The Sabbat Rituals
for the Southern Hemisphere
There are eight Witches Sabbats, held roughly six weeks apart. It's important to remember that the Sabbats follow the seasons rather than a date, and so, in the Southern Hemisphere they are opposite to the Northern Hemisphere. Wicca and other Pagan religions are earth-based, nature religions, and so it would be bizarre for a person in Australia to celebrate Yule at the height of summer, in December. Here are the dates for the eight Sabbats in the Southern Hemisphere. Click on them, to go to my ritual for the Sabbat. A new ritual will appear after each Sabbat.
The Eight Sabbat
Rituals for the Southern Hemisphere
Yule (Midwinter Solstice) 22nd or 23rd June |
Imbolc (The first stirring of Spring) August 2nd |
Eostre, or Ostara (Spring Equinox) 23rd or 24th September) |
Beltane, Bealtaine (Beginning of Summer) 30th November |
Litha or Midsummer (Summer Solstice) 22nd or 23rd December |
Lammas, Lughnasadh or Bron Trogain (Summer's End) February 1st |
Mabon (Autumn Equinox) March 21st or 22nd |
Samhein (Beginning of Winter) April 30th |
There is a brief explanation of the
Sabbat with each Ritual
Go to the Wiccaweb for The Wheel of the Year for
more detailed explanations.
You might want to see the page about Ritual Structure
before viewing the rituals.
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This page is Copyright Lilitu Babalon, 1999
I'll give you permission to reproduce anything on my page if you ask, provided it is mine.
However, if I find you plagiarising, well.....