1. Name the four Hitchcock films that Cary Grant starred in.

  2. Name the four Hitchcock films that James Stewart starred in.

  3. What did Hitchcock die from?

  4. In what film does Hitchcock appear in a weight loss newspaper ad?

  5. Who starred as Fran in Hitchcock's last film?

  6. How many splices are in the famous shower scene in Psycho?

  7. How many years did it take to make The Birds?

  8. Currently a bed and breakfast at 17110 Bodega Lane in California, it once served as a __________ in Hitchcock's film ____________.

  9. Name the two people responsible for the 1996 restoration of Vertigo.

  10. What two actors in a Hitchcock film(s) also starred in Kubrick's Spartacus?

  11. Name the costume disigner for Vertigo.

  12. What did Hitchcock think was the "essense of suspense"?

  13. How did Hitchcock begin his film career in 1919?

  14. According to Hitcock's interview w/ F. Truffaut, why does he begin Psycho at 2:43 PM?


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