My Self-Dedication Ritual

Tools: 2 White Altar Candles, 1 Blue Candle for the North, 1 Yellow for the East, 1 Green for the West, 1 Red for the South, Consecration Oil, Bowl of Salt, Chalice of Wine (or whatever you wish to drink - I used pink lemonade), Cord, Bell, Incense, Libation Dish, Snuffer, Water. Bring anything you wish to Consecrate inside the Circle.

(I have a cord which makes a circle about six-seven feet in diameter. I laid this out in a circle before I began.) Set up your Altar in the center of the Circle (facing East) and place the colored candles around the circle in the positions listed above. After everything is set up, take a nice, relaxing bath and think about nothing. Hopefully, you would have read enough literature to know what oils to put in your bath. Once you are done, you're ready to begin. You may do your dedication sky-clad or in a robe, it's your option.

Sit or kneel before the Altar, close your eyes and concentrate on being enclosed in a ball of white light. Direct your energies to make the light expand the distance of the Circle.

Open your eyes, stand and move to the East. Point (with your dominant hand) down at the line and walk deosil (clockwise) around the Circle "drawing" it through the power being directed through your finger. When you have been all around the Circle, return to the Altar.

Ring the bell three times and light the Altar candles. Take one and go around the Circle (deosil) lighting each colored candle. At each candle say:

(East) "Here I bring light and air to the East to illuminate my sacred place and allow the flight of my spirit."

(South) "Here I bring light and fire to the South to illuminate my sacred place and allow the flight of my spirit."

(West) "Here I bring light and water to the West to illuminate my sacred place and allow the flight of my spirit."

(North) "Here I bring light and earth to the North to illuminate my sacred place and allow the flight of my spirit."

Visualize a white light entering your head and down your dominant hand. Focus the light with your forefinger and direct it at the Circle, walking deosil and say:

"I cast and conjure this Circle of my art to set this sacred space between the worlds. So Mote It Be."

Return to the Altar

Take the bowl of salt, place your index finger in it and say:

"I purify this salt and drive out any impurities, that I may use it in this Rite. So Mote It Be."

Take three pinches of salt and drop them, one at a time, into the water. Stir the water three times around, deosil, with your finger and say:

"Let the Sacred Salt drive out any impurities in this water that together they may be used in the service of these deities; throughout these Rites and at any time and in any way I may use them. So Mote It Be."

Take the bowl of salted water to the East and, walking deosil, sprinkle it on the line of the Circle and say:

"With this purifying water, I Bless and Consecrate this Circle. So Mote It Be."

Go back to the Altar, set down the bowl and light the Censer. Take up the Censer and, walking around the Circle deosil, swing the Censer along the line and stop at each point and say:

(East) "You are welcome Element of Air. Welcome to the Lady and the Lord of the Watchtower of the East. May it stand in strength, ever watching over this Circle."

(South) "You are welcome Element of Fire. Welcome to the Lady and the Lord of the Watchtower of the South. May it stand in strength, ever watching over this Circle."

(West) "You are welcome Element of Water. Welcome to the Lady and the Lord of the Watchtower of the West. May it stand in strength, ever watching over this Circle."

(North) "You are welcome Element of Earth. Welcome to the Lady and the Lord of the Watchtower of the North. May it stand in strength, ever watching over this Circle."

Go back to the Altar and place the Censer down and say:

"Welcome to the Four Quarters and welcome to the Goddess and the God. I bid the Lady and Lord welcome and invite them to join me to witness this Rite I hold in their honor. Hail to the Goddess and the God. The Circle is now cast. So Mote It Be."

Then say:

"The Sacred Circle is about me. I am here of my own free will and accord, in Peace and in Love."

Dip your forefinger into the salted water and mark a cross in a circle on your forehead. Mark a pentagram over your heart. Say:

"I now invite the Gods to witness this Rite I hold in their honor."

Hold your hand high (finger pointing) and say:

"God and Goddess, Lord and Lady; Father and Mother of All Life, guard me and guide me within this Circle and without it, in all things. So Mote It Be."

Kiss your hand to the Lord and Lady. Take the Goblet and spill a little onto the ground (or in the libation dish) as an offering and say:

"The Lord and Lady"

Take a drink and replace the Goblet on the Altar. Say:

"Now is the Temple erected. I shall not leave it but with good reason. So Be It."

Now is the time when you may consecrate the tools.

Hold your (tool) high and say:

"God and Goddess, Lord and Lady, Father and Mother of All Life. Here do I present my personal (say what the tool is) for your approval. It has been fashioned in to the form you now see. I would that it henceforth may serve me as a tool and weapon in thy service."

Place the tool on the Altar and stand (or kneel) for a few moments with head bowed and thin of the construction of the tool and what you did to personalize it.

Dip your fingers into the salted water and sprinkle the tool. Turn it over and sprinkle the other side. Pick up the tool and hold it in the smoke of the incense and turn it so that all parts get censed. Say:

"May the Sacred Water and the smoke of the Holy Incense drive out any impurities in this (say the tool), that it be pure and cleansed, ready to serve me and my gods in any way I desire. So Mote It Be."

Hold the tool in the palms of your hands and concentrate all your energies into the tool. Say:

"I charge this (tool name), through me, with the wisdom and might of the God and Goddess. May it serve me well, keeping me from harm and acting in their service, in all things. So Mote It Be."

Repeat with each item to be consecrated.

When finished, sit or kneel before the Altar, bow your head and meditate for a few minutes on the God and Goddess, the Craft and what the Old Religion means to you. Stand and lift both hands high above the Altar and say:

"Lord and Lady, hear me now! I am here a simple Pagan holding thee in honor. Far have I journeyed and long have I searched, seeking that which I desire above all things. I am of the trees and of the fields. I am of the woods and of the springs, the streams and the hills. I am of thee and thee of me."

Lower your arms.

"Grant me that which I desire. Permit me to worship the Gods and all that the Gods represent. Make me a Love of Life in All Things. Well do I know the Creed: that if I do not have that spark of Love within me, then will I never find it without me. Love is the Law and Love is the Bond. All this I honor above aught else."

Kiss your right hand and hold it high.

"My Lord and Lady, here do I stand before you, naked and unadorned, to dedicate myself to think honor. Ever will I protect you and that which is yours. Let none speak ill of you, for ever will I defend you. You are my life and I am yours, from this day forth. I accept and will ever abide by the Wiccan Rede:

"'An it harm none, do what thou wilt.' So Be It."

Take the Goblet, slowly pour the remainder of the wine on the ground (or in the libation dish) and say:

"As this wine drains from the Goblet, so let the blood drain from my body should I ever do aught to harm the Gods, or those in kinship with their Love. So Mote It Be."

Dip your forefinger in the oil and again make the sign of the cross in a circle on your 3rd eye and the Pentagram over your heart.

Touch the oil to your genitals, right breast (nipple), left breast and then the genitals once again. This forms the Sacred Triangle. Say:

"As a sign of my rebirth, I take unto myself a new name. Henceforth, I shall be known as (say the name you've chosen) for my life within the Craft. So Mote It Be."

Comfortably sit and meditate on the Craft and what it means to you. When you are finished meditating, you may dance or sing if you wish.

You may now have Cakes and Ale

"Now is the time for me to give thanks to the Gods for that which sustains me. May I ever be aware of all that I owe to the Gods."

Take the Goblet in your left hand and your Athame in your right. Slowly lower the point of your Athame into the wine and say:

"In like fashion, may male join with female, for the happiness of both. Let the fruits of union promote life. Let all be fruitful and let wealth be spread through all lands."

Place the Athame on the Altar and drink from the Goblet. Place the Goblet on the Altar, pick up your Athame and touch the cake with the point and say:

"This food is the Blessing of the Gods to my body. I partake of it freely. Let me remember always to see to it that aught that I have I share with those who have nothing."

Eat the cake and pause to say:

"As I enjoy these gifts of the Gods, let me remember that without the Gods I would have nothing. So Mote It Be."

Raise your hands in praise of the Gods and say:

"I thank the Gods for their attendance. As I came here in Love of them, I now go my way. Love is the Law, and Love is the Bond. So Be It."

Pick up the snuffer. Reverse the Opening process starting with the blue candle in the North (counterclockwise = Widdershins). Say:

"Thank you and farewell to the Element of the Earth and the Lady and Lord of the Watchtower of the North. May it stand in strength, forever watching, now and in the future."

Snuff out the candle. Go to the green candle in the West and say:

"Thank you and farewell to the Element of Water and the Lady and Lord of the Watchtower of the West. May it stand in strength, forever watching, now and in the future."

Snuff out the candle. Go to the red candle in the South and say:

"Thank you and farewell to the Element of Fire and the Lady and Lord of the Watchtower of the South. May it stand in strength, forever watching, now and in the future."

Snuff out the candle. Go to the yellow candle in the West and say:

"Thank you and farewell to the Element of Air and the Lady and Lord of the Watchtower of the East. May it stand in strength, forever watching, now and in the future."

Before snuffing the candle, say to all:

"Thank you and farewell to the Four Quarters, and the Goddess and the God. I bid the Lady and Lord farewell and to join me in future Circles."

Snuff out the candle and return to the Altar. Say:

"Hail to the Goddess and the God. The Circle is now open. So Mote It Be."

Snuff out the remaining Altar candles.

The artwork on this page is from a painting entitled, "Juliet" by John William Waterhouse. The music is a Scottish song entitled, "The Mist Covered Mountains"

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