Piercing the Darkness

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." -John 1:5 (RSV)

Piercing the Darkness

Tal is back in this sequel to This Present Darkness. This time he and God's angels are helping in Bacon's Corner. First it begins with a lawsuit on a struggling Christian school. Then Sally Beth Roe, a young woman, begins discovering the horrors of her past as she flees for her life. As she begins to learn of her past deeds, she finds the only thing that can save her. Jesus and his forgiving love.

I also LOVED this book. I love the spiritual battles and I love Tal and the angels. I better add here that Peretti was upset when people started taking his books literally and calling on the angels and the rebuking the demons by the names he gave them in his 'darkness' books. I will add again that he didn't want people taking his books on such a literal basis. I still believe that everyone who reads this book will find a different meaning than someone else. So read this book and enjoy it for what Peretti wrote it, fiction and whatever meaning you get out of it.(I will write a better review as soon as I read this book again, It's been a year and my mind is fuzzy on all the details.)

Frank Peretti

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