Abortion Rights© 2006 by Peter Jude Fagan The first problem is that many pseudo-Christians (both Catholic and non-Catholic) have interjected their religious beliefs into what is strictly a political question. They do not realize it but they are trying to force everyone into following their religious beliefs. They are attempting to make the sin of abortion illegal. They have also convinced many children of God to follow their example. Thus, many have been led astray and believe that they are doing the will of God by using religion to oppose legalized abortion. Like sheep being led to a slaughter house, these children of God are only following a directive given them in the Holy Bible that they should follow their religious leaders as though they were obeying God (Heb.13:17). The second problem is that the Holy Bible gives one the information to help one discern what course of action a true child of God ought to take concerning abortion.
Again from the Old Testament.
It is a statement of truth that during an abortion the unborn baby is going to die regardless of whether or not the procedure is legal or illegal. For some reason many individuals believe that if abortion is made illegal, this will save the life of the unborn. But women are going to get abortions whether or not they are legal or illegal. Illegal abortions kill the unborn baby and – because they are frequently performed by unlicensed practitioners using dirty instruments and in a non-sterilized environment – also frequently kill the mother. But legal abortions, performed by medical doctors using sterile instruments and in a sterilized environment, kill only the unborn baby. Thus, with abortions legalized the mother can live to repent of her evil and thereby live with God. Since God wants to save souls by not having them die in sin on illegal abortion tables, it should be obvious that our Lord does not oppose legalized abortion. This is especially true for the abortion of an embryo or a non-viable fetus. Although God is obviously against the killing of innocent babies and abortion is abhorrent to Him, (if such is solely for selfish reasons or solely for reasons of birth control) He undoubtedly views the death of an embryo or fetus – while saving the life of the mother – as the lesser of the two evils of legal or illegal abortion. God knows that more often than not, the choices that confront His children are between the lesser of two evils, for to make such choices is why He created man. In order to determine who would follow truth and justice governed by logic and reason (science and the scientific method) and who would follow after their own prejudice (their passions and perverted religious beliefs). A young teenager who gets pregnant is a classic example. God does not want one of His children to suffer their whole life for some mistake made in their puberty years. To force a young teenage child to have a baby is to force that child to suffer her whole life because she made a minor indiscretion (having unprotected sex) while not mature enough to make adult decisions (having sex). Such a fate would be very unmerciful. God is full of mercy and compassion (Osee,6:6; Jms.2:13). Hence, although He may abhor abortion as an evil act, He obviously looks upon legalized abortion as the lesser of the two evils between legal and illegal abortion. When St. Thomas More was about to be beheaded for refusing to acknowledge Henry VIII as supreme head of the Church of England, he was asked to just superficially reject his religious beliefs and thereby save his life so that he could continue his fight against false religious teachings. Instead, St. Thomas More is reported to have said: “If I cut down a tree in order to get at Satan, behind which one will I stand after I’ve cut them all down and Satan turns on me?” When the Mother Church opposes the actions of the government, She is violating the law. She is cutting down a tree in order to get at Satan. This is true no matter what Her motives. But many individuals claim that the Catholic Church’s stand against legalized abortion is not in violation of the law, because She is opposing the murder of innocent, unborn babies. However, it is a teaching of the Catholic Church that is a sin to get an abortion or to give an abortion. Thus, even though Her motives may be to save innocent, unborn babies, when the Catholic Church attempts to influence the government, She is also attempting to make Her religious laws the laws of the state. She is attempting to force everyone to obey the laws of the Roman Catholic Church. It is this latter that is in violation of the law. Therefore, even if Caesar should legalize such actions as infanticide, murder, incest, rape, arson, pedophilia, euthanasia or any other heinous act, the Mother Church cannot oppose these laws. In order not to be guilty of violating even the most insignificant of laws, She must render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s. She must follow the example given to Her by Jesus Christ when He was being led away to His death. She must allow the godless of this world to crucify Her just as they crucified Her Creator. The only way the Roman Catholic Church can oppose ungodly laws is by staying within the church and praying that such be repealed. To do anything else is to violate the law. To do anything else is to remove a rock of truth from the wall built by Jesus Christ that separates Her from all evil and throw it into the abyss as though it were mere bric-a-brac. |