, Red-Fire-South
and Blue-Water-West. |
To the Air that fills our lungs and surround us,
that brings us the Winds of Change, and carries our voices,
we give thanks.
To the Creative Spirit, the spark of life, who gives us visions
to see what we need to do to live in harmony with all of Creation,
we thank You. _
- Meditation: What is our relationship with each element?
How does each affect our life? What is our impact on each
Copyright Marc of Carnac 2002 |