Delta Sigma Theta
Akron Alumnae Chapter
Meetings are held every Second Saturday

To Contact the Chapter:
General Announcements:
Delta Business:
Snail Mail:  P. O. Box  1252 * Akron OH * 44309

Websites of Interest

Free ISP's K-Mart's Nation-wide free You can obtain a CD-Rom from K-Mart.  Now only 25 hours free per month
Juno.web The web's leader in free dial-up Email now offers free internet.  Free access limited to 40 hours per household per month.

Free Web-Based E-Mail  Free email service powered by Free email service powered by WhoWhere?  Yahoo! Mail You can open attachments that include audio and video clips, or scripts. Offers a built-in spellchecker. You can use your Yahoo! Mail login to access various games on Yahoo!  HotMail The largest web-based free email service, now a part of the Microsoft family. You  have 2MB of storage as part of this service. If you go over the 2MB storage limit, you receive a warning email indicating that in 5 days HotMail will delete some messages... and they do!        

Quest of the Month


How do you Create an E-mail Signature?

E-mail signatures are brief messages that automatically appear at the end of any e-mail you send out. While you can include just about anything you want, most signatures include certain standard pieces of information.

 Investigate how signatures function in the e-mail program you're using. Search under menus and commands such as Tools, Options or Sending Mail until you find the place to enter a signature. (Use Help if necessary).

Begin the signature with your name, in whatever form you prefer to sign your e-mails.

Add your title and the name of your company, if applicable.

Add any contact information you feel comfortable giving out. If you're creating a professional signature, consider including your phone number, fax number, e-mail address and mailing address. If your signature is for personal use, include your e-mail address only.

Include the URL of your personal or professional home page.

Add a clever or meaningful quotation, company motto, or other statement if appropriate.

Ø             Many e-mail programs enable you to save multiple signatures. This is useful if you want to switch back and forth between personal and professional signatures or want to rotate between several quotations.

Ø             You can set off your e-mail signature from the rest of the message by surrounding it with symbols such as number signs (#), asterisks (*), or hyphens (-).

Ø              An e-mail signature is attached automatically unless you deactivate it. Make sure the right signatures are going to the right people.

 by Matthew Holohan

March Cyber Pearl

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Cyber Pearl 2001