Humble me, when I forget my mortal self.

I stood looking at the low clouds on the horizon,
it passed over me like a ghost piercing my soul.
That lonely feeling of loss,
something missing,
making me think deeper than I'd wanted at this time.
Was it the smell of the fresh air,
the clouds drifting so silently and patiently toward the east?
Maybe, my unconsious desire to hear that voice again?
Within minutes my composure was regained.
Yes, a ghost of love lost wandered aimlessly across my path.
Seeking it's original host, pausing,
probing, then continuing on it's way.
I wasn't the originator of this lost love seeking home.
Mine still haunts the winds,
floating into one soul, seeking my heart.
I shall spend more time in the fresh air now.
Waiting for my ghost to find me.


I didn't have a chance.
Her heart wrapped mine completely,
smothering my logic, my reason, my will.
Soft arms, silky lips enfold me,
take me to the darkened and silent starry eve.
As if my breath were sucked from my soul,
she swept me beyond, to a new level.


A soft breath whispered in his ear,
hot, and full of promises of passion.
His heart fluttered again,
renewing that feeling of unchained passion to follow.
His mind no longer his... she controlled him.
No thought of tomorrow, or the next hour,
only of the moment, the need, the desire to be loved.
His thirsty lips met hers in eager searching need.
Rising pulses slowed and melted together.. one beat,
One rhythm, one together, evolving to a new height.
There is no moment like this,
there is no explanation,
it is bliss, pure, blind, and numbing.


To hold her close,
To smother the pain of love lost,
mistakes made and to be made yet.
It's ok my love.
Softly kissing away her salty tears,
giving only what I can from my mortal soul,
from my true embrace of care and concern.
I raise to the heavens above this soul's agony,
give it rest and reassurance of a more wondrous day,
of love yet to blossom in it's full beauty,
breathless passion and fullness of wonder to behold.
Take her heartbreak away,
Give it rest on the beauty of tomorrow.


Standing together... his arms encircled her waist,
hands slowly moving up her spine and pulling her gently to his burning chest,
lips touch lightly, and the fire that was love ignites!
Senses give way to total concentration on her touch next to him.
All else is lost to him.
She has captivated his very being,
Controlling his breathing, his heartbeat.
If you take my breath away now my love,
or take my heartbeat away too,
it will have been worth this golden moment of passion.


Disturbed by a nagging dream of work undone,
he got up and drank a glass of water to shake it.
Returning to the bedroom, his eyes beheld her lovely shape.
Sprawled on the bed, half uncovered,
her silky leg and side exposed.
A sight of peace and contentment lie before him.
His day busy with work and frets?
But what of hers?
Two children running rampant in a tiny place,
a temporary place til the house was available.
Hers was a hectic and stressful day each day.
Sleep well my princess, forgive me my feeble worries.
You deserve the dreams of a better tomorrow.
She is so beautiful.
Not perfect.
But a mother is beautiful, in their unselfish devotion.
And they are beautiful in our eyes,
IF... we stop to see that beauty.


Sweet lips part slowly and hesitating,
A slow soft touch, lingering and desiring more.
Not to rush, to push a love so sweet,
Not to spoil the moment in heated desire.
My love will last the time apart.
You are worth the wait, time cannot diminish my passion.
Yes, time will prove my love for you.


Should I forget, give me patience of a stone.
Should I remember, give me wisdom to decipher it.
Should I hurt, return that pain 10 fold.
Should I love, remind me of it's limits.


Page 1 of my Heart Page 2 of my Heart
Page 3 of my Heart Page 5 of my Heart