Pick the from the Leaves of Legends

Links to sites on the Tree of Time

Legends and folklore

The Tree of Time's Roots Converge from the Absolute Past
to the Trunk of the Absolute Present,
and then the Branches spread into the Absolute Future.
So, explore the foundations of the the present
and the Hopes of the future
from some of my favorite branchings in the Tree of Time.

Regional Folklore and Mythology
General Folklore and Mythology
Legendary Animals
NMNH Paleobiology Home Page
Morgana's Observatory -- Ancient Prophecy, Un...
Tarsiers--Singing in Sulawesi
Primate Gallery
Searching for Our Primate Ancestors in China
Callum Ross
DUPC - Fossil Paper
The Paleo Ring Home Page

You are the Climber in the tree of time.
My Tree's Photo Page| My Favorite harvests| What is The Tarsier?| Online Stores
Where Dragons Roam| Tree of Knowledge| Why Tree Metaphors?| Tree of Time

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