English 12 Assignments

Week 14

  1. Continue regular computer assignments of posting quality letters to Rezlife and improving your web site.
  2. Special assignment for Thursday in the Language Lab: In honor of National Poetry Week, you are to choose a favorite poem written by someone else and print it out. Go to either the Poetry Page or the Creative Writing Page to find your poem off the Internet. Print your name at the top of the paper to hand in.
  3. You will introduce the poem (relate it to yourself) and read it in front of the class next week.

Week 15

  1. Continue communicating via the Rezlife mailing list and creating improvements on your web site.
  2. Thursday you are to post your poem on either the bulletin board or to the Rezlife list for a graded assignment.

Week 16

  1. Today you will put a resumé on your web site.
    A. First go to an easy Resumé Bulder and fill it out. Be sure to list your computer skills: i.e. Microsoft Word, Internet, web page design with HTML, etc.
    B. Take your computer generated Resumé and "Copy" it from the "Edit" icon.
    C. Go to your Web Page editor and "Paste" your Resumé there on a new page. Add HTML coding to make the spacing right.
    D. Provide links to your Resumé page
  2. Continue working on your Rezlife email assignments and more development on your website.

Week 17

  1. Be sure to catch up on your Rezlife email postings today.
  2. Check your web site for the following minimum requirements:
    A. 4 Content pages: index, career/college page, resumé page, other page.
    B. Pages contain some original text.
    C. Pages contain some images.
    D. Your email address appears on your index page (minimum)
    E. Your HTML coding is appropriate
  3. Wednesday: It's time for a Tune Up at the Web Site Garage. It's user friendly, so take your pages in for advice on making them work better. Especially note the following: HTML design, Load time, and spelling. Revise your site so it will be more effective. Do NOT worry about the "Popularity" section.

Week 18

  1. First thing to do today is to complete an Internet survey for the class final exam. (*Note: your grade depends on how well you express your opinions and NOT what your opinion is). Click the highlighted Internet survey wording and follow directions:
    A. Click on Course Listing
    B. Click on "key" for EMC 321 course
    C. Use your email login name
    D. Use "warrior" for password
    E. Complete the survey questions with complete answers.
  2. Continue your regular computer assignments--eloquent postings to Rezlife list and continued improvement on your web site; be sure to catch up if behind and feel free to go way beyond the minimum if you're looking to earn B's or A's.
  3. For Thursday and Friday--for those who are caught up with their email and web pages, it's time to Publicize Your Web Site.
    A. First get to your email and create a signature at the bottom that contains your URL--that way, each email you send will be a mini promotion for your web site.
    B. Second, you need to get your site registered for the various Search Engines. Choose at least ONE of the following sites to help you do this
    • Free Promote Excellent resource and perhaps the main one you'll need to submit your "finished" site to Search Engines and Award Sites
    • Broadcaster This site will submit your web site to 200 sources
    • Submit-It Just as everyone comes to Rick's in Casablanca, every web site developer will come here sooner or later
    C. Third, consider joining a web ring to bring more people to your site who otherwise would never "surf" there.
    D. Fourth, post messages that refer to your web site to newsgroups and emailing lists (like Rezlife).
    E. There's other methods of promoting your web site. You can get more ideas from the following two sources:
    Whenever you have your work finished, feel free to cruise the site to check out films, poetry, etc. or check out

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    TCHS English Dept.


    Email me at janesbit1@rocketmail.com