Non-Degree Programme


Tthe University also provide a non-degree programme to increase the human resource quality in the community. This programme is conducted to give a necessary skill and qualification for the industry demands. The duration of the program is varied from one year (D1) to three years programme (D3), which are Diploma 1, 2, 3 and polytechnics. This non-degree programmes fileds are:

Electronic Engineering (Polytechnics)
Electrical Engineering (Polstechnics)
Mechanical Engineering (Polytechnics)
Telecommunication Engineering (polytechnics)
Civil Engineering (Polytechnics)
Chemical Engineering (Polytechnics)
Computer Engineering (D3)
Nautics (D3)
Computer Programming (D1)
Informatics Management (D3)
Accoutancy and Secretarial (Polytechnics)
Accountancy (D3)
Secretarial Works (D3)
Tax Services (D3)
Animal Production Management (D3)
Plant Crops (D3)
Fisheries Agribusiness (D3)
Cooperative and Entrepreneurship Management (D3)
Finance and Banking (D3)
Tourism (D3)
Agricultural Agribusiness (D3)
Agriculture Industrial Engineering (D3)
Chemical Analyst (D3)
Landscape Architecture (D3)
English Languages (D3)