October 22, 1999 - Friday
Another busy day. I had five classes plus my area coordinators hour. I did counselling today in one of my classes, plus I level checked one of Hitomi's students.

What's the saying about the more I do, the behinder I get?

My cold is much better today. I didn't take any medicine today. Yay.

A pretty boring day again, for you, the reader. Sorry. I'd like to be able to write about my scintillating love life, or my exciting travels but the sad truth is that it just isn't happening to me!

Something goofy today-I made cheese toast this morning and then left for work without eating it.

On the way to work, I stopped at the grocery store and bought a couple of onigiri's for breakfast. At the checkout, what did I see? Dare Cookies from Canada! It was cool. Although they had 3 kinds, I bought 1 package of French Creams for the school. It was so cool to see something in French and English again. It really made my day.

And, I went out for lunch to the place in Marica. I had Chicken Tatsuta. It was great. Yum.

Thus reporteth I. Until the morrow.....

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