This is a page dedicated to different groups in our area. We know you’re out there, let us know what you do. Any group that considers themselves part of our pagan community email us with a brief description of who you are and what you do. If you want to give contact information, that’s great. If you wish to remain anonymous, that’s ok too. We’d just like some reflection of the diversity in Central Illinois.
Just send a thumbnail sketch of yourselves, between a paragraph and a page, to:


The Hermetic Order of the Celtic Cross (HOCC) is a ceremonialist order dedicated to balancing morality, magic, and mystery in our lives and in the world at large. It is an initiatory Order, with three degrees in the training system. There are also two further degrees that acknowledge further development, plus an honorary degree for those who have contributed to the good of the Order, and a symbolic degree honoring those who die, for a total of seven degrees.

Individual chapters are autonomous, and can be started by any group of three serious people, using the training and ritual materials that are common to the whole Order. While these materials are copyrighted, they are not secret. The common ritual material contains forms for lodge work for chapters. Within individual chapters, small temple groups are established for magical and/or devotional practice. These temple groups are encouraged to be creative in designing their own rituals, though some basic devotional material is included in the common ritual material.

There is also training material (both instructional material and rituals and techniques) for individual development. Progress through these materials is acknowledged by the initiatory degrees mentioned above.

The Order is an ecumenical organization open to seekers of all faiths and creeds, our commonality being a sincere desire for companionship in our journey towards the Light.

For more information on the Hermetic Order of the Celtic Cross, please contact TC Trumpinski-Roberts at

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