Investing time and attention in the early stages of child development will produce returns throughout the life of a child, resulting in significantly lower costs to society.
If parents and society invested their best efforts in children, there would be great benefits to society. We could save large amounts of lost-work and crime caused by dysfunctional people. A very informative book entitled Becoming Attached describes studies done on infants and their mothers. The studies indicate that parents that responded to their infants signals (adjusting their own pace and behavior in accordance with the baby's cues), and who were more affectionate, tender, and careful with their infants tended to have children who showed more competence, flexibility, resilience, empathy, and relational abilities. These characteristics tended to persist into adulthood. We can extrapolate that the results will be a profound impact on their success in many areas of life. (You can find more information about the studies at The bond between mother and child.) Parents that communicate openly and have a good relationship with children are often able to prevent some problems in the teenage years. What we should do:
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