What I Think A Witch Is

As a child, I believed a witch was an old, evil hag. As a young girl I thought "she" was any "woman" who cast "bad" spells and performed "magic". As a woman in her 40's, and after much reading, I realize my belief in a witch being associated with the occult in an evil way was very misinterpreted and misguided.

I now know and believe a witch is anyone who follows the path of the Goddess and, in doing so, strives to do those things that would not harm anyone. A true witch believes that all that "she/he" does will come back three-fold. I strongly believe in doing as one wishes as long as you do not harm another living thing and I've always believed in "do unto others."

It is understandable to me why I used to believe witchcraft was the practice of "black" magic. I now believe the "magick" involved in witchcraft is an artform which must be learned. It is the knowledge of many things. It encompasses, among so many other things, the wisdom and performance of spells, but it's more in the way of life that is lived each day, the way that we treat others and the belief in the Goddess, the Universe, and all that is around us in a spiritual and sacred sense.

If I had one goal it would be to become the best person I can be and to perform my rites to the best of my ability. I always want to remain the person I am, to hold still the values I have. I wish to attain a sense of belonging instead always wandering and never quite belonging anywhere. I feel that the path I have chosen is a road that I've traveled long to reach.

I wish to find peace with the Goddess that I've sought for so long. I wish this peace to be in my head, my heart, and my soul. For me, the Christian way of life leaves me with too many empty holes and questions. Since the death of my son, what little faith I had was stripped and it was replaced by an anger that I didn't like. All my life I have been searching for something spiritual. I was afraid each time I "conjured" up thoughts of "witches." I believed this was "evil." I surpressed my feelings and turned to Christianity. Catholicism was an adult, conscious choice for me but it always left me feeling "distanced," as though I was playing a game and didn't quite know the rules or how to play - I had the instruction but never quite "got it."

Choosing Wicca just feels right - it's like I've finally found my way home. Thanks be to the Goddess and may Diana watch over me and guide me.

The artwork on this page is from a painting entitled, "Awakening" by Jonathan Earl Bowser. His Goddess Artwork can be seen by clicking on the image to the right. The music is a Celtic song entitled,"Star of the Country Dawn"

[Wicca] [My Thoughts on Wicca] [Starting Out] [My Self-Dedication Ritual] [Various Rituals - My BOS (via Computer)]

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