First, the Outer Circle, "Celebrants". These are folks who are interested in the Glyph and it's workings to such a degree that they attend it's rites and want to know more, see if they're interested in delving further, etc. It is the entry level and lending-library for potential devotees of our rites.

A. Complete entrance application
	1. Submit Application and fee of $10
		a. Must be 18+ yrs old

B. Reading requirements (purchased by student, offered from lending library or
	1. The Magical Philosophy Series, Denning and Phillips
           Planetary Magick, Denning and Phillips
           Light in Extension, David Godwin
           777, Aleister Crowley
           Ladder of Lights, William Gray (and/or)
           The Garden of Pomegranates, Israel Regardie
           The Book of the Glyph
           Selected Materials from  the private archives.
           Selections regarding the Zodiac from Pike's Morals And Dogma and
	   this wonderful essay on the astrological timing of magick.
	   John Opsopaus' Greek materials
           The Middle Pillar, Israel Regardie
C. praxis requirements
        1. Self praxis
                a. Sun Salutation
		b. calyx
		c. Clavis Rei, formula 1 Rousing of the Citadels)
                d. Setting of the Wards
		e. Clavis Rei formula 2  (the Orante formula)
		f. The Zodiacal Detection Exercise 
		g. Rites of Approach, from Luna to Saturn.
                h. Contacting the Power Deeps
                i.  Construction of the planetary lamen

	2. Praxis with others of lodge
		a.  Take reiki I 
                      1. onsite instructor available or use a State certified instructor.
                b.  Glyph circumambulations
	3. Research project
		a.  Submit a potential project for glyph detection 

D. Study

	1.  Be conversant in the following subject areas:
		a. Qabalah
		     i. basic ideas of the sephira, four worlds,
                        some lore
                b. Greek Gematria
		c. Other gematriae, like:
		     i. NAEQ6
		     ii. Hebrew
                d. Elementary Western planetary correspondences
		e. Zodiacal correspondences
		     i.  general knowledge
	             ii. sign-specific knowledge: The celebrant must study each sign in 
			turn from his birth sign and back around to it again,
                         show an understanding of the symbols
                f. All Aurum Solis materials

E. Testing

	1. Essay: "Why I wanna hang around you bozos"  (1000 words min.)
	2. Informal chats with Sponsor and others of next degree about materials on book
		 list and praxis.  Conversancy must be established.
	3. submission of diary entries directly related to order work.
	4. With the study of each sign, the student examines the appropriate Johfra painting,  writing an essay/exposition/table discussing the
	    symbols of each and estimating why they were chosen.
        5. Formal review (only if necessary) by peers.
                 a. Here we check the depth and breadth of the applicant's knowledge
			 of the study material in an informal setting
			 (dogfight, opium parlor, drinking contest, etc)

F. Passage to next circle

         1. In Brief: the rite consists of a circumambulation of the Glyph, 
		beginning at Cancer and ending at Cancer,prior to procession to center.
		It will take about 3 1/2 hours, not counting lunch/debriefing.
		The candidate is accompanied by a Guide, who escorts him to the 
		various points and assists him/her if necessary. At each point, he
		is instrucetd by the ruling planet's priest, who utters a phrase or three
		from the appropriate canticle of the zodiac, then asks the candidate
		a few questions for which his studies must have prepared him.  Returning
		to the center,  the new fellow is welcomed into the grade and given 
		a new moniker, if desired.


The middle circle, "Aspirants", is a place where the majority of the work is done. As the Celebrant studied the symbolism of the Zodiac under the tutelage his Planetary advisors, here the Aspirant studies the planets under the tutelage of the Glyphmeisters. The principle inner work here is to bring about balance within the psyche. The principle outer work is the precise study of the operations of The Glyph. The outline for that:

A. submit application and $10 fee..

B.  Reading requirements

	1. Magickal States of Consciousness, Denning and Phillips
		Magick Ritual Methods, William Gray
  		Modern Magick, Don Kraig
		Arcana Mundi, George Luck
                Mythology, Edith Hamilton (or any other book which treats of the
			 subject in some depth)
		Ceremonial Magick, Israel Regardie
		Foundations of Practical Magick, Israel Regardie
		The Golden Dawn (any edition), Israel Regardie
		All materials from  the private archives.
		The Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Henry Agrippa,					 Donald Tyson
		Anything on the history of neoplatonism and it's major lights.

	The above can be provided by the student, from the lending library or
		 (sometimes) via a donation.

C. praxis requirements

	1. Self praxis

		a. Sun Salutation
		b. calyx
		c. wards
		d. Orante formula
		e. The Magician
		f. Consecration of Tools
			i. general remarks
			ii. specific rites
			iii. essays upon the nature and function of tools

		g. Manufacture of talismans

		h. Non A.S. exercises
	2. Praxis with others of lodge

		a.  Take reiki II
			i. onsite instructor available or use a State certified instructor.

		b. Attend all usual Glyph Circumambulations and some research expeditions.

		c. attend the manufacture of Elixers of virtue (with mentor)

		d. Sphere workings
			i. Dionic formula, A. S.
			ii. various others

		e. Path workings
			i. Various A.S. publications
			ii. Various others

	3. Research project

		a.  Submit a potential project for glyph detection

		b.  Conduct a project for glyph detection, and show statistical results.
		c. Discover what physical item might make the group work better and provide it.  Don't spend more than your means: this might mean incense and it might mean real estate (or more), depending upon situation and inspiration, as one might expect.

D. Study

	1.  Be conversant in the following subject areas:
		a. Qabalah
			i. demonstrate general understanding of paths of Tree
			ii.  show and discuss alternate trees

		b. Greek and other Gematriae
			i. show some original work, contribute to the database
		c. Planetary correspondences in some detail
			i. compare three different mythological heptarchies
			ii.  Show/submit a revised "777"-type listing.
		d. Discuss neoplatonist philosophy and it's roots. 

E. Testing: demonstrate that you know as much as anyone else.

	1. by constant review of peers

	2. by small, formal exam.

F. Passage to next circle

	1. Some restricted knowledge is given in a rite which ranges about the glyph in much
	    the same way as the last "passage rite" did.  The accent is on being saddled
	    with the perpetuity of the project and a full sense of it's application and it's
	    responsiblilties.  Each Planet gives a swearing charge that the aspiranmt accept
	    broad responsibilities to the project and specific responsibilities to the 
	    maintenance of that shrine.  The aspirant is constantly (with every challenge
	    of any sort) reminded that he can back out while "saving face" somewhat.  
	    He/She should emerge committed to actually giving time, creativity,effort, energy
	    and money to the project for it's long-term maintenance.

III. 	The Inner Circle "Initiates"

A.  Reading requirements
	1.  peruse the master list of booktitles and, at least once/year, write and e-post
	    a review aimed at future "Glyph magicians".  

B. praxis requirements

	1. Self praxis:
		a. All previous methods

		b. Other A.S. material 

		c. any other material

	2. Praxis with others of lodge

		a. Every Glyph function possible.
		b. Consider Reiki mastery,or other and more advanced disciplines,  east or west.  Volunteer to
	 		teach same to earlier degrees.
C. Study

	1. Broadly.
	2. Inwardly.
	3. Play a musical instrument.

D. Committment
	1. state a formal but general committment to the bettering of the project.
	2. State a monetary commitment and fulfill it A.S.A.P. and or/regularly.
	3.  commit to 2 years of instructional support to newcomers or very similar
	              administrative duties.

This Page is part of the Companions of the Glyph website.