Here is a small list of documents that you may find useful in your quest for self knowledge and initiation into the current of the Golden Dawn system of Magick. There are a number of Golden Dawn related documents that should be of interest, as well as some miscellaneous material of a more general nature. Of special interest is the small selection of articles by Israel Regardie. These short articles have a great deal of information that pertains to the individual that is working he system by themselves or outside of a lodge. Although the material often refers to the book 'The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic' there is a great deal of information here that the student should digest. These documents by Israel Regardie should be considered part of the coursework of the Golden Dawn for the aspirant pursuing Self Initiation as they pertain particularly to this type of work. they should be studied and made a part of the very fibre of ones being. If you have not already joined the discussion board hosted by Frater Em Hotep, I highly recommend you do so. The discussion board is dedicated to individuals that are working within the Golden Dawn Tradition, and is specifically geared towards those that are working with the book 'Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition' by Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. You can also follow this link to go directly to the documents page of the forum.