Ritual Structure

Here is a very rudimentary outline of the ritual structure we utilise in our group. It comes from the Church of All Worlds. I personally like to share the work around, and so I have given some indication of what happens when I am the person conducting the ritual. Of course, in our group which is fairly eclectic, it will differ from person to person. I like the idea of sharing the "power", if you like, because I believe it is the best way to learn. I am far from a traditionalist in my point of view, so please bear this in mind as you are reading my outline. After you have looked through this ritual structure, go here for a generic ritual.

The Structure of the Ritual

(Preparation, including individual bathing 'with intent to purify')
Everyone should do this - bathing or showering is quite acceptable, in your home, in the river or sea - wherever you like, provided you are bathing with the intention of cleansing and purifying for a ritual.

This is usually conducted by the High Priestess (HPS) and High Priest (HP). It includes such things as consecrating salt, water and incense, purifying the space and preparing the circle for the participants in the ritual. Usually the rest of the people are welcomed into the circle after the banishing has taken place, although I did work in a group for a while where each person was encouraged to conduct part of the banishing. (One person would consecrate the salt, another would sweep out, another asperge and so on...)

This is performed by the HPS and HP. The HPS welcomes each man and boy to the circle and the HP welcomes each woman and girl. Anointing with oil takes place and a welcome is made.

Introduction & Statement of Purpose
The HPS (usually) will welcome everyone, introduce the ritual, its meaning and then declare the purpose of the ritual (for example, healing the planet, creating unity in the group, formalising a coven and so on).

Grounding Visualisation
The grounding visualisation aims to bring each person closer to the earth and sky and to each other - at least this is how I see it. The purpose of grounding is to also bring a solid foundation to the working, to bring everyone in touch with the energies they will be working with in the ritual.

Water Sharing
This ritual signifies a bond of shared principles and tribal community, a momentary sip from the chalice that represents the Goddess, whom we all honour and adore. In drinking water, we are drinking from the magical law of "perfect love and perfect trust". This means that even with people we don't know, we behave in a way that would not betray this law. We agree to be excellent to each other.

Casting Circle
The circle is cast by the HPS. In the generic ritual there are a number of circle casting chants that I use. The purpose of casting a circle is to define sacred space, and to create a protected space, where the ritual, magick, the working can be performed.

Calling Quarters
The four quarters - the four elemental quarter - are called to guard the circle and witness the rites. There are a number of definitions of the four quarter entities. They are variously called Guardians of the Watchtowers, Lords of the Watchtowers, Guardian Spirits. I have seen several others used as well. Whatever you call them, they are there for protection and to add their power to the working. In our group, each quarter is called by a different person, although the Earth quarter is always called by the HPS. In more traditional covens, the HPS will call each quarter.

Thanking the Ancestors of the Land
At this point, because we are on Aboriginal land, we give thanks to the ancestor spirits. Usually the HPS will say this, or it will be given to a group member to say.

Invoking Deity
The invocations of the Goddess and the God. Generally the Goddess is invoked into the HPS by the HP and the God into the HP by the HPS.

Working and power raising
This will differ from ritual to ritual. There are a number of ways to raise the energy, the cone of power and so on, including chanting, dancing, fire leaping, drumming. use whatever is most appropriate for the ritual purpose.

Consecration and Communion of Sacraments
The blessing of the wine and cakes, sharing of the wine and cakes by everyone in the circle. (Our group prefers mead, but you can also use fruit juice.) The consecration of the wine is symbolic of the Great Rite, or sexual union of the Goddess and God or female and male principles. The consecration of the cake is to give thanks for the food we eat.

Discussion, Sharing, Music
This is the part where, still in the circle, we talk, laugh, tell stories, sing songs, play music, tell jokes and generally have a good time.-

Thanks and Dismissal of Deity and Elements: In reverse order of invocation
We thank the Goddess and God for their presence, dismiss the four quarters. This will generally be done by the HP and HPS (God and Goddess) and whoever called the quarters.

Opening the Circle
The circle is taken down by the HPS.

OK, that's the ritual structure we use when we work as a group. Now go and have a look at my generic ritual. Feel free to use it if you like. However, if you perform any ritual in a public place, or place it in your own BoS, please make a note of where it came from. If you want to talk about any part of my BoS&L with me, please e-mail me. I would enjoy discussing it with you.

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