My Thoughts...

When I first began reading about Wicca, it was suggested that I write down my thoughts. I really didn't want to stop reading every time something went through my head, but I did it, nonetheless. Now, when I go back and look at some of the things I wrote, it's very interesting to see what was going through my mind. For instance....

I was asked whether I thought Wicca was a science. I wrote, "I never thought of Witchcraft as a science but it must be. If you think about the spells, astral travel, dowsing, etc., what else could it be but science? However, my heart tells me there must be more than that."

The next question was about Religion. I wrote, "To think of the Craft as a religion was against my Christian upbringing. Now having read about Wicca, I realize how wrong I was. The Craft is truly a religion in the worship of the Goddess, the earth, the air - all life being sacred - what is more religious than this?"

Then there was Religion vs. Science. "If one admits the Craft to be science and, in the same breath, can see the religion within, then there must be a blend of both. One without the other would lack meaning when looking at the whole."

There were many thoughts that I wrote down but the most poignant to me was when I was deciding on whether I wanted to follow the Wiccan path. Out of the blue I thought, "I will ask the Goddess Diana to help guide me." There was no particular reason for thinking this at the time. Later that day I was going through a box of keepsakes. I found a letter that a dear friend wrote to me shortly after my son died (about two months before her death from cancer). Her name was Diana. Since that time, Diana appears to me in different ways and at different times. I believe this is a sign that the diety meant to guide and protect me is, in fact, Diana.

Each person considering the Wiccan path must decide for themselves if this is what they want. It's not a fad or something to do because your friends do it. I, myself, am a Solitary practitioner. It's what is right for me. Until I started researching, I always thought witches had to be associated with covens. Not true! Being a Solitary does have drawbacks, but there are so many people out there to help you. I feel more comfortable practicing this way. The best advice I could give to someone considering Wicca is read, read, read, then decide.

The artwork on this page is from a painting entitled, "Regeneration" by Jonathan Earl Bowser. His Goddess Artwork can be seen by clicking on the image to the right. The music is a Celtic song entitled, "Star of the Country Dawn"

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