The Jackson High School Band Handbook is designed to serve as an operational guide for the students, parents, and band director. Whenever any questions arise, check in the handbook first. If your question is not answered speak to the band director. It is the job of the band director to clarify any policies contained within this handbook.



In order to help band members and parents understand their areas of responsibility, a statement of band policy is herein set forth. Becoming familiar with this policy will help each member make the most of this opportunity to become a better person through his or her association with music.

We firmly believe that the student should improve through daily progress. In the band program we feel that when the student has lost the will to improve himself, he is perhaps wasting the time of the school, his fellow students, and the community by continuing in this program. We are firmly convinced that the happiest student is one who is progressing through regular habits of practice and daily exercise. He must not only know right from wrong, but must stand for his principles. He must develop a high sense of purpose toward which he is willing to work.

We intend to conduct the band program in a manner that will encourage all students to achieve these goals.


1. Be on time to all practices and performances.

2. Arrive at all practices and performances with the right equipment and a positive attitude.

3. If unable to perform due to injury, the student is still expected to attend all rehearsals and performances and take part in whatever role he is able to fulfill. For example, if unable to march, the band member can still sit on the side and play along with the band.

4. Make a real effort to learn and improve daily.

5. Maintain a strong academic standing in all other course work at school.

6. Become responsible for and assume the consequences for his actions.

7. Be personally clean, neat, and appropriately dressed for band functions.

8. Have the proper respect for others.

9. Follow all classroom rules, school regulations, and all travel instructions issued for trips.

10. Be honest and fair with others concerning equipment, music, and school life in general.

11. Cooperate with fellow band members and share with them the responsibilities and privileges that are a part of the band program.

12. Contribute positively to his music education and that of others by the best use of his talents.

13. Read and play music with insight and expression.

14. Students who are absent from or late to rehearsals are expected to do make-up work as assigned. This applies equally to excused and unexcused absences and tardies.

15. Students are responsible for maintaining their instruments in proper playing condition at all times. This includes possession of all needed accessories such as reeds, oil, mutes, etc.

  1. Students are expected at all times to conduct themselves in a manner which reflects positively upon themselves, the band, and the school.



A. Be on time.

B. Once you sign the bus list, you will not be allowed to change buses.

C. An adult chaperone will be on each bus.

D. Special care should be taken to see that all personal and school property is properly cared for:

1. Pack instruments for travel.

2. Hang uniforms neatly on hangers when not in use.

3. Place identification tags on all school and personal items.

E. Students will be given as much free time as is consistent with the educational intent of the trip. Students must return at the appointed time. No one is to leave the group formation for any reason until properly dismissed by the director.

F. Only exemplary conduct is acceptable from members of the Jackson High School Band. Members must be on their best behavior at all times. Be courteous to the members of other schools' bands at all times.

G. The use or possession of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages at any band function will not be tolerated. Violators will be dismissed from the band and referred for administrative action.

H. Private cars will not be used as transportation to performances. Students are expected to ride the buses provided by the school.

I. Changing clothes is not permitted on the buses. Students are expected to come dressed.

J. The trips taken by the band are school sponsored and therefore fall under the jurisdiction of school rules and policies.

K. No one is allowed inside the buses except directors, drivers, chaperones, and band members.

L. Outward displays of affection are not permitted.

M. No extreme noise will be tolerated on the buses or at any other inappropriate place.

N. The band will travel as a unit on all trips. If a member has a reason to return from a trip by other means of transportation, he must submit a written permit to the band director, signed by his parent or legal guardian, not later than the morning of the trip. The parent must see the director to authenticate the note. Students will not be permitted to ride home from trips with anyone other than their parent or other legal guardian.

O. Sportsmanship is a hallmark of excellence. Members will accept victory and defeat, success and failure with dignity and grace.

P. No band student will be dismissed to leave the band room after a trip until the equipment truck has been unloaded and all equipment has been properly stored in its place.

Q. Parents are asked to be at the band room at the announced arrival time to pick up band members if the band members depend on them for rides.

R. Since the band performs while in the stands at games, every band member is expected to remain in his or her assigned place and to respond quickly to directions from the drum majors or band director.

S. Eating and/or drinking in the stands will be permitted only at specifically designated times.

T. Students are to remain in full uniform (fully buttoned and zipped, etc.) at all times during games unless specific exceptions are stated by the band director.

U. There will be no individual or small-group playing in the stands during games without specific permission from the director.




If the student chooses not to live up to his or her responsibilities as a member of the Jackson High School Band, certain consequences will follow as an outcome of that decision. Some of the possible consequences are outlined below.

A. Detention time after band practice may be employed. This time will be spent doing cleaning work around the facility or doing supervised individual practice.

B. In cases of more serious nature or in cases of repeat offenses, suspension from the band may be employed. Students will sit in the stands during half-time performances and show up for all rehearsals during suspension. Suspensions from band may be as short as one week in length or can, in extreme cases, be issued for a period of as long as an entire school year.

C. In cases of extreme misbehavior, permanent dismissal from the band may be employed as a last resort.

D. Other actions may be employed if, in the band director's judgement, those actions are more appropriate than the ones listed above.














I have read the Jackson High School Band Handbook. I understand the policies contained within it and agree to follow and support these policies.



Student's Signature



Parent's Signature






Front | Menu  |1999-2000 | Handbook | Rehearsals | Dates | 90's

Repertoire | 98-99 | London | SAT dates | Attitude | Lion&Gazelle