Welcome to the Iberoamerican Association of Aerospace Medicine's home page.  The Association is a non-profit group of Aviation Medicine practitioners dedicated to the advancement of aviation and space medicine in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. Our members are primarily aviation medicine physicians actively engaged in the practice of Aerospace Medicine; however, we welcome anyone with an interest in aviation.


The Association's members reside in Spain, Portugal, the United States, and Latin America, including the Caribbean. Like our specialty of Aerospace Medicine, our members are diverse, energetic, and far reaching. We encourage active participation in our organization by any individual who shares our enthusiasm for the exciting field of aviation and space medicine.

Aerospace Medicine is that discipline of Preventive Medicine which involves the study of physiologic, psychologic, medical, and environmental factors affecting humans as we adapt to the conditions of flight imposed by aviation and space travel.  Latin countries, both in the Americas and Europe, have been actively involved in aviation almost since its inception.  It was logical that a cadre of aviation medicine professionals developed early on in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries to serve the needs of the expanding aviation activities.  The advent of space travel increased dramatically the scope of our aviation medicine specialty.  As with aviation, Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking astronauts and physicians have been there to help open the new frontier.

The Iberoamerican Association of Aerospace Medicine arose to serve the needs of these Aerospace Medicine professionals.  It was chartered in November 10, 1976 in Mexico City as a civil, non-profit, professional organization dedicated to:

the advancement of Aerospace Medicine by promoting and encouraging participation by all professionals involved in this field;
promoting safety in flight through Aerospace Medicine activities;
promoting Aerospace Medicine research, teaching, and scientific exchange between members and among other disciplines, both medical and technical; and
increasing cultural interchange between members.

We hope you find our home page of interest.  If we can answer any questions, please contact the Association by:

E-MAIL:  Dr. Eduard Ricaurte  or Dra. Estrella Forster

Nueva Edicion del Boletin

Some of the links below are to pages in Spanish(**); Páginas en Español (**)

OFFICERS (Mesa directiva)  
LIST OF MEMBERS BY COUNTRY (Miembros por pais)
MEETING MINUTES** (Actas de las asambleas)  
BY-LAWS (Estatutos de la Asociacion)**   
PHOTOS (Fotos)
EVENTS (Eventos)
LINKS (Enlaces a otras páginas)
NEWSLETTER** (Boletín) 
NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE** (Archivo del Boletín)
AEROSPACE MEDICINE ASSOCIATIONS and TRAINING PROGRAMS** (Organizaciones y  programas de entrenamiento en medicina aeroespacial)

      This home page was created and is maintained by Dr. G. J. Salazar.  

      Most recent revision: December 12, 2007.


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