E S O T E R I C A |
The Universe is a living being! Yes, it is alive! It exists in multiple dimensions and has galaxies and solar systems that like the organs of our body, are semi-independent but connected to the whole of the cosmic body!
The physical universe that we see is only the physical body of a Cosmic Being. This Cosmic Being exists in more than 21 dimensions, as far as we know! This Cosmic Being is what the religions call: GOD; although their interpretation of IT is very anthropomorphic.
Every galaxy and solar system have a "divinity," or individual consciousness, for lack of a better term, that live in and control that galaxy or solar system, and is responsible for its development.
Similarly to our own body, the Universe has currents that circulate all inside it, maintaining its existence and the lives of the myriad of living beings in those systems. These currents are of various kinds, energies, life, ideas, consciousness, etc. The origins of the currents are from higher dimensions to lower ones. They circulate bringing new influences to living beings in the dimensions' inferior to the original ones, they realize their purposes, and they come back to the origin bringing the results of their realization. In our own body we have the circulatory system that brings to every cell of our body the nutrients and oxygen and takes away the wastes to the lungs. This is just a crude simile but it will help you to understand the cosmic currents.
There are many Universes and they are all related and contained in a Macro-Universe. When we contemplate the starred skies, we are only seing our own universe. We do not see the other universes and even less the Macro-Universe that contains them all!
Our own universe or cosmos, is a complete living being! Inside it there are galaxies that are as the organs of that gigantic body! Every living being existing in the cosmos reflects in its own dimensional world a summary of the cosmic structure and currents. When we use the simile of our own organs to describe the cosmos, it does not mean that parts of the cosmos are like our organs; but that, that part of the cosmos functions like a given organ of us. It is done so we may understand in our three dimensional mind, the reality of a being that exist in more than 21 dimensions!
Divinities. The Macro-Universe is a living being in dimensions that we here can not comprehend. That being is what we would call: a Macro-Divinity. Each of the Universes included in this Macro-Universe, is alive and controlled by a Universal Divinity. In each Universe there are galaxies that are also alive and controlled by a Galactic Divinities. In each Galaxy there are solar systems that are alive and controlled by their own Divinity. In each solar system there are planets and the star of the system, who are also alive and controlled by a Divinity.
I use this expression, Divinity, to convey the idea that a Divine Being is beyond sexual differentiations. Sexes belong in the inferior worlds of physical shape and only exist for procreation. In the superior dimensions that differentiation does not exist. We are used to the idea of a male God Mars, and a female Goddess Venus, this is only counting the astrological, psychological effect on physical humanity. In their own realm the Beings whose bodies are Mars and Venus are completely different.
Many schools refer to these Divinities, as Devas, Divine Parent, etc., to avoid a sexual connotation.
Our Solar System. Humanity has accepted the ideas that each one of the planets plus the Sun and Moon, are the bodies of divine beings, and that knowledge is symbolized in the various mythologies. Even in Christianity, that is monotheistic, there is the idea that every planet is guided by an Archangel. Even modern science has realized that Earth is a living being; and the theory about it is called: GAEA (Mother Earth, in ancient Greek).
Every planet plus our Sun, is the physical body of a Divinity that is in control of that planet. There is life in all our planets, but physical life only on Earth. The other planets have life in other dimensional worlds; for example, in Mars there is life in the 4th dimensional world, or Astral as the Theosophists call it. There is mental life in the 5th dimensional world in Mercury. There is buddhical life in the 6th dimensional world in Jupiter, and we have etherical life in the planet Venus.
In our Solar System there are seven different worlds; but the ones with fewer dimensions as our Earth, are included in the next one of superior dimensions. In that way the seventh or superior world, encompasses and includes all the others. Each one of these worlds is subdivided in seven layers of materiality or substance. Thus our Earth has from the most material to the most sublimed: solid, liquid, gaseous, radiating, and three other densities related to physical energy, life, and consciousness. Seven subdensities times seven worlds, give us 49 subdivisions of densities, from Matter to Spirit in our Solar System. The Theosophists call these worlds, Planes of the Solar System, one on the top of the other. This is part of the problem in misunderstanding the true nature of our Solar System. Only Max Heindel in his great book: Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception, clarifies the situation.
Dimensions. We are used to our three dimensional world of matter but we consider the so called: "Time-space continuum" a 4th dimension. What is that 4th dimension? From that world, all the time past, present and future is NOW; and all the places in the Universe, is just HERE. To grasp this, imagine that you are on the top of a hill at which around, there is a racing car track. For the people down there, the cars come and go, from there to here and to there again, in time past, present, and future, but for you in the top of the hill watching all this at once, everything is HERE and NOW! The Astral world lives in these 4 dimensions! The few people that can reach this world can predict future events, and witness past events as clearly as they see the present!
The five dimensions of the Mental world, include all the 4 inferior ones plus another one, thanks to which you are conscious of the external forces of nature and spiritual forces entering and exiting your inner being, physical, emotional and mental and you comprehend that all life is related to each other and to the living universe! From this Mental World of 5 dimensions you know the secrets of the creation of Galaxies, Solar systems, planets, etc.
The six dimensions of the Buddhical World, include all the 5 dimensions of the Mental World plus another one, that allow us to know and create individual entities alive and conscious of themselves that can evolve in the inferior worlds.
The seven dimensions of the Atma World, include all the 6 dimensions of the Buddhical World plus another one that allows the Atman or the Divine Spark in us humans, to create a reflection of that Atman consciousness to inhabit one of the entities created in the Buddhical world. Let us understand this better. The supreme Atman living in its 7 dimensional world, never subdivides itself to inhabit the bodies of the entities created; rather, It creates reflections of Itself with a different "vibration" or modality, so they will inhabit those bodies and manifest through them in the inferior worlds. In this way, each one of us has a divine consciousness, and a Cosmic Consciousness, and our Creator, although conscious of each one of us, is not bounded to the inferior worlds! This is why the Bible asserts that Adam was created in the image of God!
There are two more worlds in this Solar System with 8 and 9 dimensions, but they are beyond my comprehension! I only know that they are the realms of Mother Nature, and Father God.
Our Solar System is only one among a myriad of systems with more or fewer dimensions than ours. As far as I know, Andromeda is a galaxy with 21 dimensions. So you see, there is a variety of systems and then galaxies with dimensional systems beyond our grasp.
Dimensional conversion. Although there are so many dimensions in the Universe, all of those worlds are in harmony, since all dimensions can be converted to a lower or a higher system. Thanks to this principle, currents of energy, life, consciousness and spirit, can circulate in all the Universe, from galaxy to systems, to planets, to living beings and back to the Universe using the same way in reverse!
Tatwas. The Hindus call Tatwas, the Divine Breath, the currents that circulate in the Cosmos as well as in our Solar System and in our own self. There are seven Tatwas, five modalities called: Akasha, Vayu, Tejas, Apas, and Pritivy and they manifest in two cycles, one positive and one negative. These Tatwas feed our being in the Spirit, Mind, Energy, Emotions, and Physical awareness, and they do it in the two polarities of energy.
The Tatwas that enter our Solar System are tuned to our own 7 dimensions, but in the Universe, they convert to the amount of dimensions of whatever system or galaxy they are going to function. Then there are more than 21 Tatwas in the Universe!
The best book on this subject is: Subtle Forces of Nature, by Rama Prasad, and published by the Theosophical Society. Unfortunately here in the USA the Theosophical Society suspended the publication of this book, because it was considered too esoterical and dangerous in the hands of the lower people! I do not know if they have changed their mind lately. You might still get it in Spanish and Portuguese.
There are many more subjects on this theme; but it will take a book to explain. What I have given you here is the ABC of Cosmic knowledge; and the main idea is that the Universe is alive!
How can this be? In one lifetime we can not achieve to be perfect as our Divine Father is perfect! There must be something that we do not know, that they did not teach us to achieve that kind of perfection! Our Divine Father is the Creator of the Universe and all life in it. He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent; and we are supposed to be as perfect as Him?!
The answer is an emphatic YES! Although to achieve that perfection, it will take us eons of time, and we need to know who we really are, where we come from, and where we are going.
Other leaders from other constellations issued similar calls to the beings from all the constellations.
There were then twelve leaders from the Zodiac with its respective followers. Each zodiacal group acted as a spiritual family, or tribe, if you want! Its leaders, because of their superior knowledge and powers, became the permanent leaders until the conclusion of the mission.
The Solar System was created by a very highly developed spiritual being, who had already gathered his knowledge from other systems in the Cosmos. The physical part of the Solar System was in formation, while in superior dimensions, nine in total, this Creator Being had already established the foundations of the seven worlds that was to constitute this System. It was then, that He called to the Cosmos asking for volunteers to inhabit the newly created Solar System. This Creator Being, was the GOD of the System.
Since the existence in the Solar System is different from other systems its life has to be created inside it and can not be imported from other places.
To achieve the creation of living beings inside the system the zodiacal leaders projected a reflection of their consciousness into the third world or Atmical World of this Solar System and created from the substance of that world, spiritual bodies to be inhabited by the reflections of the beings of His tribe. The problem was that a body to be conscious of itself, needed to reflect the cosmic consciousness of every constellation, every center, every universal principle. A being could not transfer a reflection of itself into a body that is not alive! To solve this problem, the leaders of the twelve constellations concerted their knowledge and abilities and in creating the bodies, they incorporated in each one of them their particular creation, tuning, organs, etc. Once the bodies were ready, each one of the volunteers to live in the Solar System, sent their reflections and took possession of a body. This process reminds me of the Biblical tale of the creation of Adam, once the body was shaped, "God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul."
These bodies are not like our present physical bodies, not at all! If we could see them, they would be as a sphere of intense light, with cosmic knowledge and powers beyond our imagination. Their very presence would be so imposing that we would think that we are in the presence of God Himself! The world in which they live has 7 dimensions and they had certain amount of time to study it and master its possibilities. Not only they had to master their own zodiacal knowledge applied to our Solar System in that Atmic World, but also the knowledge of the other zodiac constellations as well!
After the time was over, some of the beings there could master their world, and they decided to remain there and help those who did not, and had to involve in worlds of fewer dimensions and denser substances.
The beings that needed to involve created in the Budhical World of 6 dimensions, bodies adapted to that world, and in them, each being sent a reflection of their own consciousness. In this way, each of those bodies became alive and conscious of themselves! These involving beings then had each one a Divine Consciousness in the Atmical World, and a Budhical body. There was a time they had to investigate this world, and at the end of it, they had to whether involve into the Mental World, or remain in the Budhical to help the entities that were to involve. Those who mastered the knowledge of the Budhical World, remained in it. Those who did not finish learning the laws and principles of the 6th dimensions, had to descend to the world of the Mind.
The Mental World of 5 dimensions was much different from the superior ones! In the superior subplanes of this world you had an individualized consciousness bordering with the Budhical. This was to be the center from which all the future involution and evolution were to be planned and controlled. Similarly to the previous bodies creations, this also happened here. Mental bodies were created which were the archetypal of the ones to exist in more dense dimensions. In the superior subplanes of the Mental the body was like a sphere of light; but in the inferior subplanes of the Mental, the body had, like us here on Earth, a head, trunk, arms and legs. In the most inferior of the subplanes, the beings planed the appearance of the worlds below.
This Mental World had everything necessary to create inferior worlds and the shape of the beings to inhabit them. From here also, it was possible to plan and control the involution and evolution of the humanities below! The knowledge in this world began to be distinct, more classified, even when all knowledge is related to every other knowledge. In this world, every idea is a reality! The beings here transmit their knowledge through ideas!
As in the previous worlds, here too there was a time to learn all about the 5 dimensions, the process of Cosmic creation in the inferior worlds, etc. When the cycle ended, some of the beings that were the most advanced, remained to help the future humanities below. The others less advanced decided to create bodies in the 4th dimensional world, the so called: Astral. The process was similar to the previous ones. Bodies were created in a world of emotions and passions and then each of the entities to inhabit them, sent a reflection of their consciousness to their own body, making it alive and conscious!
The Astral world was also quite different from the previous ones! The superior subplanes were luminous, happy, inspiring. Life substance was the reality here! The humans dedicated themselves to experience every emotion they could! The sense of individuality or better say, personality began manifesting here! The beings had to learn to produce and control their emotions, project those emotions to create living beings semi-conscious of themselves, to be used and studied by humanity! After some time, the emotions become more personal and selfish and passions were born! Hatred, envy, and conquering passions became common in the inferior Astral!
When the cycle ended, the same as before, the superior beings remained in the Astral to guide humanity in the Physical world.
The Physical world had minerals, plants, and animals, but no humans! To enter as a human in the Physical world the entities had to gather part of the emotional substance of the animals to form an astral body of a human and then create a physical body to inhabit. There were many attempts to create physical human beings, and many failed!
Since the physical world was so dense, the Divine Hierarchy decided that humanity needed sexual reproduction and created the necessary organs to do so.
We are not going to enter to discuss all that process since there are innumerable books that deal with the subject. One that is outstanding is: The Rocicrucian Cosmo Conception, by Max Heindel.
Human life on the Physical World joined the previously existing vegetable and animal life! Race and subraces after Race and subraces involved into matter more deeply, until the present humanity, achieved the total spiritual separation from the rest of the beings, and developed the sense of thought, logic, mathematics, and manipulation of matter!
The process of involution into the matter ended here! The process of evolution from matter also began here and in our times!
Until now, all the beings that involved into different worlds and dimensions in our Solar System, were developing half of their minds, the negative or external consciousness! We are now in the process of developing our positive or internal part of our minds and consciousness! Superior beings have always developed their faculties faster than the common of humanity; and there is a big difference in the development from one being to another!
We are entering a Millennium in which our planet Earth will have a new human race, that is going to be superior to our own and to the previous one, or Atlantean!
We here in the Solar System are not alone; for there is a multitude of other beings related to us in every system of the Universe. Once we are developed enough and can travel to other systems, we can meet our counterpart in a given system and exchange knowledge!
The other brothers and sisters are in different states of development; and many of them are much more advanced than we here on Earth.
Once we can travel to the various systems and constellation and meet with our counterparts there, we can learn subjects so advanced that are out of our reach in this planet!
Let's call the new race: the Olympians, for lack of a better name. These Olympians will be telepaths, clairvoyant, clairaudients, will levitate at will, and will shape matter with their minds. They will be aware of forces of nature totally unknown to us in the present. Out of that knowledge new sciences and technologies will develop that will allow us to enter into the fourth dimension and in communication with life in the rest of the Solar System! These advances will happen in less than 900 years in the future!
The Olympians will be the sixth subrace of the Fifth Root Race. From the best specimens of this subrace, the Hierarchy will select the seeds of the future Sixth Root Race.
The Sixth Root Race will be the last physical race on this planet, and they will live in a world of energies that they will manipulate with their minds, and be conscious of five dimensions and the relations to the physical world. At the end of their evolution they will learn to disintegrate their physical bodies and integrate them in any other physical place! Once this is achieved there will be no reason for neither sexual procreation nor reincarnation! They will have the clear memory of all their past lives and involution and evolution in the Solar System.
The next step for these beings, will be Mars, where they will learn to manipulate life substance or Astral matter, and create living beings in the physical worlds.
Later on and once life force and substance are well known to them, they will continue their evolution in Jupiter. Living in a world of abstract thoughts and ideas in the sixth dimensions, they will learn of the infinite possibilities of cosmic creation, and will be able to investigate the finer substances existing in the Solar System.
At the end of this process, comes the supreme sacrifice! The beings will renounce the bodies and existence in the Solar System. They will bequest their knowledge and perfect body particles of consciousness to other beings so they can benefit from them, and for ever abandon the Solar System.
To renounce your Solar System existence, means that you are giving to the Cosmic Mind all your knowledge and achievements! This is the Supreme Sacrifice! From that moment on you can access the knowledge of the Cosmic Mind and learn about Cosmic Creation!
The now cosmic being, is ready to create a Solar System to practice the newly acquired knowledge. All creation is done of course in the context of the Cosmic Being's Plans for this Cosmos!
The newly Creator God, plan and shape the Solar System that will be his cosmic body.
After Solar Systems, come whole constellations, and much later on, the creation of a whole Cosmos!
In this way, the exhortation of the Christ: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect," becomes a reality!
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When we study the Universe and its planes in a book, every thing is static. This gives us a false impression of the real nature of the Universe.
Eons ago, at the beginning of the formation of the Solar System, a great leader from Aries called to the beings from all the constellations. He proposed to involve into de Solar System and learn all there was to learn from its dimensions, creation, life, etc., and then to evolve out of it, to apply that knowledge to other cosmic creations!
When we described the way human beings were created in this Solar System we did not mention that similar creations had happened in other systems in the Cosmos! This is a reality; we have, let's say, brothers and sisters all over the Cosmos! It is to say that from the same Constellation Being that sent his consciousness to our Solar System, have come many other consciousness reflections to bodies all over the Cosmos. In this way, the Constellation Being is aware of everything that is happening in the different dimensions and systems in the Cosmos!
We are now getting ready to begin the evolution out of matter and develop the positive part of our minds! We have been judged by the Hierarchy. Some of the humans will go in exile to a far away planet in the system Spica in Virgo. The ones who will remain on Earth will enter into a new race of humanity far more developed than any other race previously existing!
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