Tech Lectures for the Pharmacy Technician
Some Testimonials


    I would like to get your permission to use some sections of your Review For the Pharmacy Technician National Exam manual/workbook you so graciously shared with me. I reviewed it and it really is a great resource.  Keith S., Pharm D., Director of Pharmacy continuing education, University of Oklahoma.

    Your site serves a good and valuable service to the Pharmacy Technician Community. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)

    I took the PTCE on November 22nd. I just checked online and it says I passed and my score and certificate are in the mail! I cannot stress enough how awesome Mr. Medina's review manual is. I took the class at my local community college, studied on my own and yet did not feel prepared enough until I went through the review manual, page by page.  A resounding "Thank You!" to Joe and his fantastic manual!  Robin B., CPhT

    Wow what a great thing you are offering, not one or two but four scholarships for those enrolled in Tech programs! Thanks so much for your dedication to the Pharmacy Technician profession. I'm sure there are many Tech's out there that will utilize the resources you have provided - those who are progressive thinkers; those that aren't will eventually find out that they are the ones that will be left behind. Our profession has come a long way since I started out in '83 and I can see that it will continue to grow and evolve especially with dedicated people like yourself involved. Krista L., CPhT, Canada

    I meant to get back to you sooner to let you know I received your manual in record time but I've been busy studying. :) I can't say enough good things about your manual-it's just as you said, easy to understand. I am actually doing the math and understanding it and dare I go as far to say that I'm enjoying all this learning. That is something I never thought would be possible and because of this new found confidence I'm feeling not as anxious/nervous about taking the exam. You are right when you keep saying how overwhelming the other review books are. Trust me, I've bought 4 different review books and work books and just looking thru them is scary. Thank you so much for a great purchase and all your help.  Angela, CPhT

    Thank you for the work you are doing on behalf of the Tech Lectures programs for pharmacy technicians.   Jeffrey D. at Allergan Drug

    Thank you for the opportunity to review Tech Lectures...The members of the Wyoming State Board of Pharmacy felt that we could, certainly, support the use of Tech Lectures for use by pharmacy technicians and will forward that information to anyone who inquires... Marilyn M., Wyoming State Board of Pharmacy

    I'm glad that you've taken on the project of offering CE units specifically for pharmacy Technicians. I think it's an excellent idea and a tremendous undertaking. Tech Lectures will appear in our next PTEC newsletter.  Brenda H., Pharmacy Educator, Pharmacy Technician Educator's Council (PTEC)

    Your web-site is really nice! If you are interested, you have by far the best price as far as CE credits go...I will let other Pharmacy Technicians know about your stuff.  Mary G.,CPhT, Ohio

    We intend to enlighten our Canadian members on the lectures that are provided via Tech Lectures... Elaine M.; Past President, Canadian Association of Pharmacy Technicians (CAPT), Canada

    I was pleased with the content of the "Tech Lectures" I ordered...You've done a great job putting the lectures together as they will provide Pharmacy Technicians with a good source for continuing education.... Krista L., CPhT, Ontario, Canada

    You have a great web-site and offer a much needed service for the Pharmacy Technician... Andrew C., CPhT, New York

    Abbott Laboratories has reviewed Tech Lectures and feels it is a very worthy cause... Kim M. at Abbott Laboratories

    Thank you for your interesting Lectures... Joanne B., CPhT, California

    Thank you very much for your service. It is difficult to find material geared towards the Pharmacy Technician... Christine P., CPhT, New York

    I am writing you this note to ask your permission to advertise Tech Lectures to fellow Pharmacy Technicians in the New York area... Jacqueline F., CPhT, New York Society of Health System Pharmacists, New York

    I was so excited when I received my 2 Certificates of Completion for Pharmacy Technician Recertification... Julieta R., CPhT, Illinois

    Your Tech Lectures are very interesting and informative...I will continue with Tech Lectures because the price is right and using them has increased my knowledge base... Paula V., CPhT, Ohio

    I'm really looking forward to your new Tech Lectures before the weather here gets too nice... Ingrid O., CPhT, Ohio

    I would like to mention that your Certificate of Completions are better than I expected... Elaine W., CPhT, Ohio

    You know we've got a healthy population of techs in Louisianna right might want to make sure the Louisiana Society of Health System Pharmacists know about you... Christee A., R.Ph., Louisianna Society of Health System Pharmacists, Louisianna

    I am very interested in your program and was trying to think of a way in which you and "Pharmacy Times" might partner to help get CE to techs... Ann L., Sr Editor "Pharmacy Times"

    I talked about your Lectures to all my fellow technicians at the hospital where I work. They all seem very interested and I am sure they will be ordering very soon...You have a wonderful web-site... Lisa F.,CPhT, New Mexico

    We have read, with interest, and understand the value of Tech Lectures... - Pamela D. at Boehringer Ingelheim

    The Pharmacist's absolutely cannot fulfill their roles without educated technicians...I look forward to providing information about Tech Lectures to our technicians... Charlie K., R.Ph.

    Your Lectures are great...I always have techs looking for CE, and will of course refer them to you... Jill B., Corporate Pharmacy Technician Trainer, Owen Healthcare, Inc., Texas

    Thank you for this wonderful service... Wendy D., CPhT

    Received your Tech Lectures end of last week and I am impressed with them. They are especially useful for those technicians who aren't formally trained because of their more understandable presentation...Your program will be endorsed on CAPT's web page... Bob S., CPhT, Secretary Cochise Association of Pharmacy Technicians (CAPT), Arizona

    I saw your website via my State Board of Pharmacy....Very Informative! Erin M., CPhT, Alabama

    I find this very useful and convenient way of accomplishing all 20 units required by PTCB. I will recommend this to my fellow techs at the hospital... Alexandria B., CPhT, California

    Your easy to follow review manual allowed me to not only pass the exam, but get a score of 832 which is beyond what I was expecting to get. My weakness was calculations and you made it so simple for me to learn. As one who studied on their own with your review manual and email support, I can truthfully say you know what you are doing! Crystal N. CPhT, San Diego, CA

    Your Lectures are so informative and easy to seem so gifted in that you can compress so much material into one booklet and make it so easy to understand...thank you... Cheryl S., CPhT, Colorado

    Angelina College



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